Monday 20 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal/ Line Dancers!

Ok I cant have too much of a pop at line dancers as I go myself but some people?! Last night I organised for 12 of us to go to Marjal Guardamar by mini bus to see Coles Country. Charles Cole is a pretty good singer. He was supported by Cherry K and Red Strokes. We got there and the place was packed. Great in for a good nights line dancing...its just gentle exercise to our lot and a bit of fun. FUN being the operative word. We dont get upset when we turn the wrong way. We have a bloody good laugh when we go wrong which happens quite often. We all turned up in quite casual dress but when we got there.....there was fully grown men dressed as cowboys and woment dressed as cowgirls.....errr helloo we are in the middle of Spain... how old do you think you really are? you posess full length mirrors? Ok so we maybe had a fashion disaster turning up in t shirts and a pair of jeans....I can live with that.but the dance floor got even worse...
They danceed in all seriousness as though there lives depended on it.they were like blooming robots. Faces like thunder and bodies moving in unison with no feeling for the music whatsoever. I cant make up my mind whether they were depresing to watch or just plain funny to see people dancing like that. I really cant understand it as there is no more fun and energetic person than the line dance teacher- who is as batty as a fruit cake and so vibrant.
Anyhow eventually a song or two came on that we knew how to dance to.....oh dear..where they going to let the remedial class on the dance floor? No!!!! We were pushed right into the pillars in disgrace! We tried to fight back by pushing them the other way. Result black and blue ankles this morning! Im not joking they were viscious! On a dance floor if you accidently catch someone i have always said 2sorry" whether its my fault or not but them.?! Its as though we had no right to join in. If they stood on me or caught me- it was my fault?!! One or two people were very nice but some were just plain aggressive, rude and ignorant-where do we find these people?! I know I bet the all own yapping dogs as well and come from the unfreindly club!
Now talking about them I could kill them at times. They really have no consideration for other people whatsoever. Yesterday I actually had five minutes peace from yapper next door when a caravan pulls on at great speed. A Bailey...dont get me going on those either....I cant remember it could have been pulled by the obligatory Kia as well ....* the ultimate unit as recommended by the Clubs (.well it was on British plates and it came in at quite a speed. There was such a racket. It had at least two yappers hanging out its back windows that were open. The car stopped at the roundabout to talk to someone well it was like hound of the baskervilles with the one next door and all the owners did was laugh! "Ahh well they have been in the car for so long!" Bloody simple solution- dont bring the friggin things! We dont want them- this is not a dog kennel though its turning into one! I was actually hoping that they had come in at such a speed that it could have run over a yapper or the one next door better still- but the shame of it is if they drove like that in summer it would most likely be a child.Do they leave their brains behind in the UK?! Who do they think they are impressing?! "We are here!" urrr "dont we bloody know it!"
Well the sun is shining. It looks like another lovely day. I was going to go Line Dancing this morning but I think instead of learning Line dancing I am going to ask Angie to teach us some effective Rugby tackles,judo or black belt karate just in case I ever want to take to the dance floor again!

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