Sunday 12 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Happy Weekend!

Not that weekends make any difference living like this. I struggle sometimes to know what day of the week it is or month sometimes come to that. It is great after all the years of working and having to be concious of the date and time all the while that now I .....well I just roll. The only thing that dictates my lifestyle is the weather. Yes crazy as it sounds. My awning suffered badly in the winds and Ive told you before that it didnt fit my new caravan very well anymore so yesterday was the day. I had to tae the entire thing down and remove half a metre from it. I mean half a metre of fabric extra blowing in the wind., It was a really big job. I can vouch that Isabella awnings are well made-you should try taking them to pieces to rebuild! Anyhow I finsihed up on an industrial sewing machine and jobs done. It took me longer than I planned and I was supposed to be at my Dutch friends for mid afternoon for a Dutch treat...hmmmmm?! Anyhow being camperes they knew and understood why I arrived late and then they fed me! I havent got the faintest what I ate but it was bloody lovely. The starter was like a thick pea soup with sausages in. I know it sounds disgusting but it was blooming lovely. Jorgen is a butcher and he had made the sausages youm yum. Apparantly it is a traditional Dutch dish which they eat in cold weather. The second course was a bit like our bubble and squeek but it has sour Crowt in and sausages and potatoes. Dont know what the hell it all was but it certainly did the trick! The awning no longer looks pi@@ed!
The weather today has been overcast. Its not cold but its cloudy. Another good day for getting things done..ohh that was my train of thought the only hing that dictates what I do is the weather! Rain yes RAIN is forecast so I had to do lots of little sewing jobs for people who would otherwise get wet! Prioritising bloody sewing jobs! I wouldnt care but as Im suddenly on the floor cutting out something in my awning I realise that there is a gale force nine blowing through my own awning..what is it about never buy a house from a builder?!! The same sentiments could apply to someone who sews!
The campsite is really busy and the unfriendly club remain a constant source of amusement. I raelly dont understand them. Early in the morning they go off in groups with towels. I suppose  its a block booking of the sauna etc which does seem slightly unfair on normal campres /not that I would personally want to go at that time anyway!
Well its Sunday morning now and what a busy and productive 24 hours. The internet went down on the entire site yesterday and its amazing how much you can get done without it! I had what they call a "heaven" fr my awninig..after I had altered the awning did it fit?!  No!!! Every blooming angle was totally wrong! Grr!! Take to pieces and re build! Grr!! No time like the present so that was done and put back up. They are very "pretty pretty" but they do actually work. The extra layer of fabric traps air inside so it makes the awning warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Job done. Then off to see Enrique the site Director with Roger. He was very pleased with the New Years Eve event and is already talking about this yeras?!! I havent recovered yet! The  event didnt finish up making any great amounts of money after everyone was paid 125 euros in total and the bar proceeds. Enrique wasnt bothered about the money situation as Marjal saw it as a "service" to the campers. The 125 euros is already put away for next years event. Enrique has all the receipts for anyone who still wants to see them. That reminds me I saw this on facebook the other day and I thought "how apt!" Oh I cant download it on to here..hang Im not that clever. There was a pic ofa black guy with a very wise face and it read.." Actually no My post wasnt about you....But if the Shoe fits, Feel Free to Lace that Bitch up and Wear it! " Just loved it!
The awning was tested yesterday...we had rain! Yes rain! Im pleased to report that we stayed dry! I have to admit that after all the buggering about with it I had my reservations! I was also a good girl and did loads of  bloody paperwork for the Caravan Club-well on the computer. it was a bit like being back in the old job that I had! Just about finished there. It did take longer than I thought and it racked the old grey cells.
Last night my mum came round as her eye is no better and its now probably time to go back to the UK and sort it out as the Spanish Hospitals good as they are dont seem to have found the problem. Great. She can go and stay with my daughter Katie and I will fly home with her. Sort the appointment out..just then my daughter phoned.. Im coming to see you! Oh no you are not! Pee up in a brewery and this family spring to mind! Mum has private medical isurance but its not like anywhere else in the UK you still have to have a referral from a GP so we are having to see how quickly we can get her into the bloody British system. Dont get me going on red tape and jobs for the boys! I love the theory of the NHS and I do think it depends a lot where you live but certainly in our area....we always go private its that bad! Guess we are lucky to have that choice.
Well this morning I got up to good news and today is certainly going to be better. As always, kettle on, fire on, check son has only gone and got engaged to Joanne!  Really delighted for them both.They make a great couple. Again I am having a retarded day and I cant put the bloody photo on!
No! Thats not them! Its an awning heaven! Ok so its nearly dark....but look at the blooming sunset!

 Joanne and Richard Congratulations! Is this a selfie or what?!
Ok so all I hate about facebook etc pictures of dogs and kids etc etc but .....I found this that my son took of my grandaughter

I still dont know whats happened to my wise old black man! Have a good day folks! 

A better pic of Rich and Jo

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