Thursday 30 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal- they camp amongst us!

OK folks so a friend of mine was looking through old photos and found these two pics. They are regular campers on here but who are they?!

Oh no its another bloody dog! 
Right update in some areas of Spain its illegal to keep more than 3 dogs as they are deemed to be a pack and under extreme conditions ( heat?) Can become this space!
Update a victory for common sense and my liver the Black and White night with Chris and Pete has been postponed as its too near Elvis s reserction! Check out marjal friends fb page.
Windy again today but sunny..hey ho-have a good day! 

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal.The Lunatics have taken over the Assuylum!

Yes Ive come to that conclusion! They have taken over and this campsite has gone totally mad! As you probably gathered I wasnt very happy over all the yappers. well not exactly the yappers- their owners who seem to have taken all leave of their senses and Marjal for allowing it to happen. Several people yesterday contacted me feeling exactly the same as me. One or two have approached management but nothing has been done, oh yes they listen but thats it. I have never  been known for being quiet and when something needs to be I went to see management last night armed with the pictures of my lovely views in a morning......." This is a problem we have never had before!" derrrrr well yes "you have never allowed the camping club to come and bring dogs for free! Are you really suprised?!" I understand that you want custom and a rally is good for business but you have allowed the to literally take over! So us the ordinary camper must make a stand! Out brothers and sisters! No that is going too far! Whats happening is that we are each going up individually to see a member of staff at reception and some write the complaint down ,some do nothing. We must keep going to reception and reporting it to Marie  or management. Enrique was made aware of some campers whose dog had tried to bite them whilst playing petanque them yet the original report was not there so they dont know whats going on or how bad the problem is!
I am not advocating extremism like Bonterra that doesnt even allow a dog to pee on the site but if that works then there is no reason why they cant have stricter rules here and incidentally Bonterra is totally full-2 dogs per unit maximum seems reasonable and you pay for them. If your dog is caught fouling around the campsite a fine. There is a special dog walking area! If you take your dog with you every time you go to the toilet....ask the owner to leave ....dont accept the excuse" There isnt a sign!" Do we need a sign for everything that is common sense?! Dont allow your dog to bark excessively not "Dogs are meant to bark!" No they are not if they are trained properly and in the hands of sensible owners! The problem is that Marjal have to act NOW because many people are buying static pitches that have some of the worst culprits. When they have parted with their hard earned cash to install lovely little yappers are they then going to turn round and say "Ahh you have seven dogs. We have now changed the rules. You can only keep two!" I think not. Its got to the stage where I dont ever walk down the pathways. Such a shame as this was a great site and it still could be so we must make sure that the lunatics dont take over the assuylum completely....that reminds me.....I must go and see if we can block book christmas day..... what ordinary campers maybe getting the chance to make a booking?!! How radical am I ?!! Yes I will be here in winter but if the unfriendly club is here with their dogs in Jan-March-Im off! I suspect a few others maybe too!
Well the weather forecast is not good today. Apparantly we are in for a storm but here its a case of weve heard it all before!" Last time one was forecast we had one of the hottest and sunniest days yet! Maybe Im just being optomistic as the sky does look blooming grey ahh well whatever looking at the weather of last nights TV its certainly better than in the UK. I keep threatening to clean the car as it was last cleaned in France...that was nearly four months ago....maybe the weather will do it for me.. surely I have more exciting things to do?!!! Get a grip girl! Shopping? Now theres an Get a grip girl......lets go to the shopping centre....adios amigos!

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Life in the Doghouse!

Ok sorry I havent blogged for a few days but life has been quite entertaining as well as looking at other campsites in this area and generally being out and about a it more for reasons that will be explained......
ok on this site is an extremely large lady. Each time I see her  she is getting bigger and bigger and subsequently has to use a wheelchair now. It would  be unfair for e to say anything about this as I dont know if its a genuine illness or a person who has little will power but we have a large lady. How do they always attract the mr muscle type husbands? Well now you have the picture. I was talking to a friend of mine when we heard loud voices and then the infamous words from him "F@@K off!" The next thing was that she then threw a glass of water over him! Hillarious  and oh so classy! The woman had sat in her wheelchair al day and given the poor bloke orders. To be honest I felt quite sorry for Mr Muscle who was obvioulsy doing his level best as she sat there and gave the orders. Great fun to watch. I mean they dont even try to be discreet. Well of course they have another 3 yappers with them,just to complete the picture. So here I am there are two rats behind me, an evil little jack russel beside me that yaps everytime a dog or cat goes past and three opposite me that yap every time someone walks past! That s 6 of the damned things within a sixty yard radius. You cannot begin to imaine how many dogs walk up and down here every day and how much noise there her I am eating my breakfast....the view is lovely...
Four from smewhere else. At least the owner is trying to clean it up but can you imagine the racket with 6 yappers going at these 4?!! 10 dogs all together! Why oh why would you want 4 of these in your caravan or motorhome?!! I go and say something to Marjal who state "We accept dogs if you dont like it, move to a campsite that doesnt take dogs!" Right. My humour was not good so off I went up the coast. Dont waste your time!  went to Camping El Jardin and Camping Costa Blanca. Both read lovely in the ACSI book. I tell you the second one was that bad we didnt even get out of the car! Yesterday we went up to Florentilles which is 20 minute drive up the road......they have recently spent some money on it and have very strict rules on dogs....

