Thursday 24 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour. Camping Monte Holiday

Wow Its all go!  I can't believe its only day 4 we seem to have crammed that much in already. Although the weather is not being kind to us at the moment it certainly hasn't dampened this groups spirits. We were first away yesterday from Navarette to Monte and wow the weather was bad. There was a cloud burst on the top of a mountain and visibility was really bad. Arriving here made the journey all worthwhile. Everyone got here in one piece. The only casualty was a boot box on the back of a small motorhome. A tree got in the way so its now air conditioned! A meal was provided in the restaurant and it really was the best of Spanish cuisine. The campsite here are so efficient and friendly. Before the meal the manager came and welcomed us as we are the first group that they have ever had visit here. That's quite amazing as its beautiful and quite a find by the Club. I have to say that it was one of the best meals that I have had in Spain in all this time.
It was very windy during the night and most of us are up at the crack of dawn. I don't know whether its the weather that is to blame or the excitement of going to Madrid with quite an action packed day, including meals again. There's no more rain forecasted and its fairly cool so it maybe ideal for sightseeing.
Its difficult to believe that last week it was 27 degrees here and today its struggling to get to 17!
My pics as usual don't flatter the restaurant. Well busy,busy We've got a coach to meet at 9 am. Adios amigos be prepared for numerous pics of Madrid Palace..I just love that place. It makes Buckingham Palace look like a Council bedsit! Have a good one!

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