Tuesday 7 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Wind!!!

Morning world. Ive been very quiet and have missed my blogging drug. Bloody wind that we had the other night it has damaged so much.We were lucky but then someone lets it out of the bag that you have a sewing machine and you feel sorry for the person that has a ripped awning and are on their own. " I can fix it" so I do, next thing you know the whole bloody campsite has something ripped or needs altering! I suppose I didnt help matters by riding my bike with a sewing machine over the handlebars! I am now trying to think of a disgiuse as to how to ride around the campsite///Daves failry outfit? Surely no one would trust me with their awning if I was dressed as a fairy?! No Ive got the answer...Rogers fancy dress dog outfit. There are so many dogs on this campsite that no one would look twice at another! Its a bit like never buy a house from a builder. My own awning has needed altering only since October! Its 50 cms too big for the caravan so it looks as though we were pi@@ed when we put it up and I assure you we werent- well not then anyway! Thats  half a metre so thetes quite a bit of too much fabric. Today was going to be the day after I had collected someone from the airport but then.....someone in a worse state than my pi@@ed awning..their zip has gone on the main door and the way the thing is pitched if the wind comes again it will be a bloody big windsock...so maniana and please god no more wind until I have caught up! Theirs  is a bright yellow awning and Im afraid that aircraft may be diverted to it from Alicante airport! What a riveting day  and no time for people watching! Do you think  dressed as a dog carrying a sewing machine would really work?! No comments about dogs please!!
Well no but people but facebook is really getting on my nerves. First thing in a morning I am such a creature of bloody habit. The kettle goes on, the computer gets kick started....check e mails, check facebook, check Daily Mail..but why?!!! To see who has fallen out with who and having a row in public...to see pics of peoples grandkids or worse still dogs! What has become worrying is the ads at the side of my page..are the trying to tell me something..its no  longer ads for  furniture or holidays but bloody funeral plans! I DONOT want onre YET!! Now Im as guilty as the next. I think my grand daughter is the best in the world. There would be something wrong with me if I didnt think that but......now and again its ok to show a pic...but oh look...Jessica has farted! Do I really need to see that?! Oh isnt Jesicca clever..she has just thrown up over dadys shoulder Now get me going on dogs.. yes you all own the best dog...but do I need to see five of them laid on your bed?!!! Errrrr!! Tummy churning--worse than Jessica farting! Everyone should blog! so why do I bother? Just in case I have missed something really interestig or catch up with old friends..oh heavens..theres that word again..old..funeral plans! The power of advertising!
Oh and this Yorkshire thing.. Im getting really poked off with that too. Somehow even facebook knows where I come from. I dont have a problem with that. Most people know the minute that I open my gob and Im not ashamed but honestly its all gone too far! " If it isnt from Yorkshire its shite" and other rubbish. I tell you its a great County but we do have a lot of shite- well thats as I remember it! We were the County that laughed at Wales and their patriotic ways but honestly we have becaome as bad... Im english and eeye bye gum Im reet proud. Full stop! Who are we trying to impress? More Bulgarians ,Romanians? ! Get a grip folks.keep it a secret!
I have just looked at the Daily Mail on line. Its so ..welll is England still there? If it is who wants to be there? Its either flooded or filled with non Brits. I tell you they write pages and basically I have just written the entire paper in a sentence! Flooded and full of immigrants. Full stop!
I have just read this load of rubbish and cannot believe that over 100 people a day read this... I am flattered. It maybe rubbish but to us normal people. fellow campers the world makes much more sense! We are all great, sensible people?!! errr then theres the Unfriendly Club.....errr they walk amongst us all! Better go now and get to the airport and then buy that funeral plan! Have a good day!

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