My photography is crap but views from the pitches of the salinas..I know which view I prefer! My only reservation was that it doesnt have the facilities this place does....but there again we can never use them anyway and no socail life although there is a bar. We sat and thought about it and most of the social life on here we have organised ourselves anyway! They have a speacial pet area! Hallelujah!! Dogs are not allowed to be walked on site! We could hear birds in the trees! We are definately going to give this one a go. Stays over 29 days even with the other Club is 6.81 a night! Oh another  big plus point... all day english breakfast 2.50!!! Well that just about sold David. 
Oh I was talking to two people yesterday and everyone who doesnt owna dog is grumbling...a lady apparantly went to the loos and insisted on taking her dog in with her! Another lady challenged her and her reply was "Well there isnt a sign that says no dogs!" So if there isnt a sign its ok then?!! Another camper complained nicely to the owner of some yappers that they were being very very yappy and her reply was " They re dogs. Thats what dogs do!" Where do we find these selfish unfriendly people?!! 
The latest from Marjal is that the rules are going to be revised as of September to two dogs per unit.....lets close the door after the horse has bolted as most of these have annual pitches! I cant stand this until September- I really will be crazy! For me the jury is out but at least I have a back up plan..Florentilles is certainly worth a look or book myself in to the local dog kennel as there cant be many in there!
Someone sent me this.....even dogs in their blooming adverts!

Friday 24 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Costa Blanca-A victory for common sense!

As you know I have been pulling my hair out with all these bloody yappers and the Unfriendly Club-little did I think that the two subjects could be related but they are! Dogs and cats camp for free! Yes and worse still until September there is no limit to the amount of bloody yappers or cats you can bring with you! Its true Im living in a dog kennnel! Marjal have had so many complaints that as of September they are going to limit it to two dogs per pitch! Hallelujah!
Last night we all went by coach to Robertos to see the Cabelleros and are all rather hung over today. What I can remember was that it was a good night. The food was very Spanish, the wine must have been good as well as the beer- Dave only made it this morning at 11.59! Close call. Suddenly he is better to go and play petanque boules or whatever they call it!

My mother?!....

My mother dancing with yet another guy!

Now I want to know what David was really doing to Caroline.....Lynne had a similar look on a previous photo!

Ive been thinking- maybe the way Im feeling has nothing to do with the dogs after all...could be Im just feelong a bit woof! Tomorrow is another day... I will try harder!

Monday 20 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal/ Line Dancers!

Ok I cant have too much of a pop at line dancers as I go myself but some people?! Last night I organised for 12 of us to go to Marjal Guardamar by mini bus to see Coles Country. Charles Cole is a pretty good singer. He was supported by Cherry K and Red Strokes. We got there and the place was packed. Great in for a good nights line dancing...its just gentle exercise to our lot and a bit of fun. FUN being the operative word. We dont get upset when we turn the wrong way. We have a bloody good laugh when we go wrong which happens quite often. We all turned up in quite casual dress but when we got there.....there was fully grown men dressed as cowboys and woment dressed as cowgirls.....errr helloo we are in the middle of Spain... how old do you think you really are? you posess full length mirrors? Ok so we maybe had a fashion disaster turning up in t shirts and a pair of jeans....I can live with that.but the dance floor got even worse...
They danceed in all seriousness as though there lives depended on it.they were like blooming robots. Faces like thunder and bodies moving in unison with no feeling for the music whatsoever. I cant make up my mind whether they were depresing to watch or just plain funny to see people dancing like that. I really cant understand it as there is no more fun and energetic person than the line dance teacher- who is as batty as a fruit cake and so vibrant.
Anyhow eventually a song or two came on that we knew how to dance to.....oh dear..where they going to let the remedial class on the dance floor? No!!!! We were pushed right into the pillars in disgrace! We tried to fight back by pushing them the other way. Result black and blue ankles this morning! Im not joking they were viscious! On a dance floor if you accidently catch someone i have always said 2sorry" whether its my fault or not but them.?! Its as though we had no right to join in. If they stood on me or caught me- it was my fault?!! One or two people were very nice but some were just plain aggressive, rude and ignorant-where do we find these people?! I know I bet the all own yapping dogs as well and come from the unfreindly club!
Now talking about them I could kill them at times. They really have no consideration for other people whatsoever. Yesterday I actually had five minutes peace from yapper next door when a caravan pulls on at great speed. A Bailey...dont get me going on those either....I cant remember it could have been pulled by the obligatory Kia as well ....* the ultimate unit as recommended by the Clubs (.well it was on British plates and it came in at quite a speed. There was such a racket. It had at least two yappers hanging out its back windows that were open. The car stopped at the roundabout to talk to someone well it was like hound of the baskervilles with the one next door and all the owners did was laugh! "Ahh well they have been in the car for so long!" Bloody simple solution- dont bring the friggin things! We dont want them- this is not a dog kennel though its turning into one! I was actually hoping that they had come in at such a speed that it could have run over a yapper or the one next door better still- but the shame of it is if they drove like that in summer it would most likely be a child.Do they leave their brains behind in the UK?! Who do they think they are impressing?! "We are here!" urrr "dont we bloody know it!"
Well the sun is shining. It looks like another lovely day. I was going to go Line Dancing this morning but I think instead of learning Line dancing I am going to ask Angie to teach us some effective Rugby tackles,judo or black belt karate just in case I ever want to take to the dance floor again!

