Tuesday 22 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour 2014

Well I can't believe that today is the start of the Tour. We had a great time last year when we did this the first time round. We met out Co Hosts Richard and Ann who seem very experienced and chilled so its off to a promising start. The only problem so far is the weather. The same thing happened last year. There's rain forecast so we are going off the itinerary already! Eeks! We have managed to organise a paella so that should be a good introduction to the Spanish Culture.
We were only supposed to get one unit arriving yesterday but we got four. So far they all seem a really good crowd. The majority are northerners and caraavanners but I think that may change today when the other 12 units arrive.
Last night it would have been rude to have left them sitting in the caravans so we went to thge bar for a pre tour warm up. It took me all of two minutes to corrupt one of them who told me that they didn't like Rioja wine. 'Have you tried the white. Its fan?" Within two minutes she was on to her second glass! Her hubby insists its the most she's drank all year! Corruption number one! It was a great night.
The sun is shining at the moment and its lovely. The lull before the stoirm when the others arrive?! More of the same fun people please?!

Oops this pic just slipped in here...well what else is there to do in Spain on an  rainy easter Sunday?!
Please not its beaker of tea and not wine! 

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