Sunday 20 April 2014

Welcome to Rioja! Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour

Well I don't think that this is what anyone was imagining...rain! I don't mean Spanish rain, like a little shower but from what I can remember its like English rain! Urgggh!
We had a good drive up yesterday from Monte Holiday near Madrid in glorious sunshine with the Air Con on. It was great to pull in at Camping Navarette to be greeted by Silvia in reception. Such a lovely person who has a mother that is Beetle crazy and recently been to Liverpool and Manchester. They are in love with the UK! I think she fibbed when she said that they saw sun in Liverpool though! She is so full of life she is lovely. She says that she now gets a lot of British campers and she loves them too. Maybe she needs psychiatric help?! No. Only joking. The site is family run and thanks to that it has a lovely  feel to it. Its very handy to stop and top up with vino in route to the Spanish/UK ferries.
So as its easter we thought we had better stock up with shopping. What a shopping centre. The biggest that I have been to in Spain. Such a shame that I really only wanted food and I had David with me! Bloody typical! Its called 'the Rioja Centre' and is in Logrono which is about 7 or 8 miles away. When I was looking for something in the supermarket and struggling with my Spanish I was asked " do you speak French?!" Yes! I soon found the coleslaw! You forget how close you are to France. Can you imagine asking someone in Tesco if they spoke Spanish or French-you would be lucky if they spoke english! That's not meant to be racist but in particular a broad accent I find difficult and I'm UK born and bred.
The bargain of the! I bought a bottle of Rioja in a restaurant at Peniscola for 13 euros..I know me being reckless likje that. A Yorkshire Lassie with Scottish blood but worth every penny or cent...two euros on El Camp supermarket! I really hope its as good as I remember.
We got in and it started to rain and rain and rain all through the night which kept waking us up. The caravan is just over six months old and its one of the few occasions that I've washed it and the first time its seen rain like that.
Well this is the second time that we have hosted the Highlights of Spain Tour. Each time we are supposed to kick it off with a barbecue ( yes the Caravan Club expect me to cook?!) Its a great idea as an ice breaker but on each occasion we have had to think of something else because it has rained! This year doesn't look like being an exception! It must be this area. I guess they need it for the grapes. There's no pics of vineyards as I'm not going out to get wet! Use your imagination!
Today we meet our Co Hosts. That will be great to have some help. Its unusual as we have more motor homers than we do caravanners. Normally I ask them to team up for shopping trips etc but thus year some will have to finish up walking or taking it in turns! Some of the located campsites are pretty remote and have been chosen for their locations and cleanliness over facilities. We will just have to see how it turns out and they will have to stock up along the way. Our Co Hosts are Motor homers too so that doesn't help! I hope I'm worrying unduly or it could be one hell of a diet they re on!
Well its actually stopped raining and I need the loo ( too much information?!) If you be got the sunshine please enjoy it now where's my umbrella and wine?!

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