Friday 3 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal -Camping its such a small world!

Morning folks. Well the weather men or ladies got the forecast for this area totally wrong and instead of 23 degrees and sunshine we got rain! Well it was warm rain! Total chainge of plans so I smell more than I did on New Years Day when my friemd wouldnt let me do my washing! Superstion and all that! Well the luck that I had the other day with the TV etc I might as well have done the washing! The good news is that good old Nigel found a lead and the TV is now working- I tell you they dont make leads like they used to! My book has been found and TV excelled itself last night. Ooo it was good to see "Birds of a Feather" again. They pulled it off unlike that stupid "Open all Hours" 2014 which somehow didnt work at all/ Im sorry but it appeals to my very simple warped sense of humour. Oh yes and the missing chocolate turned up! Its a good job that Nigel saved the day with the lead as he was a very very brave man holding on to my chocolate! It was such a large bar and I dont know how I managed to lose it. Dave had convinced me that I had dreamt about being given it! I was so chuffed to find it. Just because Nigel is on a diet it doesnt mean that he has to hide my chocolate! I was so chuffed I have taken a picture of the most respectable fridge on the campsite! ..

You will be pleased to note that theres nothing too healthy in there except a loaf of bread! Theres plenty of alcohol and CHOCOLATE!!! 
So yesterday was spent having a good old muck out of this place that I call home. I took down the christmas tree-in fact I binned it. They are so cheap out here but I did take a pic of a lovely ornament that my friend bought me that will be safely locked away until next year..

Ahh how lovely. Thank you Lynne! Oh talking of friends and irony.. remember the guy from the Unfriendly Club who told our Belguim friend that he culdnt use the washing up-toilet blocks as they were for english only? Well  a friend of mine escaped the mayhem and visited a very remote campsite in the Natural Park. Its one that I havent been to but looks lovely to her amazement guess who turned up.......Mr Unfriendly ! I hope you told him Sue that these washing up facilities are for Spanish only! Go on Girl you can tell him! He wont recognise an english accent-tell him to use his english only washing up facilities! LOL Give him a bloody bucket! 
Well I have been on here for ages in between my cs of teas with my half hour to boil kettle but the hot water is on and the sun is shiing-fellow campers the smell will go- the washing machine is going on! Have a good day!

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