Tuesday 15 April 2014

Break out from Marjal Costa Blanca arrived in Paradise!

Yes it just proves that you should never put all your eggs in one basket. I really don't know what's going on at Marjal I'm so glad to be away. Loyalty stands for absolutely nothing. Its all about getting the place full and earning a quick buck.
Last month my mum was informed that she was in debt for over 1000 euros since last September even though she had paid every month. I pay as regular as clockwork also. I wasfloored when I was told that I owed over 700 euros. I started to argue. They were going to back date some pay rise since September that I must pay?!; I argued for half an hour and it then came down to 72 euros ( not much difference) I was anxious just to get away and paid thinking I will follows this up with an e mail when the receptionist said " what about the gas bottle? Shall I leave it on file?" Leave it on file stick it where you like. I've always had three gas bottles and they didn't come from you!" Away ..escape!
Dave's appointment was at 11.30 and we hooked up and left by 12.30. The first hour of the journey was so boring but then it began to get like Scotland with sunshine and without the mossies. The journey soon passed and we arrived at Los Batanes in Rudiera. This place is just superb. Its so Spanish. We are the only Brits on here in fact everyone is Spanish with the exception of one other French unit. The only noise that we can hear is the sound of waterfalls and the birds:-)  in the trees. Its so rustic and quirky but amazingly,spotlessly clean at ALL times unlike Marjal. Its just a shame that this place doesn't get the sunny climate all year round as its a non brainer...look at the pics..sorry I really loved the waterfalls and there are so many..!

The copy red phone box outside the bar

The approach road to the campsite.
Yep there is no jacuzzi etc but when we went for a walk today ( yes you read that right WE went for a walk! It should have been 4 kms but Dave was in charge of directions and my legs tell me it was more like 6! Guess what we saw?..more waterfalls and lakes!

Honestly its really hard to believe that you are in Spain its so green! We have had a real chill out. We move tomorrow to north of Madrid A new campsite to us that comes recommended. At the moment I would give Marjal a wide birth. They can't even get the bills right. Like a Muppet I paid the alleged back payment from September and then realised I wasn't even in the Country. I was in Hungary! A suitable e mail to them but I have to be honest and say if it wasn't for friends and family there I would not be returning. Sad to say but its lost its way. The camp site here may only be second class but the fellow campers and cleanliness is first class. I would highly recommend this campsite and area. I will be sorry to leave!

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