Wednesday 30 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour Day 9

We all arrived safely yesterday at an old favourite site of mine Los Batanes. The weather didn't let us down..dare I say its too hot! We had a lovely welcome drink with tapas and then...oh no more wine and food.
Today we went for an 8k walk. No I haven't lost my way but this really is a walk with a difference

There was only one or two hills to climb but it was worth it
Oh yes the views were stunning but look at our guide Antonio-Im in love!
The next big hill/mountain enabled us to look down on the campsite

Oh yes wild peon is ( if that's how you spell it ) pretty flowers to the likes of me!
As I've said I'm not into walking but I just could be with these views and particularly with Antonio! Its not good for an old girls blood pressure so tomorrow its off to Las Lomax in Granada. Its my turn to go first so I'd better stick to tea tonight...don't worry I'm sure I will make up for it at our planned meal tomorrow! 

Monday 28 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-wow just love this place!

Well I liked Monte Holiday in any event but it just keeps getting better and if ever anyone wants to escape from the intense heat or is looking for a night halt this is definitely the place.
We met with Antonio the manager yesterday and he is fluent in english. He was keen to tell us more about the site and show us round. What I didn't realise is that everything is eco powered by wood chip. He cut his energy bill from 65 000 euros to 17000 per year and that includes heating the poool! They have won two recent awards from Alan Rogers. The boiler even feeds itself ( why can't we have hubbies like that?!) Well I'm not a green person but even I was impressed. Its like a central heating for the entire campsite.
OK so that's as technical as I get. He then wanted to show us his new 54 deluxe pitches that will be open in six weeks time. 120 sq metres as standard with water,drainage etc but omg the views!
Now I'd already been blown away by this place but then I was shown a prototype of....

Omg I so need to stay here. Waking up to this view
It has its own balcony and is thatched so it is sound proofed and insulated. It sleeps 4 and has its own bathroom and basic cooking facilities! Amazing! They have more planned.
From seeing all this we were almost late for our get together!

And then it was one hell of a dash as we were eating out ( again!)
This meal in the restaurant was not in the itinary but we got together and came up with a Special menu just for us. It was a tapas meal to try a bit of everything and oh drinks! 
The next tour that we are hosting is in France. The Champagne Tour. I think it should be with Alcohol Anonymous! On the move again today..Los Batanes here we come!

Sunday 27 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-phew a day off!

Yes a day off? Its been such a hard tour so far going to all these places and eating and drinking so much! This site really has pulled out all the stops to welcome us. The weather has not been so kind though which has been ideal for wandering around places. Today is a washing day etc and its glorious sunshine-just perfect and lunch is booked in the superb on site restaurant. Well if anyone thinks that I'm cooking after the way we have been pampered they can think again!
Yesterday our coach arrived at 0830 to take us to Segovia. After checking all the rain was going to be a good day...never believe the internet! The campsite provided us all with our 'goody bag' again but hey presto they even had spare waterproof pack a macs!
Segovia has a very impressive aqueduct which we saw from the bus!
Then it was off to the Royal Castle. It is so pretty on a nice day. It is said that this is where Walt Disney got his inspiration from for the Disney Castles. There is certainly a resemblance
Some of the views from within this fairytale castle were also amazing
And then..oh no..more lovely food to try in a superb restaurant! The first course was typical bean stew but look at the size of the blooming beans! This was followed by suckling pig a dessert and of course complimentary wine!
As you can see it was really hard work! Even the blue water bottles were lovely!
Oh another lovely touch provided by the campsite on both days were individual damp cloths to clean our hands before eating! Yes they had thought of everything!
From there it was to another Royal Palace where it was a tapestry museum but the gardens were amazing-well I imagine that they would be if the sun was shining!
The views all around were stunning even in the rain!
We arrived back at the campsite at 7.30 pm all totally cream crackered. They had put really good entertainment on in the bat but I'm sorry to say that I let the side down and party pooped! Yes me! I must be I'll?! Tomorrow is a day off...all it means is chance to have a muck out before off we go again! I can't believe a week of this Tour has gone already-just bring on the sunshine please!

