Wednesday 29 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal.The Lunatics have taken over the Assuylum!

Yes Ive come to that conclusion! They have taken over and this campsite has gone totally mad! As you probably gathered I wasnt very happy over all the yappers. well not exactly the yappers- their owners who seem to have taken all leave of their senses and Marjal for allowing it to happen. Several people yesterday contacted me feeling exactly the same as me. One or two have approached management but nothing has been done, oh yes they listen but thats it. I have never  been known for being quiet and when something needs to be I went to see management last night armed with the pictures of my lovely views in a morning......." This is a problem we have never had before!" derrrrr well yes "you have never allowed the camping club to come and bring dogs for free! Are you really suprised?!" I understand that you want custom and a rally is good for business but you have allowed the to literally take over! So us the ordinary camper must make a stand! Out brothers and sisters! No that is going too far! Whats happening is that we are each going up individually to see a member of staff at reception and some write the complaint down ,some do nothing. We must keep going to reception and reporting it to Marie  or management. Enrique was made aware of some campers whose dog had tried to bite them whilst playing petanque them yet the original report was not there so they dont know whats going on or how bad the problem is!
I am not advocating extremism like Bonterra that doesnt even allow a dog to pee on the site but if that works then there is no reason why they cant have stricter rules here and incidentally Bonterra is totally full-2 dogs per unit maximum seems reasonable and you pay for them. If your dog is caught fouling around the campsite a fine. There is a special dog walking area! If you take your dog with you every time you go to the toilet....ask the owner to leave ....dont accept the excuse" There isnt a sign!" Do we need a sign for everything that is common sense?! Dont allow your dog to bark excessively not "Dogs are meant to bark!" No they are not if they are trained properly and in the hands of sensible owners! The problem is that Marjal have to act NOW because many people are buying static pitches that have some of the worst culprits. When they have parted with their hard earned cash to install lovely little yappers are they then going to turn round and say "Ahh you have seven dogs. We have now changed the rules. You can only keep two!" I think not. Its got to the stage where I dont ever walk down the pathways. Such a shame as this was a great site and it still could be so we must make sure that the lunatics dont take over the assuylum completely....that reminds me.....I must go and see if we can block book christmas day..... what ordinary campers maybe getting the chance to make a booking?!! How radical am I ?!! Yes I will be here in winter but if the unfriendly club is here with their dogs in Jan-March-Im off! I suspect a few others maybe too!
Well the weather forecast is not good today. Apparantly we are in for a storm but here its a case of weve heard it all before!" Last time one was forecast we had one of the hottest and sunniest days yet! Maybe Im just being optomistic as the sky does look blooming grey ahh well whatever looking at the weather of last nights TV its certainly better than in the UK. I keep threatening to clean the car as it was last cleaned in France...that was nearly four months ago....maybe the weather will do it for me.. surely I have more exciting things to do?!!! Get a grip girl! Shopping? Now theres an Get a grip girl......lets go to the shopping centre....adios amigos!

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