Winter Camping at Marjal Rules ,Rules and more rules!

Well what a productive day yesterday. It rained! Yes there was no excuse for it many of those grotty jobs had to be done. Living in a climate like this Im afraid it does make you think "manana" a lot . Make the most whilst the sun is shining and all that so yesterday we had rain! The caravan was cleaned inside from top to bottom, the ironing was done, the printer fixed-even a tidyish awning and a lovely chill out evening in front of the TV with my favourite "Call the Midwife" How sad is that? Even sadder is that no alcohol was involved just  alarge bar of Whole Nut! I will dance it off tonight...Coles Country is on at Guardamar. I have a mini bus taking us there if anyone else is still interested. Its the same thing with the Cabelleros on 23rd at Robertos it was sold out and then everyone is dropping like blooming flies. Heaven only knows whats going on but there seem to be two nasty bugs going around. One is like a very chesty flu and the other is a nasty tummy bug. Get better folks.
Well there is a nasty rumour, well ts more than a rumour going round on site which is slightly worrying. We all know of how silly the Spanish can be regarding houses and building regulations well campsites can be nearly as bad. Its not the campsite its the local council. Apparanatly the inspectors are visiting here within the next few weeks. They are looking at structures that are deemed to be "permanent". Most campsites have a licence for so many tourers and so many pitches for long term living. The problem here as I see it  is that people have been turning touring pitches into long term pitches by building wooden gazebos, sheds etc. Yes these are very strong but are they going to be classed as permanent? The guy very close to me has a proper shed and in it he has his own shower toilet and washing machine- all pumbed in! Is that touring?!  They already have double pitches etc and cant get their car on to the pitch....If we dont have nice inspectors I can see a lot of trouble here and I genuinely feel sorry for some people but on the other hand I can see that they dont want to turn it into a squat or a total residential park. hmmm only time will tell on this one...Watch this space.
I do wish though that Marjal would be more assertive though over its campsites rules maybe this will keep them on their toes....just wished that the inspectors also covered yapping dogs!
Well today its a lovely sunny day but the wind is still there....and as I have a very ordinary awning the wind is battering it- but at least my sewing is holding- you see every cloud has a silver lining-the wind is a stitch tester and at least my washing will dry if I can keep it on the line!
Off for a predomainenly girlies night tonight.....makes a change there are too many bloody boys nights with the poker but at least I can control the remotes when hes out!
Have a good day folks

Friday 17 January 2014

Winter camping at Marjal Costa Blanca- whats this? Rain?!!

Morning world. Well I have safely returned from wandering up the coast to inspect sites. Down to earth with a bang-no more luxury hotels and baths but I do love being back in my caravan. If only someone could design a tourer with a bath in it- I would buy it. I use the shower in my van all the time but there is something about a bath....I guess I will just have to make do with the is really touhg. Thats the strange thing about living like this. Although I travle quite a lot I always take my own bed with me......I  guess Im really a if you have ever followed me you wouldnt say that! Although I was up in beautiful Peniscola I still managed to inspect 3 sites and get back in the bar for 5.40 pm just in time for "Happy Hour" Now that is dedication. Only trouble is I made the decision to have a bar meal.....I may be wrong but something that I ate didnt agree with me and it grounded me all day yesterday and it was British night! Grr! How I wanted to go to that. I have a caravan of blooody flags everywhere as I had planned on dressing up. Flags anyone?! I do a good line in bunting, full size flags and an England flag?! I wouldnt care but I dont really normally do flag waving!
Well as usual some sites were definatel better than others. A word of warning though at one particualr site I was met by a lot of Brits complanining ,well more so than usual! ACSI are charging 18 euros a night plus tourist tax plus wi fi at 4 euros an hour and electricity at 0.85 a kw! Yes most sites charge around 0.35 but this place was certainly kicking a@se! The best bit about it was that nearly all its facilities were closed! You would have been better wild camping! Oh yes I forgot that bit.. on the site there have been 10 bikes stolen in 8 days! Great place to relax for your holiday -not!
Ribamar was as beautiful as ever. Its a nature lovers paradise. The only thing that is wron with it is that you have to do a bit of off roading to get to it as its in the middle of a natural park. The site is spotless and the views are breath taking. Its amazing just a few miles up the road and everything is so green

Oh dear you will just have to believe me that the place is better than my pictures! 
In the time that it has taken me to type this someone upstairs has flicked that magic switch and its sunshine again! Must do the washing thing and kick ar@e! Oh domestic bliss! Have a good day!

