Friday 2 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour Day 11 Is this the best campsite?!

I really don't know! They have all been so stunning! This has always been one of my favourites Las Lomas. Paco the owner is just incredible. We left Los Batanes yesterday and arrived here yesterday afternoon. The roads were very busy due to it being a Spanish holiday but the journey here was well worth it. We were greeted by a lovely meal on the terrace. Is this the best dining room in the world?

The wonderful thing is that the food was equally terrific.
We were all up early this morning as the group is going to the Alhambra Palace. We have been five times before so we are doing the shopping for the entire group. Who has who trained?! 
Beforehand I grabbed this pic of our co hosts doing a really good impression of ' Mr and Mrs Bouquet' It looks as though Anne behind is doing their washing!

Maybe we can get these Tours running correctly after all!
Well there is still snow on the mountains and ski ingcontinues until next Sunday here. Its hard to imagine as I'm sweltering in 27degrees sunshine ( don't feel too sorry for me!) The site is just beautiful. There is no other word for it.

Absolutely everything on this Tour has been first class. I took a pic of the bus that came to take the group to the Alhambra and as usual..first class! 

If this Tour isn't the " Highlights of Spain Tour' I don't know what is! Tomorrow its Granada City and a flamenco show in the evening...oh no..more food! Roll me back to England! 
Now oh no shopping...guess what for? Food! Where are we putting it?! Its a tough life!

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