Sunday 12 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Busy Busy Busy

Dont ask me what with! Yesterday the forecast for here was overcast and cool. Well if thats overcast and cool I will have some more of it please. It was lovely. Bright un interrupted sunshine reaching 23! Looking at daybreak as I type this is maybe another gloroius day-fingers crossed.
Well mums eye is playing up and if anything is getting worse. I dont think John helps the situation as he has man flu. She is struggling to see and he wants sympathy! Grrr!!! Keep quiet Jean. Although the Spanish hospital here was great they did not get to the bottom of it. I am now quite concerned so she is flying back tomorrow and my daughter is picking her up from the airport. She is staying with her too. I tell you what booking with Ryanair under the circumstances- stressful or what?! "Quick 3 seats remaining!" One would have thought that the procedure should be quite easy. "Do we want insurance? Do we want to hire a car? Do you want to reserve a seat? Do you want extra legroom? Do we want to take part in their charity competition? I just want my mother to get one of those bloody seat! As if that wasnt enough when Ifinally got to putting in her details "Do you want a hotel?!" No! I bloody dont! Just let me know Ive got one of those three seats! They say that they advertise al this to keep prices down well they are not always bloody cheap and after that fiasco I would gladly have paid more- Im one of those that hates Ryanair with a passion but they were the only people flying when we needed them-steam comng out of my ears at no extra cost or maybe thats another hidden charge!
Everyone around me seems to be dying of flu or heavy colds. Its always this time of year. I cannot believe that it is a coicidence that all those that go home for the christmas period whether it be Holland, Uk or wherever come back with colds and in an environment like this seem to spread like wild fire. Again I blame Ryanair for its air conditionng! lol  I thought that I was being very good and squeezing my own fresh orange juice and eating tons of fruit but Ive just picked up the Daily Mail only to read that fruit juice is not good for you as its so high in sugar! So thats that out out of the window. Back to a beaker of tea and a bar of Whole nut! Noooooo I might as well drink wine- it comes from grapes doesnt it?! One of my five a day?! To all those suffering get well soon and please keep your germs to yourselves!
Now sometime during this week I am supposed to be going up the Coast to inspect some sites but I have such a busy socail schedule that they are really going to cramp my style but heres whats on whilst I remember!
Friday this week Pete and Chris are singing in the restaurant. Its a British night and it is requested that you wear something red,white and blue. I dont know what the food is etc but Pete and Chris are always going to be good and get us all up dancing
21st quite a few of us going to Guardamar to see Charles Cole. I have tickets if anyones interested and Im going to organise a mini bus
23rd Robertos The Cabelleros. I have sold my 50 tickets without putting a poster up! This is 17 euros and includes a 3 course meal. I do believe that the restaurant itself may have some tickets left but not many. Again I am looking at organising transport
I cant  remember the date as its in February but Elvis is back! Yes at Marjal Costa Blanca. If you havent seen Paul Larcombe he is definately the best that I have seen and has performed in front of the Queen etc Tickets etc buy direct from the campsite.
They do have some good ideas but always advertise an event the day before so Im just trying to give you a little "heads up!"
I feel exhausted just reading all the partying and socialising that I will have to do! You dont understand that life can be really hard out here. Oh I will mention it in case any of you dont know on facebook there is a "Marjal Friends page" and we are trying to keep that updated as to what is going on and as a central place to share-exchange ideas and whats going on-thats just reminded me- I must update it!
The rat next door has just whares that Christmas present I bought it?!!

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