Wednesday 15 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal but I'm at Peniscola!

Hi World from a rainy Peniscola. Ohhh ever time I come to this little town I fall in love with it all over again. It has so much character. Its Spain's answer to Gibraltar. Lovely beaches,with a lovely fishing harbour that's all been here for centuries. I'm up here inspecting sites but rather than take the awning down I decided to treat us and stay in a very nice hotel as this time of year they are so cheap...this is my view from my balcony as I type this..
Yes it rained overnight but its still pretty! We found an amazing hotel where a double room was 36 euros with use of the gym, sauna etc but my biggest treat was a full size bath with all free goodies...ohhh first proper bath in four years.
My bath is about the only thing I seriously miss living like this! Well this place is fan and they have managed successful lay to combine the culture and history with tourism so I will bore you some more with a few of my terrible pics and then off to do that 'w' word! More to follow. Have a good day!

Winter Camping at Marjal- The Unfriendly Club Excel!

OMG the poor bloke yesterday. Im still chuckling about it......There is a guy who lives on here in a static caravan. Thats a bit of an injustice they are super cabins I think they call them nowadays., anyhow he decided to take a walk around the site and stumbled across a gazebo with the Friendly Clubs literature in and promotional type leaflets. He decided to have a look around. As he did so he was approached by boss man who asked him if he was a member. "No " he replied "Im just looking". He was asked to leave! The guy was fuming "Ive now been thrown out of a f@@@ing tent!" Hillaroius-how friendly is that?! I dont know how to tell you this my friend- it isnt even a tent- youve been thrown out of a gazebo! lol Life sucks!
I am often asked what is the difference between the two Clubs and I honestly have never been too bothered before but its now quite obvious to me. I used to belong to the Unfriendly Club now that was an education! I think I propbably left before I got thrown out. I once went to a "meet" to join up with some friends. At the time I had just taken delivery of a band new Penine folding Camper. Off we set for the weekend. I could not believe my eyes. The "site" was directly below the big power station at Drax! Ok so not the prettiest or maybe healthiest of settings but get on with it. Pitching around the cow pats in the field was something else. The big event came saturday morning when it was the parade of pennants. I have never seen anything like it before or since. Fully grown men dressed as pantomime horses and proudly walking around in all seriousness parading these bloody pennants! Pennants of which Rallies, Tours etc they had been on and where they were from.....oh dear oh dear... well that was the highlight over with...... have a drink! Sunday morning got even worse... I was awoken early with a "ping pong ping pong!" What?! "Good morning Campers. The Salvation Army are here and are waiting for you in the main  arena!" What?!!! They will have a long wait for me because Im bloody off! I was on call that weekend so it gave me the perfect excuse and I couldnt get away fast enough! I was a total rebel and frowned upon by leaving early...the pack and wolf mentality again.
Prior to this I had made the mistake of recomending a friend to the Club. At the time we had young kids and kids camped free which was the attraction..what did I get?? Money off a campsite? Something useful?! No!!! A recruiters badge! Was I seriously supposed to wear it?! I had left the Girl Guides when I was 16 and had long since given up collecting badges! Needless to say it was all far too much for me. I want a member of anything for ages until we wanted to come overseas more often and I can honestly say that the savings on the ferry crossings more then made up for the cost of my membership on one crossing and my friends..the rest is history. Im gutted to say that I dont have any penants or stickers of the places that I have been .I do not posess a recruiters badge anymore....I have hit the all time low! I can put my awning up in half the time as  dont have to penants to show off all the places that I have very  dare I?! I must be an amateur.?!
Well not a lot happened yesterday but Im still chuckling at the man thrown out of a "fu@@ing tent!" Mum flew back to the UK yesterday and is safely back in the UK with Katie. Fingers crossed today that we should hear something of how she is.
Oh last night I caught Roger and Pam in the bar for a sly one...well I thought Roger was taking Pam out for a meal ...but was this really his idea of a meal>
I suppose he would have to save up for the tomato sauce! Actually here I go again.....This was really prepared for the people taking part in the Quiz which did use to be fun but since it has just about been taken over by the Unfriendly Club we give that a miss too/ maybe if I did win they would ive me another bloody badge?!!

Tuesday 14 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal Weather forecasters-who needs them?!

