Tuesday 14 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Weather forecasters-who needs them?!

Well the weather was supposed to be overcast the other day and we had the warmest sunniest day that we ve had for ages. Last night was predicted high winds and rain Like a muppet out I went in my dressing gown and secured everything down.. guess what.. no wind and no rain! This mornings sky doesnt look too bad so Ive made a new years resolution not to watch or read weather forecasts-I might as well flick my own blooming coin!
Yesterday morning I mentioned about the gang from the nfriendly Club who went off with their towels early in a morning. I thought that they had a block booking for the sauna wel I was pretty close.. a regular camper as in one that is just happy camping and very frendly went with his friend for a jaczzi to start the day only to be turned away....Its full! 6 of them in that huge jacuzzi and no room for two more?!! I tell you why dont they just buy the bloody campsite and be done with it? They ve taken over everything! I am suprised as they are the "Friendly Club" why didnt they let my friend in?!! That is really friendly to me NOT! Mean and selfish beyond belief. I am getting to the stage where I think we ought to form our own group and strat dictating to Marjal...a loud voice in numbers! Now what would we call ourselves?!....."The really friendly FUN Club!" Maybe it should be "The pee artists Club!" I tell you they all have faces like wet weekends. Oh they did make me laugh on sunday morning. Its obvuosly group meeting or something and like a herd of sheep they all went to the meeting tent with their chairs and beakers or was it sunday service?! The mind boggles. Cant these people think for themselves. Do they have go everywhere in packs?! They are like a pack of wolves,ravishing everything in ther path whether it be the sauna, the jacuzzi, the restauranat and even the bloody train! Have they had their legs removed too?! Oh no Id forgotten that one they even walk together in packs and yes you ve guessed it many men in their number commit that terrible Britsih thing...shorts and sandles and SOCKS!!! no!!!!! Get the fashion police! The one or two that venture from the pack mentality and lower themselves to be with ordinay campers are fine but then theres some.....I guess they walk among us all! Hey yey the shorts even stay on when its raining and cold "Im on my holiday!" oh dear oh dear No wonder the Spanish think the english are mad! Helloooo even in Spain its January!
Now the site was  busy for rumours yesterday and Im really grateful for people telling me whats going on for me blog....I stress that this is only a rumour....well a friend of mine who has probably the most beautiful static caravan on the entire site is rather concerned to say the least. She has invested heavily in this beautiful static- well it would be wouldnt it- it was made in Hull! They pay around 5000 euros a year to have it sited here. Lovely . The rumour is that the motorhome with the five dogs has bought a pitch to place a static on! Can you imagine that?! My mother has been tearing her hair out as they are camped near her at the moment. Everytime a person walks past they yap, everytime another dog walks passed..well its hell on earth... hellloooo this is a campsite..not a bloody field..there are bound to be people! I hope for my friends sake and the sanity of all the people down there that this is not true.
Since livivng like this I have become a dog hater. I was never like that. Its peoples selfishness that never ceases to  amaze me. I live next door to the viscious rat. Now if I wanted to be woken up every morning to a dog yapping I would have bought a bloody alarm clock like that or a dog myself! I went to the bottom of the campsite the other day and the land actually stank! Why do they let their dogs run across other peoples pitches? They should be on a bloody lead! Oh let me guess.. rules dont apply to that area of the campsite! "Ahh they wont hurt. Its only..." I bet thats what all the owners of these killer dogs also said. Sorry they are dogs. A time and a place for everything. Two maximum per pitch or better still put all the dog owners together!
Right thats got all that off my chest *good job its quite a large chest!( Mother flies back to the UK today to get her eye sorted hopefully. She wants to be back here asap and theres another rumour that Katie may daughter is flying back with her...thats my peace and everyones shattered. Maybe I could ask to go and live in the dog area?! I dont know where she gets her mouth from! If you thought I was loud......Ive met my match!
Oh yes the British evening on Friday night I was trying to print out a poster and my printer is no longer compatible with my new bloody laptop that is running on Windows 8 so I need to update my printer. This has really got my goat because its been a superb 3 in one printer. If anyone is interested in buying it -its fine and cheap to run- just NOT on Windows 8! 25 euros? It all helps towards me buying a new one! Epson SX 440W that will run happily on all the cheap copy cartridges UNlESS you are on Windows bloody 8! Wifi and all the rest of it......blah blahh....
Oh yes Elvis is on here on 8th Feb well its actually Paul Larcombe! If you cant make that one hes also on at Robertos on Valentines night! Come on you romantics! You know the food is fab at Robertos!
Well thats enough rambling for today. Time to get dressed and then.....urgggg weekly exercise/....line dancing. I actually enjoy it when I get there....its just the getting there..the thought of exercise!
Have fun everyone and have a nice day now!

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