Friday 25 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights if Spain Tour It just gets better! doesn't come into this Tour and excellent service and standards. Wow! We met our coach at 9 am this morning. A member of Montes staff was waiting for us and handed us all little bags with bottles of water and sweets in plus a detailed itinerary, maps etc etc. Our work had been done for us! We picked up one if the best Tour guides that I have ever met. Informative with a great sense of humour. Initially we had a drive through Madrid where all the landmarks were pointed out to us and then a coffee break at the Real Madrid's Stadium. I'm not a football fan but I have to say it was impresssive-as was the price of two coffees-6 euros!

OK so I guess they have to find those poor footballers wages from somewhere!
Next we saw the bullring. This is one of the few that still has fights in there. I prefer the Valencia one but nevertheless impressive

Now I saw loads of blooming statutes and I think that this is where the Team Real Madrid go to celebrate when they are seen celebrating when they win a big title
But there again ...I could have got it all wrong!
Oh no....lunch provided again at a lovely restaurant complete with free wine! It was a traditional Madrid dish but please don't ask me what it was-a bit of everything I think! Yummy and filling but even I had to leave some of the wine!
The restaurant was lovely but you could easily have thought you were in france-very Art Deco. Then a shopping break and I met some tramps purporting to be caravan club members!
And finally off to Madrid Palace
It really does show Buckingham Palace up! We arrived back at 7.30 pm and my legs feel like lead! What's worrying me is that we get the coach at 8.30 tomorrow-Segovia here we come! This Tour is more like a cruise ship itinerary complete with your own caravan! They seem a great crowd and I'm really looking forward to it. We may give them a day or two off for good behaviour and then next site here we come!

Thursday 24 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour. Camping Monte Holiday

Wow Its all go!  I can't believe its only day 4 we seem to have crammed that much in already. Although the weather is not being kind to us at the moment it certainly hasn't dampened this groups spirits. We were first away yesterday from Navarette to Monte and wow the weather was bad. There was a cloud burst on the top of a mountain and visibility was really bad. Arriving here made the journey all worthwhile. Everyone got here in one piece. The only casualty was a boot box on the back of a small motorhome. A tree got in the way so its now air conditioned! A meal was provided in the restaurant and it really was the best of Spanish cuisine. The campsite here are so efficient and friendly. Before the meal the manager came and welcomed us as we are the first group that they have ever had visit here. That's quite amazing as its beautiful and quite a find by the Club. I have to say that it was one of the best meals that I have had in Spain in all this time.
It was very windy during the night and most of us are up at the crack of dawn. I don't know whether its the weather that is to blame or the excitement of going to Madrid with quite an action packed day, including meals again. There's no more rain forecasted and its fairly cool so it maybe ideal for sightseeing.
Its difficult to believe that last week it was 27 degrees here and today its struggling to get to 17!
My pics as usual don't flatter the restaurant. Well busy,busy We've got a coach to meet at 9 am. Adios amigos be prepared for numerous pics of Madrid Palace..I just love that place. It makes Buckingham Palace look like a Council bedsit! Have a good one!

Tuesday 22 April 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour 2014

Well I can't believe that today is the start of the Tour. We had a great time last year when we did this the first time round. We met out Co Hosts Richard and Ann who seem very experienced and chilled so its off to a promising start. The only problem so far is the weather. The same thing happened last year. There's rain forecast so we are going off the itinerary already! Eeks! We have managed to organise a paella so that should be a good introduction to the Spanish Culture.
We were only supposed to get one unit arriving yesterday but we got four. So far they all seem a really good crowd. The majority are northerners and caraavanners but I think that may change today when the other 12 units arrive.
Last night it would have been rude to have left them sitting in the caravans so we went to thge bar for a pre tour warm up. It took me all of two minutes to corrupt one of them who told me that they didn't like Rioja wine. 'Have you tried the white. Its fan?" Within two minutes she was on to her second glass! Her hubby insists its the most she's drank all year! Corruption number one! It was a great night.
The sun is shining at the moment and its lovely. The lull before the stoirm when the others arrive?! More of the same fun people please?!

Oops this pic just slipped in here...well what else is there to do in Spain on an  rainy easter Sunday?!
Please not its beaker of tea and not wine! 

