Friday 17 January 2014

Winter camping at Marjal Costa Blanca- whats this? Rain?!!

Morning world. Well I have safely returned from wandering up the coast to inspect sites. Down to earth with a bang-no more luxury hotels and baths but I do love being back in my caravan. If only someone could design a tourer with a bath in it- I would buy it. I use the shower in my van all the time but there is something about a bath....I guess I will just have to make do with the is really touhg. Thats the strange thing about living like this. Although I travle quite a lot I always take my own bed with me......I  guess Im really a if you have ever followed me you wouldnt say that! Although I was up in beautiful Peniscola I still managed to inspect 3 sites and get back in the bar for 5.40 pm just in time for "Happy Hour" Now that is dedication. Only trouble is I made the decision to have a bar meal.....I may be wrong but something that I ate didnt agree with me and it grounded me all day yesterday and it was British night! Grr! How I wanted to go to that. I have a caravan of blooody flags everywhere as I had planned on dressing up. Flags anyone?! I do a good line in bunting, full size flags and an England flag?! I wouldnt care but I dont really normally do flag waving!
Well as usual some sites were definatel better than others. A word of warning though at one particualr site I was met by a lot of Brits complanining ,well more so than usual! ACSI are charging 18 euros a night plus tourist tax plus wi fi at 4 euros an hour and electricity at 0.85 a kw! Yes most sites charge around 0.35 but this place was certainly kicking a@se! The best bit about it was that nearly all its facilities were closed! You would have been better wild camping! Oh yes I forgot that bit.. on the site there have been 10 bikes stolen in 8 days! Great place to relax for your holiday -not!
Ribamar was as beautiful as ever. Its a nature lovers paradise. The only thing that is wron with it is that you have to do a bit of off roading to get to it as its in the middle of a natural park. The site is spotless and the views are breath taking. Its amazing just a few miles up the road and everything is so green

Oh dear you will just have to believe me that the place is better than my pictures! 
In the time that it has taken me to type this someone upstairs has flicked that magic switch and its sunshine again! Must do the washing thing and kick ar@e! Oh domestic bliss! Have a good day!

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