Wednesday 15 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal- The Unfriendly Club Excel!

OMG the poor bloke yesterday. Im still chuckling about it......There is a guy who lives on here in a static caravan. Thats a bit of an injustice they are super cabins I think they call them nowadays., anyhow he decided to take a walk around the site and stumbled across a gazebo with the Friendly Clubs literature in and promotional type leaflets. He decided to have a look around. As he did so he was approached by boss man who asked him if he was a member. "No " he replied "Im just looking". He was asked to leave! The guy was fuming "Ive now been thrown out of a f@@@ing tent!" Hillaroius-how friendly is that?! I dont know how to tell you this my friend- it isnt even a tent- youve been thrown out of a gazebo! lol Life sucks!
I am often asked what is the difference between the two Clubs and I honestly have never been too bothered before but its now quite obvious to me. I used to belong to the Unfriendly Club now that was an education! I think I propbably left before I got thrown out. I once went to a "meet" to join up with some friends. At the time I had just taken delivery of a band new Penine folding Camper. Off we set for the weekend. I could not believe my eyes. The "site" was directly below the big power station at Drax! Ok so not the prettiest or maybe healthiest of settings but get on with it. Pitching around the cow pats in the field was something else. The big event came saturday morning when it was the parade of pennants. I have never seen anything like it before or since. Fully grown men dressed as pantomime horses and proudly walking around in all seriousness parading these bloody pennants! Pennants of which Rallies, Tours etc they had been on and where they were from.....oh dear oh dear... well that was the highlight over with...... have a drink! Sunday morning got even worse... I was awoken early with a "ping pong ping pong!" What?! "Good morning Campers. The Salvation Army are here and are waiting for you in the main  arena!" What?!!! They will have a long wait for me because Im bloody off! I was on call that weekend so it gave me the perfect excuse and I couldnt get away fast enough! I was a total rebel and frowned upon by leaving early...the pack and wolf mentality again.
Prior to this I had made the mistake of recomending a friend to the Club. At the time we had young kids and kids camped free which was the attraction..what did I get?? Money off a campsite? Something useful?! No!!! A recruiters badge! Was I seriously supposed to wear it?! I had left the Girl Guides when I was 16 and had long since given up collecting badges! Needless to say it was all far too much for me. I want a member of anything for ages until we wanted to come overseas more often and I can honestly say that the savings on the ferry crossings more then made up for the cost of my membership on one crossing and my friends..the rest is history. Im gutted to say that I dont have any penants or stickers of the places that I have been .I do not posess a recruiters badge anymore....I have hit the all time low! I can put my awning up in half the time as  dont have to penants to show off all the places that I have very  dare I?! I must be an amateur.?!
Well not a lot happened yesterday but Im still chuckling at the man thrown out of a "fu@@ing tent!" Mum flew back to the UK yesterday and is safely back in the UK with Katie. Fingers crossed today that we should hear something of how she is.
Oh last night I caught Roger and Pam in the bar for a sly one...well I thought Roger was taking Pam out for a meal ...but was this really his idea of a meal>
I suppose he would have to save up for the tomato sauce! Actually here I go again.....This was really prepared for the people taking part in the Quiz which did use to be fun but since it has just about been taken over by the Unfriendly Club we give that a miss too/ maybe if I did win they would ive me another bloody badge?!!

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