Sunday 20 April 2014

Welcome to Rioja! Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour

Well I don't think that this is what anyone was imagining...rain! I don't mean Spanish rain, like a little shower but from what I can remember its like English rain! Urgggh!
We had a good drive up yesterday from Monte Holiday near Madrid in glorious sunshine with the Air Con on. It was great to pull in at Camping Navarette to be greeted by Silvia in reception. Such a lovely person who has a mother that is Beetle crazy and recently been to Liverpool and Manchester. They are in love with the UK! I think she fibbed when she said that they saw sun in Liverpool though! She is so full of life she is lovely. She says that she now gets a lot of British campers and she loves them too. Maybe she needs psychiatric help?! No. Only joking. The site is family run and thanks to that it has a lovely  feel to it. Its very handy to stop and top up with vino in route to the Spanish/UK ferries.
So as its easter we thought we had better stock up with shopping. What a shopping centre. The biggest that I have been to in Spain. Such a shame that I really only wanted food and I had David with me! Bloody typical! Its called 'the Rioja Centre' and is in Logrono which is about 7 or 8 miles away. When I was looking for something in the supermarket and struggling with my Spanish I was asked " do you speak French?!" Yes! I soon found the coleslaw! You forget how close you are to France. Can you imagine asking someone in Tesco if they spoke Spanish or French-you would be lucky if they spoke english! That's not meant to be racist but in particular a broad accent I find difficult and I'm UK born and bred.
The bargain of the! I bought a bottle of Rioja in a restaurant at Peniscola for 13 euros..I know me being reckless likje that. A Yorkshire Lassie with Scottish blood but worth every penny or cent...two euros on El Camp supermarket! I really hope its as good as I remember.
We got in and it started to rain and rain and rain all through the night which kept waking us up. The caravan is just over six months old and its one of the few occasions that I've washed it and the first time its seen rain like that.
Well this is the second time that we have hosted the Highlights of Spain Tour. Each time we are supposed to kick it off with a barbecue ( yes the Caravan Club expect me to cook?!) Its a great idea as an ice breaker but on each occasion we have had to think of something else because it has rained! This year doesn't look like being an exception! It must be this area. I guess they need it for the grapes. There's no pics of vineyards as I'm not going out to get wet! Use your imagination!
Today we meet our Co Hosts. That will be great to have some help. Its unusual as we have more motor homers than we do caravanners. Normally I ask them to team up for shopping trips etc but thus year some will have to finish up walking or taking it in turns! Some of the located campsites are pretty remote and have been chosen for their locations and cleanliness over facilities. We will just have to see how it turns out and they will have to stock up along the way. Our Co Hosts are Motor homers too so that doesn't help! I hope I'm worrying unduly or it could be one hell of a diet they re on!
Well its actually stopped raining and I need the loo ( too much information?!) If you be got the sunshine please enjoy it now where's my umbrella and wine?!

Friday 18 April 2014

Camping at Holiday Monte..I want to stay here!

David ( aka Victor Meldrew) wouldn't let me hire it even for one night! How cool is that overlooking the snow peeked mountains. It was a very hard day yesterday. Dave was exhausted.
It can be very demanding doing those sudukos. At least I went for a walk around the campsite. I hadn't realised how big this place is. Its so well played out in various areas. An area for touring caravans, long term caravans, tents etc and it works! The tent area looked lovely
Although the site is busy its not noisey and is well run. We just wish that they would open the pool its so hot! It also has views to die for.
Well I don't know why I'm on here as I really have to get my act together. On to a lovely site at Navarette today....oh no its in the rioja region.....more wine? would be rude not to! Have a good day folks!

Thursday 17 April 2014

Camping Holiday Monte What a Day!

Loving it here but spoilt only by a bloody dog! I don't believe it! A huge perfect campsite and what arrives next to me?! Yap! Yap! It was at it all night and woke us up at 7 am! I don't know how I do it?! Its an amazing skill! Yesterday was a super day though. We decided to go and explore and find a supermarket. Well we found a supermarket of sorts but the little village that we found was even better!
 Note the stork!

