Wednesday 1 January 2014

Winter Camping at Majal -Lets have a second go at New Year!

No never! I dont mean drinking again but yesteday really was one of those days. Probably down to everyone feeling groggy from the evening before. I have to admitr that I was more tired than hung over but Im sure the alcohol hadnt helped. I had managed to last the day and exercising .....yes exercising gently on my bike did help-seeing other campers in the same or even worse state! One poor guy tripped in the plazza and has a fractured shoulder/collar bone. He is back at the hospital today. Good luck. He openly admits that he just wasnt looking where he was going and fell in one of the holes shared with a palm tree! I mean those palm trees are only little arent they?!! Poor guy. I wish you a speedy recovery. Such a lovely person.
My mother came round. Her kettle has blown up. No problem. Give her mine. How did it have Tescos written on it with a foreign plug? For heavens sake woman I bought it in Hungary-doesnt everyone shop at Tescos Hungary?! I ask you and here I am now having to use a low voltage kettle that I have borrowed from Lynne and Nigel. Well its a long term borrow that I will replace. They are great but it uses next to no electricity but you must give it at least half an hours notice if you want boiling water for your tea!
Ok so I dont have to cook tea last night as we have so much left over from the night before. We will all go to Lynnes and eat together. It was going to be a strain to make it across the road but.....she was now feeling worse for wear-can we cancel?! I hope you are feeling better mate. So poker was on last night. Dave went out. Never mind I have the TV. I had a quick look through the listings and as per usual there was sweet bugger all on. Eastenders was the highlight of my evening starting at 10 pm here just as my central heating goes off. I thought I will take a bar of chocolate to bed with me * Much more appealing than David anyway!( but I couldnt find it- what no chocolate?! Turn the TV on.......bang! You know what its exactly a year old and its hardly been used! Wheres my book? Missing. Just turn the ligths off and go to sleep! Grrrr so I am trying New Years Day all over again and hopefully today will be a nice one!
Thats one thing I really like about life.after a shit day we realise that tomorrow is another day and hopefully not as shitty as the day before-just keep me away from electrical stuff. I guess its a visit to media Mart later unless anyone knows of any small TVs going for sale?! Just asking! lol I should  just be grateful that I am still here to fight another day . There are people far more unfortunate than me- get a grip girl!
So  having had a good old whinge at life what is today going to bring apart from a visit to the electrical  shop /OOOOH no now my laptop has decided to go all peculiar!! Who has stolen the question mark_. I should have realiesd that buying a laptop on Portugal was not a good idea! Keep me away from the knife drawer! Oh Ive found the exclamation mark? Hey ....????????? wE ARE BACK COOKING ON GAS! Oh no capitals! Should I go back to bed?! Both togather? Question marks and exclamation marks!
Right. So today is getting back on track. A general muck out of thise caravan and awning that we call home would be an excelent idea. Oh no I have to use the washing machine. Lynne wouldnt let me yesterday as she said it washed away all your good luck but should I really touch anything further electrical today?! What an excuse.No I cant live like this any longer. Even if it is my New Years Day all over again I cant stand dirty clothes hanging around! At some point I want to sit down and write my thoughts on all the 19 countries that I visited last year. You see I  really am a lucky girl and have no cause to complain. What a spolit brat I am! I am lucky to be in a position to think " Where to this year?!" I love my life really....where the road and the sunshine takes me! Happy New Year everyone!

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