Tuesday 1 April 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-We made a decision!

Well that was worthy of a headline as Dave and I are not known for our planning unless we are leading a Tour. We tend to go wherever the road takes us.
We have stayed the last two summers here and to be honest its not been good. We were very undecided about this summer but when the advert came out in Spanish that " kids go free' it more or less sealed the deal for us that we would go. Its not that I dislike kids, quite the opposite but there simply isn't the infrastructure in place to cope. There is only the one very large outdoor pool and it was standing room only as they sell day passes as well!
Since the site opened on C block it was always intended for campers who stay 3 months or more and the Spanish mainly camped on A block. They were put up sun shades at no extra cost. I hate to be racist but its a fact that the Spanish camping culture is so different from the rest of Europe. They tend to party until the early hours with children, have siestas etc and they are incredibly noisey. With the change in management all these things have altered. Overnighters are in the midst of long termers...things are going missing, bikes stolen etc etc. Its so easy for them to do! Suddenly after five months we have to lock things up. We are awoken at the crack of dawn by them moving off but worse still....the Spanish are just about our neighbours now! There are five caravans that are set up for the summer by the looks of it. Generally they set up and get a special deal to only come at weekends when they go wild! Hmmm our hands have been forced. It feels like we are being driven off!
Over a bottle of wine last night we sat and decided what do we want from a campsite in summer? Somewhere to put the caravan with electrics. Preferably with or near a swimming pool that you can actually use and in an ideal world near the sea....kerrching! Brainwave! From camping at a 4 star campsite we are going to a little municipal in France! 10 euros a night. No yapping dogs, very few overnighters, security, overlooking sunflower fields, next door to an outdoor swimming pool and within 10 minute drive of loads of beaches! What were we thinking of coming here for summer?! If Spain really wants to compete it is going to have to give us a good reason to come all the way down here! I did want to re visit the Czech republic but when you think about what we really want France in summer ticks all the right boxes.Next week its adios Marjal and see you in October. Now we be finally made a decision I'm quite looking forward to it! Will I miss the spa? No as I was never able to get in it! Maybe we are paying for a lot of facilities we don't or can't use?! When you analize what you do actually need with a modern caravan-the answer is " very little!" I have heard people saying " the French are dirty and rude'. I can only speak as I have found and they have always been lovely to us and certainly not dirty so no more "Hola' and practice my "Bonjour'. Now that should be fun again. When I try to speak French in Spain with my French friends I put the odd Spanish word in! Oh blooming heck my brain is already confused.com!
Today its off to that horrible camping shop Cruz in Elche. About 6 months ago I had two chairs sent out from Tow sure. They were in a sale..two for seventy pounds...you know what they say about buying cheap?! They look lovely but the ar@e has fallen out of one already! I suppose Dave does give them a lot of hammer when he's doing his suduko! Well I can't have a new caravan and awning and odd chairs can I?! I shall just have to buy two matching ones! Mrs Bouquet eat your heart out! Prepare to be stung as nothing at Cruz is cheap!
I had to have a drink last night to celebrate. The fact that my sewing machines have gone away! I love sewing but sometimes you even need a break from that so instead of camping with a sewing machine its " pack the kayack!" Poor old Dave is married to a lass that's still a big kid and needs her toys ( what dirty minds you have!)
Well its lovely and sunny here for a change ( not!) Its nearly always sunny. Time to get dressed and get to Cruz as if I left Dave in bed by the time he got up they would be back in siesta mode!
Got to get organised..adios amigos and shortly Bonjour mes armies! ( oh bloody auto correct!) Hello my armies! Lol Have a good day!

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