We were well untruly off the Tourist map and the people were so friendly and unaccustome:-) d to Brits. Working in the so called supermarket was a mother and her daughter. The mother proudly told me that her daughter spoke english....well sort of! Mother had just finished making some meat dish herself from pork and the daughter was equally proud so we bought some. Heaven only knows what it was! It was that orangey colour and I believe had saffron in. I spent 15 euros in total but I really didn't know what I had and I certainly didn't have the fresh milk that I wanted! It was great fun though and a lovely find.
Still on the milk trail we were feeling smug with our discovery so let's go to the village in the opposite!
OK so there isn't a pic of the village as I was solo blown away! It was obviously an area visited by the Spanish but I managed to find a very tight parking spot. As I was trying to get the car in a space a guy started helping me by giving directions. We then thanked him and he said in very good english " where in Yorkshire do you come from? I used to live there!". He went on to tell me that he worked in Madrid and loved this area and it was only a 40 minute drive for him. It reminded him of Yorkshire!" So I met the local butter or clearly a candidate for Specsavers! As much as I do love areas of Yorkshire ..helooo it was sunny at 23 degrees! Hmm it takes all sorts to make a world! 
Guess what? We never found any bloody fressh milk! The locals were so friendly. I think it was a little like Portugal and many countries the further north you get away from traditional tourist destinations the friendlier the people became. We were something of a novelty ( hmm that and similar has been said before!)
Well we came back to the campsite and the smell of whatever meat it was was driving us mad. I had a brainwave of sorts...let's make paella with it. Our very own english paella. Please don't ask what the hell we threw in it!
Amazingly enough whatever it was it tasted fine! We then watched the local entertainment. A young Spanish family arrived with a caravan ( the one complete with happy dog!) Well it took them over 50 minutes to put it on a pitch! I am trying to take a picture on the sly because after all that time you have never seen such a cock eyed caravan in your life. They must be falling out of bed! Ahh has maybe that's why the dogs can't stand up?!
OK so after all this excitement it was time for EastEnders! ( very sad!) but even in this remote area and with limited with fi we got it! A celebratory rum and coke was called for! Who needs to carry a bloody big satellite dish?! Oh so yesterday! More to the point they take up far too much valuable wine space!
Well it looks as though its going to be a lovely day again here. Incidentally this place may be of use to some of my friends travelling up to the Spanish ports as a stop over-its open 365 days of the year and has various accommodation to rent.
Well off to clear up after my Yorkshire pealla. Have a good day folks..let's see if I can find some milk!

Wednesday 16 April 2014

Another nice campsite near Madrid Monte Holiday

Well we certainly are picking campsites that are off the beaten track but amazing. We have always stayed at El Escorial but this one is so much nicer. The roads out of Los Batanes to here were somewhat challenging but spectacular. Co incidentally both these campsites are in the camping red group. This one does a better deal than SCSI. 3 nights for the price of two so guess how long we are staying here?! Its slightly cooler but very pleasant. Its still about 22 but there's snow on the mountains and it started to snow as we arrived but it was so warm-totally mad! The entrance road to this site could be a bit tricky and not suitable for larger units but apart from that it has everything going for it. Views to die for, a lively and lovely bar and restaurant that are open all day
Well it would have been rude not to. They went to all the trouble of opening! Note the snow on the mountains! 
OK so lovely facilities and some nice little touches...dishwashers for campers
I kid you not 3 half size dishwashers for campers! Oh yes we be all seen washing machines before but only 3 euros! There's loads of activities from assault courses to zip wires etc. The only thing that isn't open yet is the lovely outdoor pool. Oh free and good WiFi. I have just been to the loo ( too much information?!) its little things that I like. Lights that stay on! None of these automatic sensor ones that go out when you are in the middle of doing something! There are little wooden steps for kiddies to use the facilities. Its all very Spanish but lovely. If you left those little steps out at Marjal they d be gone! Why are these so different?! 
The only downside to this place apart from it being seasanol are the pitches. The touring pitches are probably in the  best part of the campsite but some are a little small. We were lucky and got a decent sized pitch near all the amenities
Yes the grass on the pitches is...hmm don't know how it would cope in wet weather?! Rustic?! Quirky? Not sure how I would describe this place but nice! Loving the greenery I guess!
If that pool were open it would be amazing!
Anyone for tennis?! 
The wine took over last night after getting here so I'm looking forward to exploring. Apart from the camp shop I think that the nearest civilisation could be a few miles away! And being a true and canny Yorkshire lass its washing day today so I can start the Tour with clean everything. I can't believe we start on Tuesday. I just hope some of the motorhomes are well stocked as we are staying here for 5 nights! 
Well folks another great campsite-cheaper than SCSI and certainly different with a nice twist!