Well the weather was supposed to be overcast the other day and we had the warmest sunniest day that we ve had for ages. Last night was predicted high winds and rain Like a muppet out I went in my dressing gown and secured everything down.. guess what.. no wind and no rain! This mornings sky doesnt look too bad so Ive made a new years resolution not to watch or read weather forecasts-I might as well flick my own blooming coin!
Yesterday morning I mentioned about the gang from the nfriendly Club who went off with their towels early in a morning. I thought that they had a block booking for the sauna wel I was pretty close.. a regular camper as in one that is just happy camping and very frendly went with his friend for a jaczzi to start the day only to be turned away....Its full! 6 of them in that huge jacuzzi and no room for two more?!! I tell you why dont they just buy the bloody campsite and be done with it? They ve taken over everything! I am suprised as they are the "Friendly Club" why didnt they let my friend in?!! That is really friendly to me NOT! Mean and selfish beyond belief. I am getting to the stage where I think we ought to form our own group and strat dictating to Marjal...a loud voice in numbers! Now what would we call ourselves?!....."The really friendly FUN Club!" Maybe it should be "The pee artists Club!" I tell you they all have faces like wet weekends. Oh they did make me laugh on sunday morning. Its obvuosly group meeting or something and like a herd of sheep they all went to the meeting tent with their chairs and beakers or was it sunday service?! The mind boggles. Cant these people think for themselves. Do they have go everywhere in packs?! They are like a pack of wolves,ravishing everything in ther path whether it be the sauna, the jacuzzi, the restauranat and even the bloody train! Have they had their legs removed too?! Oh no Id forgotten that one they even walk together in packs and yes you ve guessed it many men in their number commit that terrible Britsih thing...shorts and sandles and SOCKS!!! no!!!!! Get the fashion police! The one or two that venture from the pack mentality and lower themselves to be with ordinay campers are fine but then theres some.....I guess they walk among us all! Hey yey the shorts even stay on when its raining and cold "Im on my holiday!" oh dear oh dear No wonder the Spanish think the english are mad! Helloooo even in Spain its January!
Now the site was  busy for rumours yesterday and Im really grateful for people telling me whats going on for me blog....I stress that this is only a rumour....well a friend of mine who has probably the most beautiful static caravan on the entire site is rather concerned to say the least. She has invested heavily in this beautiful static- well it would be wouldnt it- it was made in Hull! They pay around 5000 euros a year to have it sited here. Lovely . The rumour is that the motorhome with the five dogs has bought a pitch to place a static on! Can you imagine that?! My mother has been tearing her hair out as they are camped near her at the moment. Everytime a person walks past they yap, everytime another dog walks passed..well its hell on earth... hellloooo this is a campsite..not a bloody field..there are bound to be people! I hope for my friends sake and the sanity of all the people down there that this is not true.
Since livivng like this I have become a dog hater. I was never like that. Its peoples selfishness that never ceases to  amaze me. I live next door to the viscious rat. Now if I wanted to be woken up every morning to a dog yapping I would have bought a bloody alarm clock like that or a dog myself! I went to the bottom of the campsite the other day and the land actually stank! Why do they let their dogs run across other peoples pitches? They should be on a bloody lead! Oh let me guess.. rules dont apply to that area of the campsite! "Ahh they wont hurt. Its only..." I bet thats what all the owners of these killer dogs also said. Sorry they are dogs. A time and a place for everything. Two maximum per pitch or better still put all the dog owners together!
Right thats got all that off my chest *good job its quite a large chest!( Mother flies back to the UK today to get her eye sorted hopefully. She wants to be back here asap and theres another rumour that Katie may daughter is flying back with her...thats my peace and everyones shattered. Maybe I could ask to go and live in the dog area?! I dont know where she gets her mouth from! If you thought I was loud......Ive met my match!
Oh yes the British evening on Friday night I was trying to print out a poster and my printer is no longer compatible with my new bloody laptop that is running on Windows 8 so I need to update my printer. This has really got my goat because its been a superb 3 in one printer. If anyone is interested in buying it -its fine and cheap to run- just NOT on Windows 8! 25 euros? It all helps towards me buying a new one! Epson SX 440W that will run happily on all the cheap copy cartridges UNlESS you are on Windows bloody 8! Wifi and all the rest of it......blah blahh....
Oh yes Elvis is on here on 8th Feb well its actually Paul Larcombe! If you cant make that one hes also on at Robertos on Valentines night! Come on you romantics! You know the food is fab at Robertos!
Well thats enough rambling for today. Time to get dressed and then.....urgggg weekly exercise/....line dancing. I actually enjoy it when I get there....its just the getting there..the thought of exercise!
Have fun everyone and have a nice day now!

