Sunday 5 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal- What is it with motorhomers?!!

Im very late blogging today. Its almost become a theraputic pastime-what a boring existanec I lead! Now I dont have a problem with motorhomes but there is something about the motorhome mentality that I really dont understand-wherever I go they must be first away,first to get there etc etc-why? What is the rush? Theres enough pitches around for us all to get a place. What started me off in a bad mood is that this campsite like most has rules about the gates closing and opening. I think you cant leave here until 0730 which to be honest enough is early enough but the problem is they start packing up at least an hour before and its still bloody dark!This morning it must have been 6am They cant see what they are doing and make even more noise! Ive noticed this when leading Tours-they like to be first away and arrive first. Why? HellooooooThe pitches are reserved for heavens sake! What is there to pack away that takes an hour and a half?! When we are on the move we do try to be mindful and considerate to other campers and on occassions have even taken the caravan on the motormover away from other campers so to be quiet! Grr!!! If you really must leave at that time park outside the campsite gates the night before!
Anyhow you will be pleased to know that is my rant over. I had a lovely meeting with the Caravan Club today. Such great people to work with. I cant believe how lucky we are. The places that we go to and the people that we meet are amazing. We are pencilled in for hosting three tours this year. They are all great but I am sooooo excited about this new Tour....

Now this one sounds just my cup of tea. Many of these sites I have visited before but they are nice areas to go back to. I only hope that after 47  days I dont feel the urge to kill anyone! I havent worked the mileage out yet but once again we have to go through the money robbing Country Switzerland! 75 euros to drive through their Country and the roads arent that great either! Ooops just rememebered Ive already had one rant to day.  Sorry!
The Tour that we are hosting in April we have done before last year. There are a few alterations but its a really good trip. It really does show all the different faces of Spain and leaves you with a feeling of better understanding in particualar to their customs and traditions. It infuriates me when people say to me "Ive done Spain!" You ask them where they have been and what they have done and they spent one week at Belamadina on the beach!! There is sooooomuch more to Spain! Beaches are only one fraction of the story. There are places in Spain that are green and make the Lake District look bland and boring! 

Oh no is that three rants in one blog-well that stupid motorhome should have let me sleep!
Well its now sunday morning and today is another day. The wind started yesterday  and it started. I would say up to gale force. My caravan was rocking-for all the wrong reasons! The awning was flapping for Britain and Spain too come to think of it. I must admit after the tornado incident it has left me a bit scared of wind but this time we survived-well all except Yorkshire-my flag has ripped! Looking aroujd the campsite many windbreaks, gazebos etc have been lost. Its a day for Mrs Womble to go out and seize useful bits that other people put in the bins! I tell you people throw awnings away because the poles have broken. I dont want the bloody poles but the zips and fasteners- make do and mend girl as there is always someone who wants a zip putting in a kitchen tent or something. You go to the campshop and its at least 80 euros before they ve looked at it! Probably a good job that I bought a new sewing machine yesterday. Yes I treated myself. I went into Aldi. There was a Singer sewing machine for 174 euros. Nice little machine but-----I walked across the road to Lidl and there was the same sewing machine. It didnt say Singer on it but Silver Crest..price 74 euros! and with a three year garuntee. If anyone is daft enough to sell me a sewing machine with a three year warranty the way I use them for what is 60 pounds then I am daft enough to buy it! Looks as though it may have been a good investment with all this damage to equipment. I seldom take money for repairs etc but my wine cellar does get very full- I like payment in wine. Maybe its first job is to repair Yorkshire!
Tomorrow is Three Kings Day here in Spain. Its when all the kids get their presents. It is about the most important day to the Spanish so we are going out to celebrate to cafe Uno in Catral. A steak meal, wine, games etc all for 12 euros...that will do me nicely! A 3 course steak meal for a tenner!
You can tell that the spanish are on site. No they are not particuarly noisey at the moment but they have absolutely no road sense whatsoever. Their laws are very strange. A pedestrian takes priority over anything else on the road as does a pedal cyclist. Fine but even when the kiddy is two years old and riding down the middle of the road?!! You hit the kiddy with your car and its your fault. This morning I have seen it all. There was a man riding on his bike he had with him a dog on one of those expandable leads.Yes a fully grown male with a rat on a lead. He had sucessfully taken up the entire carriageway. A car was trying to pass.....he hadnt seen the lead until the last minute! Eeeks. He slammed all on and sat patiently behind the muppet on the bike and somehow in Spanish law that would have been the drivers fault?!! I seriously think that some people come on a campsite and take leave of all common sense- thats assuming some of them had any in the first place!  I must admit camping does seem to attract them or is it just we have more time to people watch?! I do seriously LIKE people but some do make me wonder and I seriously do not like dogs! Now thats another subject. I did like dogs until I started camping. A time and place for everything but if you spent time living next door to this horrible rat that lives next door to me you would hate dogs too. Its a jack russel and evil little thing that bites and attacks but is a constant yapper and growler. Everytime someone walks past with  a dog...its off. The owners of the other dogs think its wouldnt if you heard it a million times a day! I actually bought the thing a christmas present this year. It was the season of good will and all that...what did I buy it ? A water gun! Yep bring it on mr jack russel if your owners wont teach you- I will! Oh my goodness.. theres a cat....lets yap....oh theres a person....lets yap....oh theres a bike.....lets yap! We are on a bloody campsite for gods sake not in a dog kennel! Mind you I do seem to spend a lot of time in the dog house ...err lets not go there about dogs!
We actually saw the best programme on television I have seen for years last night and funnily enough my hero Dave Allen was on about dogs. His view on life and people watching are just spot on. Wait for it... even David was caught laughing out loud at him! Yes we were stone cold sober and David was caught laughing. I would have videoed the event for you but I couldnt because I was too bust rolling around the floor giggling. Now Dave Allen are repeats that surely can be justified. I dont know how he got away with some of the jokes and sketches about priests and religion but they were downright hillarious. If you took offence then there must surely be something wrong with you.
So today is day! San Isidro Sophie! Yes you see reading this load of rubbish sometimes educates you! Yes I had never thought of it like that. I knew that there was a purpose to all this nonsense. A friend was coming to visit me and got lost but suddenly she saw a sign to San Isidro "Ahh haa " Thinks my friend "I know Im nearly there because Ive read on Jeans blog that she goes to the market there!" I had never considered this as a navigational tool before. Maybe I should contact Google Earth! Great to see you though when you did finally get here!
Well I detracted. I get on here..its a bit like my mouth...doent know when to stop but its market time! Creature of habit.. I will go and buy all those bargains that I didnt know I needed-adios amaigos! Have a good day!

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