Monday 20 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Rules ,Rules and more rules!

Well what a productive day yesterday. It rained! Yes there was no excuse for it many of those grotty jobs had to be done. Living in a climate like this Im afraid it does make you think "manana" a lot . Make the most whilst the sun is shining and all that so yesterday we had rain! The caravan was cleaned inside from top to bottom, the ironing was done, the printer fixed-even a tidyish awning and a lovely chill out evening in front of the TV with my favourite "Call the Midwife" How sad is that? Even sadder is that no alcohol was involved just  alarge bar of Whole Nut! I will dance it off tonight...Coles Country is on at Guardamar. I have a mini bus taking us there if anyone else is still interested. Its the same thing with the Cabelleros on 23rd at Robertos it was sold out and then everyone is dropping like blooming flies. Heaven only knows whats going on but there seem to be two nasty bugs going around. One is like a very chesty flu and the other is a nasty tummy bug. Get better folks.
Well there is a nasty rumour, well ts more than a rumour going round on site which is slightly worrying. We all know of how silly the Spanish can be regarding houses and building regulations well campsites can be nearly as bad. Its not the campsite its the local council. Apparanatly the inspectors are visiting here within the next few weeks. They are looking at structures that are deemed to be "permanent". Most campsites have a licence for so many tourers and so many pitches for long term living. The problem here as I see it  is that people have been turning touring pitches into long term pitches by building wooden gazebos, sheds etc. Yes these are very strong but are they going to be classed as permanent? The guy very close to me has a proper shed and in it he has his own shower toilet and washing machine- all pumbed in! Is that touring?!  They already have double pitches etc and cant get their car on to the pitch....If we dont have nice inspectors I can see a lot of trouble here and I genuinely feel sorry for some people but on the other hand I can see that they dont want to turn it into a squat or a total residential park. hmmm only time will tell on this one...Watch this space.
I do wish though that Marjal would be more assertive though over its campsites rules maybe this will keep them on their toes....just wished that the inspectors also covered yapping dogs!
Well today its a lovely sunny day but the wind is still there....and as I have a very ordinary awning the wind is battering it- but at least my sewing is holding- you see every cloud has a silver lining-the wind is a stitch tester and at least my washing will dry if I can keep it on the line!
Off for a predomainenly girlies night tonight.....makes a change there are too many bloody boys nights with the poker but at least I can control the remotes when hes out!
Have a good day folks

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