Sunday 12 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Busy Busy Busy

Dont ask me what with! Yesterday the forecast for here was overcast and cool. Well if thats overcast and cool I will have some more of it please. It was lovely. Bright un interrupted sunshine reaching 23! Looking at daybreak as I type this is maybe another gloroius day-fingers crossed.
Well mums eye is playing up and if anything is getting worse. I dont think John helps the situation as he has man flu. She is struggling to see and he wants sympathy! Grrr!!! Keep quiet Jean. Although the Spanish hospital here was great they did not get to the bottom of it. I am now quite concerned so she is flying back tomorrow and my daughter is picking her up from the airport. She is staying with her too. I tell you what booking with Ryanair under the circumstances- stressful or what?! "Quick 3 seats remaining!" One would have thought that the procedure should be quite easy. "Do we want insurance? Do we want to hire a car? Do you want to reserve a seat? Do you want extra legroom? Do we want to take part in their charity competition? I just want my mother to get one of those bloody seat! As if that wasnt enough when Ifinally got to putting in her details "Do you want a hotel?!" No! I bloody dont! Just let me know Ive got one of those three seats! They say that they advertise al this to keep prices down well they are not always bloody cheap and after that fiasco I would gladly have paid more- Im one of those that hates Ryanair with a passion but they were the only people flying when we needed them-steam comng out of my ears at no extra cost or maybe thats another hidden charge!
Everyone around me seems to be dying of flu or heavy colds. Its always this time of year. I cannot believe that it is a coicidence that all those that go home for the christmas period whether it be Holland, Uk or wherever come back with colds and in an environment like this seem to spread like wild fire. Again I blame Ryanair for its air conditionng! lol  I thought that I was being very good and squeezing my own fresh orange juice and eating tons of fruit but Ive just picked up the Daily Mail only to read that fruit juice is not good for you as its so high in sugar! So thats that out out of the window. Back to a beaker of tea and a bar of Whole nut! Noooooo I might as well drink wine- it comes from grapes doesnt it?! One of my five a day?! To all those suffering get well soon and please keep your germs to yourselves!
Now sometime during this week I am supposed to be going up the Coast to inspect some sites but I have such a busy socail schedule that they are really going to cramp my style but heres whats on whilst I remember!
Friday this week Pete and Chris are singing in the restaurant. Its a British night and it is requested that you wear something red,white and blue. I dont know what the food is etc but Pete and Chris are always going to be good and get us all up dancing
21st quite a few of us going to Guardamar to see Charles Cole. I have tickets if anyones interested and Im going to organise a mini bus
23rd Robertos The Cabelleros. I have sold my 50 tickets without putting a poster up! This is 17 euros and includes a 3 course meal. I do believe that the restaurant itself may have some tickets left but not many. Again I am looking at organising transport
I cant  remember the date as its in February but Elvis is back! Yes at Marjal Costa Blanca. If you havent seen Paul Larcombe he is definately the best that I have seen and has performed in front of the Queen etc Tickets etc buy direct from the campsite.
They do have some good ideas but always advertise an event the day before so Im just trying to give you a little "heads up!"
I feel exhausted just reading all the partying and socialising that I will have to do! You dont understand that life can be really hard out here. Oh I will mention it in case any of you dont know on facebook there is a "Marjal Friends page" and we are trying to keep that updated as to what is going on and as a central place to share-exchange ideas and whats going on-thats just reminded me- I must update it!
The rat next door has just whares that Christmas present I bought it?!!

Winter Camping at Marjal Happy Weekend!

Not that weekends make any difference living like this. I struggle sometimes to know what day of the week it is or month sometimes come to that. It is great after all the years of working and having to be concious of the date and time all the while that now I .....well I just roll. The only thing that dictates my lifestyle is the weather. Yes crazy as it sounds. My awning suffered badly in the winds and Ive told you before that it didnt fit my new caravan very well anymore so yesterday was the day. I had to tae the entire thing down and remove half a metre from it. I mean half a metre of fabric extra blowing in the wind., It was a really big job. I can vouch that Isabella awnings are well made-you should try taking them to pieces to rebuild! Anyhow I finsihed up on an industrial sewing machine and jobs done. It took me longer than I planned and I was supposed to be at my Dutch friends for mid afternoon for a Dutch treat...hmmmmm?! Anyhow being camperes they knew and understood why I arrived late and then they fed me! I havent got the faintest what I ate but it was bloody lovely. The starter was like a thick pea soup with sausages in. I know it sounds disgusting but it was blooming lovely. Jorgen is a butcher and he had made the sausages youm yum. Apparantly it is a traditional Dutch dish which they eat in cold weather. The second course was a bit like our bubble and squeek but it has sour Crowt in and sausages and potatoes. Dont know what the hell it all was but it certainly did the trick! The awning no longer looks pi@@ed!
The weather today has been overcast. Its not cold but its cloudy. Another good day for getting things done..ohh that was my train of thought the only hing that dictates what I do is the weather! Rain yes RAIN is forecast so I had to do lots of little sewing jobs for people who would otherwise get wet! Prioritising bloody sewing jobs! I wouldnt care but as Im suddenly on the floor cutting out something in my awning I realise that there is a gale force nine blowing through my own awning..what is it about never buy a house from a builder?!! The same sentiments could apply to someone who sews!
The campsite is really busy and the unfriendly club remain a constant source of amusement. I raelly dont understand them. Early in the morning they go off in groups with towels. I suppose  its a block booking of the sauna etc which does seem slightly unfair on normal campres /not that I would personally want to go at that time anyway!
Well its Sunday morning now and what a busy and productive 24 hours. The internet went down on the entire site yesterday and its amazing how much you can get done without it! I had what they call a "heaven" fr my awninig..after I had altered the awning did it fit?!  No!!! Every blooming angle was totally wrong! Grr!! Take to pieces and re build! Grr!! No time like the present so that was done and put back up. They are very "pretty pretty" but they do actually work. The extra layer of fabric traps air inside so it makes the awning warmer in winter and cooler in summer. Job done. Then off to see Enrique the site Director with Roger. He was very pleased with the New Years Eve event and is already talking about this yeras?!! I havent recovered yet! The  event didnt finish up making any great amounts of money after everyone was paid 125 euros in total and the bar proceeds. Enrique wasnt bothered about the money situation as Marjal saw it as a "service" to the campers. The 125 euros is already put away for next years event. Enrique has all the receipts for anyone who still wants to see them. That reminds me I saw this on facebook the other day and I thought "how apt!" Oh I cant download it on to here..hang Im not that clever. There was a pic ofa black guy with a very wise face and it read.." Actually no My post wasnt about you....But if the Shoe fits, Feel Free to Lace that Bitch up and Wear it! " Just loved it!
The awning was tested yesterday...we had rain! Yes rain! Im pleased to report that we stayed dry! I have to admit that after all the buggering about with it I had my reservations! I was also a good girl and did loads of  bloody paperwork for the Caravan Club-well on the computer. it was a bit like being back in the old job that I had! Just about finished there. It did take longer than I thought and it racked the old grey cells.
Last night my mum came round as her eye is no better and its now probably time to go back to the UK and sort it out as the Spanish Hospitals good as they are dont seem to have found the problem. Great. She can go and stay with my daughter Katie and I will fly home with her. Sort the appointment out..just then my daughter phoned.. Im coming to see you! Oh no you are not! Pee up in a brewery and this family spring to mind! Mum has private medical isurance but its not like anywhere else in the UK you still have to have a referral from a GP so we are having to see how quickly we can get her into the bloody British system. Dont get me going on red tape and jobs for the boys! I love the theory of the NHS and I do think it depends a lot where you live but certainly in our area....we always go private its that bad! Guess we are lucky to have that choice.
Well this morning I got up to good news and today is certainly going to be better. As always, kettle on, fire on, check son has only gone and got engaged to Joanne!  Really delighted for them both.They make a great couple. Again I am having a retarded day and I cant put the bloody photo on!
No! Thats not them! Its an awning heaven! Ok so its nearly dark....but look at the blooming sunset!

