Sunday 13 April 2014

Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-How to empty a campsite!

In a very easy lesson. Put a load of Spanish young families in the midst of retired long term Europeans! We were looking forward to moving but I am literally counting the hours now! When this place was being built it was always going to be that the Spanish were kept separate from other campers. I know this sounds very racist but its a simple fact that their culture is so different from the rest of us. Large successful campsites like Vilanova always put the Spanish together for this very reason.
Yesterday afternoon was hell on earth. A caravan 5 rows back was playine music! Boom boom boom! Accompanying the noise was their Yorkshire terrier! Although giving us a headache we didn't complain, we left it to the Germans. Control was sent round and they yelled at him but eventually turned it down slightly. They are pitched right outside the toilet block and see it as their own kitchen and a children's playground! Consequently there is no toilet paper or paper hand drying towels! I am not blaming them but all winter even when the site was full we always had both so maybe someone is stealing them?! I know this maybe sounds far fetched but the first year this place was open when the Spanish came all the sink plus went missing. Last year it was a constant battle for shower heads! Yes they were stolen too! Unfortunately from having spent two summers here if it isn't nailed down it will go walking so why should toilet paper be any different?! My god you must either be desperate or have a screw loose!
So to try and maintain some sort of vague sanity we are going to the market ( for a change) and then the final pack up before we start wandering. Is there such a word There is now. I'm so nervously excited. We have made the right decision to spend summer in France if this is just the warm up for what's to come in the summer! The other summers here were bearable ( just) but this year whilst they are camping amongst us..?! No way!
Its lovely and hot and the forecast is good for one of my favourite campsites near Madrid. Its at Rudiera and is called Los Batanes. So quiet and so away from it all. Yes its Spanish and there are Spanish there I do not recollect any going as wild as they do here and at the other Marjal.Why I have no idea. Maybe its the lack of rules?
Oh I went on Friday to cafe Uno in Catral and that is really " off the boil' The service was poor and the take away fish and Chips nowhere near as good as they used to be. Let's hope it was a temporary blip.
Its interesting how many Europeans are voting with their feet...this really is a campsite with two personalities. C Block toilet tonight is a 'no go' area. Its certainly not 4 star camping. I don't know how they expect Brits or any other nationality to pay 30 to 40 pounds a night for this in summer. All I can say is thank heavens I'm not the cleaner!
Oh they are opening a chemist on site. Its a really good idea and handy even just for sun creams etc I'm just wondering as the noise escalates do you think they will also sell ear plugs?! One more sleep. If I don't get chance to say goodbye in person its nothing personal. I hope you all have a good summer and look forward to seeing you in October xx

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