Monday 6 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal -Happy Three Kings!

Blogging when you have had a bottle of red wine might not be such a good idea...but here I go. Today is 3 kings day and as Im in Spain it would be very rude not to join is their celebrations! We have just returned from a fantastic meal at Cafe Uno in Catral. Yes its British owned so I was only half way there! Soup, lovely steak and a dessert for only 12 euros....the wine about 5 euros a bottle?! There were a lot of campers there and unlike other occassions that I have heard about  it was all well behaved and good fun. It was very busy-well done Cafe Uno!
I was extremely busy this morning as the wind had done a lot of damage to peoples awnings and windbreaks etc so I was busy sewing. A little relief was most welcome. Marjal tried to get into the swing of things and the three kings visited the campsite giving sweets to local children
I dont know if you can make it out but three kings were in the unfriendly Clubs train- how dare they?!
The wind did really amusing things. I mean its a force of nature and theres not a lot you can do- I know about that all too well- look where the wind placed someones gazebo

Again if you can work it out it picked the thing up and placed it either side of the perimeter fence but the right way up with curtains intact! Very considerate. Theres one thing for sure David Baileys job is quite safe with my photography! 
A lovely picture today. I know its hard to believe that it involves a dog called Molly. A really sweet little thing. She smiles more than her owner.

Her owner is Dave the Geezer. What a nice guy but it is against his religion to smile so Molly makes up for him and I tell you what she doesnt yap! She doesnt bite so she can stay! 
People ask me how I can stay so long on one campsite. Yes I enjoy wandering but I tell you what theres more than enough to keep me entertained-just people watching and meeting lovely people. I know my photography is poo and people in england may think that my pics are over exposed but its something you have probably forgotten called the SUN! Whatever you are doing on Three Kings Day and wherever you are in the world have fun and enjoy- just another excuse for another vino?!! 

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