Saturday 5 April 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-what a 48 hours!

I seem to think that I last blogged in the middle of the surprisingly high winds that weren't forecast. Well my little awning did manage for a time but then its main support ( the awning rail of the actual awning began to loose strength. Rather than losing the entire thing with the help of our lovely neighbours it was quickly taken down and we were confined to barracks in the caravan.
When Dave had got up that morning he was even uglier than normal and had a slight swelling to his face. Being the caring sympathetic type ( not!) I had taken him to the chemist and bought anti biotics over the counter as he had either been bitten in his sleep ( not by me!) Or he had an abscess.Ahh well husband broken, awning broken..shit happens!
O dear he got up this morning and I am living with the elephant man! Really,really ugly! Lumps on his jaw and up to his eye. Even his mouth was bigger than normal. No messing, straight to the private hospital at Elche IMED. It advertises and prides itself on speaking english.....well not on a bloody weekend they don't! Admittedly the receptionist did but that was it. The nurse confirmed an absess and prescribed more antibiotics and pain killers. 95 euros for the pleasure of seeing a nurse?! I should have charged her for me translating!
Anyhow I don't think that she liked Dave as the pain killers have just knocked him out. He's slept all day and that's even with the noise Spanish around. If this is a 'warm up' of things to come I'm really pleased not to be staying here this summer. Hell on earth!
So my playmate was broken. I didn't have an awning to even bloody sit in! I went to my mums to examine my damaged awning and I quickly repaired it. I can't believe that it was ever going to hold. The main awning rail hadn't been sewn on but glued! I ask you all that pressure and with the heat?! Derrr! The sewing machine came out again and I can now confirm its sewn on good and proper. I just wish it was as easy to repair the old man! We were supposed to be leaving here on Monday but I think we ought to get the old man fixed first. Fortunately we had allowed ourselves plenty of time and I could do the drive in two days if I had to.
I was so bored that I even washed the car! Yep that is bored. As usual there was a queue. It got me thinking again as people are still complaining about the price hike and lack of facilities particularly on D block. The campsite has bays for 4 car washes/motorhome service points. Why is only one operational?! OK so the vast majority on here are either cars or motorhomes. There have been approx 1200 units here using the one facility! Come on how much does another length of hosepipe cost?! That's all that's missing to have them all open! Why was I cleaning my car there? The campsite advertises that it has a car wash!  A little useless information coming up here...have you ever wondered why you never seen the Spanish cleaning their cars in the street or even on their own driveways? Its because its illegal! Yep crazy but true. Now tell me that this isn't an educational blog!
Well they say that things come in threes don't they?! Some silly bath cube repaired the monstrosity of that fence opposite and stood laughing!
Don't worry Mike I've had a word with your neighbours and you should see what they re building! 
Ahh well tomorrows another day. I've got to make the front bed up as I all be dammed if I'm sleeping with elephant man...hmmm I wonder....trunk?! No cold drink and bed.....sweet dreams folks!

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