 Joanne and Richard Congratulations! Is this a selfie or what?!
Ok so all I hate about facebook etc pictures of dogs and kids etc etc but .....I found this that my son took of my grandaughter

I still dont know whats happened to my wise old black man! Have a good day folks! 

A better pic of Rich and Jo

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal-Wind!!!

Morning world. Ive been very quiet and have missed my blogging drug. Bloody wind that we had the other night it has damaged so much.We were lucky but then someone lets it out of the bag that you have a sewing machine and you feel sorry for the person that has a ripped awning and are on their own. " I can fix it" so I do, next thing you know the whole bloody campsite has something ripped or needs altering! I suppose I didnt help matters by riding my bike with a sewing machine over the handlebars! I am now trying to think of a disgiuse as to how to ride around the campsite///Daves failry outfit? Surely no one would trust me with their awning if I was dressed as a fairy?! No Ive got the answer...Rogers fancy dress dog outfit. There are so many dogs on this campsite that no one would look twice at another! Its a bit like never buy a house from a builder. My own awning has needed altering only since October! Its 50 cms too big for the caravan so it looks as though we were pi@@ed when we put it up and I assure you we werent- well not then anyway! Thats  half a metre so thetes quite a bit of too much fabric. Today was going to be the day after I had collected someone from the airport but then.....someone in a worse state than my pi@@ed awning..their zip has gone on the main door and the way the thing is pitched if the wind comes again it will be a bloody big maniana and please god no more wind until I have caught up! Theirs  is a bright yellow awning and Im afraid that aircraft may be diverted to it from Alicante airport! What a riveting day  and no time for people watching! Do you think  dressed as a dog carrying a sewing machine would really work?! No comments about dogs please!!
Well no but people but facebook is really getting on my nerves. First thing in a morning I am such a creature of bloody habit. The kettle goes on, the computer gets kick started....check e mails, check facebook, check Daily Mail..but why?!!! To see who has fallen out with who and having a row in see pics of peoples grandkids or worse still dogs! What has become worrying is the ads at the side of my page..are the trying to tell me something..its no  longer ads for  furniture or holidays but bloody funeral plans! I DONOT want onre YET!! Now Im as guilty as the next. I think my grand daughter is the best in the world. There would be something wrong with me if I didnt think that and again its ok to show a pic...but oh look...Jessica has farted! Do I really need to see that?! Oh isnt Jesicca clever..she has just thrown up over dadys shoulder Now get me going on dogs.. yes you all own the best dog...but do I need to see five of them laid on your bed?!!! Errrrr!! Tummy churning--worse than Jessica farting! Everyone should blog! so why do I bother? Just in case I have missed something really interestig or catch up with old friends..oh heavens..theres that word again..old..funeral plans! The power of advertising!
Oh and this Yorkshire thing.. Im getting really poked off with that too. Somehow even facebook knows where I come from. I dont have a problem with that. Most people know the minute that I open my gob and Im not ashamed but honestly its all gone too far! " If it isnt from Yorkshire its shite" and other rubbish. I tell you its a great County but we do have a lot of shite- well thats as I remember it! We were the County that laughed at Wales and their patriotic ways but honestly we have becaome as bad... Im english and eeye bye gum Im reet proud. Full stop! Who are we trying to impress? More Bulgarians ,Romanians? ! Get a grip folks.keep it a secret!
I have just looked at the Daily Mail on line. Its so ..welll is England still there? If it is who wants to be there? Its either flooded or filled with non Brits. I tell you they write pages and basically I have just written the entire paper in a sentence! Flooded and full of immigrants. Full stop!
I have just read this load of rubbish and cannot believe that over 100 people a day read this... I am flattered. It maybe rubbish but to us normal people. fellow campers the world makes much more sense! We are all great, sensible people?!! errr then theres the Unfriendly Club.....errr they walk amongst us all! Better go now and get to the airport and then buy that funeral plan! Have a good day!

