Friday 25 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights if Spain Tour It just gets better! doesn't come into this Tour and excellent service and standards. Wow! We met our coach at 9 am this morning. A member of Montes staff was waiting for us and handed us all little bags with bottles of water and sweets in plus a detailed itinerary, maps etc etc. Our work had been done for us! We picked up one if the best Tour guides that I have ever met. Informative with a great sense of humour. Initially we had a drive through Madrid where all the landmarks were pointed out to us and then a coffee break at the Real Madrid's Stadium. I'm not a football fan but I have to say it was impresssive-as was the price of two coffees-6 euros!

OK so I guess they have to find those poor footballers wages from somewhere!
Next we saw the bullring. This is one of the few that still has fights in there. I prefer the Valencia one but nevertheless impressive

Now I saw loads of blooming statutes and I think that this is where the Team Real Madrid go to celebrate when they are seen celebrating when they win a big title
But there again ...I could have got it all wrong!
Oh no....lunch provided again at a lovely restaurant complete with free wine! It was a traditional Madrid dish but please don't ask me what it was-a bit of everything I think! Yummy and filling but even I had to leave some of the wine!
The restaurant was lovely but you could easily have thought you were in france-very Art Deco. Then a shopping break and I met some tramps purporting to be caravan club members!
And finally off to Madrid Palace
It really does show Buckingham Palace up! We arrived back at 7.30 pm and my legs feel like lead! What's worrying me is that we get the coach at 8.30 tomorrow-Segovia here we come! This Tour is more like a cruise ship itinerary complete with your own caravan! They seem a great crowd and I'm really looking forward to it. We may give them a day or two off for good behaviour and then next site here we come!

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