Friday 24 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-A victory for common sense!

As you know I have been pulling my hair out with all these bloody yappers and the Unfriendly Club-little did I think that the two subjects could be related but they are! Dogs and cats camp for free! Yes and worse still until September there is no limit to the amount of bloody yappers or cats you can bring with you! Its true Im living in a dog kennnel! Marjal have had so many complaints that as of September they are going to limit it to two dogs per pitch! Hallelujah!
Last night we all went by coach to Robertos to see the Cabelleros and are all rather hung over today. What I can remember was that it was a good night. The food was very Spanish, the wine must have been good as well as the beer- Dave only made it this morning at 11.59! Close call. Suddenly he is better to go and play petanque boules or whatever they call it!

My mother?!....

My mother dancing with yet another guy!

Now I want to know what David was really doing to Caroline.....Lynne had a similar look on a previous photo!

Ive been thinking- maybe the way Im feeling has nothing to do with the dogs after all...could be Im just feelong a bit woof! Tomorrow is another day... I will try harder!

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