Monday 6 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal -Happy Three Kings!

Blogging when you have had a bottle of red wine might not be such a good idea...but here I go. Today is 3 kings day and as Im in Spain it would be very rude not to join is their celebrations! We have just returned from a fantastic meal at Cafe Uno in Catral. Yes its British owned so I was only half way there! Soup, lovely steak and a dessert for only 12 euros....the wine about 5 euros a bottle?! There were a lot of campers there and unlike other occassions that I have heard about  it was all well behaved and good fun. It was very busy-well done Cafe Uno!
I was extremely busy this morning as the wind had done a lot of damage to peoples awnings and windbreaks etc so I was busy sewing. A little relief was most welcome. Marjal tried to get into the swing of things and the three kings visited the campsite giving sweets to local children
I dont know if you can make it out but three kings were in the unfriendly Clubs train- how dare they?!
The wind did really amusing things. I mean its a force of nature and theres not a lot you can do- I know about that all too well- look where the wind placed someones gazebo

Again if you can work it out it picked the thing up and placed it either side of the perimeter fence but the right way up with curtains intact! Very considerate. Theres one thing for sure David Baileys job is quite safe with my photography! 
A lovely picture today. I know its hard to believe that it involves a dog called Molly. A really sweet little thing. She smiles more than her owner.

Her owner is Dave the Geezer. What a nice guy but it is against his religion to smile so Molly makes up for him and I tell you what she doesnt yap! She doesnt bite so she can stay! 
People ask me how I can stay so long on one campsite. Yes I enjoy wandering but I tell you what theres more than enough to keep me entertained-just people watching and meeting lovely people. I know my photography is poo and people in england may think that my pics are over exposed but its something you have probably forgotten called the SUN! Whatever you are doing on Three Kings Day and wherever you are in the world have fun and enjoy- just another excuse for another vino?!! 

Sunday 5 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal- What is it with motorhomers?!!

Im very late blogging today. Its almost become a theraputic pastime-what a boring existanec I lead! Now I dont have a problem with motorhomes but there is something about the motorhome mentality that I really dont understand-wherever I go they must be first away,first to get there etc etc-why? What is the rush? Theres enough pitches around for us all to get a place. What started me off in a bad mood is that this campsite like most has rules about the gates closing and opening. I think you cant leave here until 0730 which to be honest enough is early enough but the problem is they start packing up at least an hour before and its still bloody dark!This morning it must have been 6am They cant see what they are doing and make even more noise! Ive noticed this when leading Tours-they like to be first away and arrive first. Why? HellooooooThe pitches are reserved for heavens sake! What is there to pack away that takes an hour and a half?! When we are on the move we do try to be mindful and considerate to other campers and on occassions have even taken the caravan on the motormover away from other campers so to be quiet! Grr!!! If you really must leave at that time park outside the campsite gates the night before!
Anyhow you will be pleased to know that is my rant over. I had a lovely meeting with the Caravan Club today. Such great people to work with. I cant believe how lucky we are. The places that we go to and the people that we meet are amazing. We are pencilled in for hosting three tours this year. They are all great but I am sooooo excited about this new Tour....

Now this one sounds just my cup of tea. Many of these sites I have visited before but they are nice areas to go back to. I only hope that after 47  days I dont feel the urge to kill anyone! I havent worked the mileage out yet but once again we have to go through the money robbing Country Switzerland! 75 euros to drive through their Country and the roads arent that great either! Ooops just rememebered Ive already had one rant to day.  Sorry!
The Tour that we are hosting in April we have done before last year. There are a few alterations but its a really good trip. It really does show all the different faces of Spain and leaves you with a feeling of better understanding in particualar to their customs and traditions. It infuriates me when people say to me "Ive done Spain!" You ask them where they have been and what they have done and they spent one week at Belamadina on the beach!! There is sooooomuch more to Spain! Beaches are only one fraction of the story. There are places in Spain that are green and make the Lake District look bland and boring! 

Oh no is that three rants in one blog-well that stupid motorhome should have let me sleep!
Well its now sunday morning and today is another day. The wind started yesterday  and it started. I would say up to gale force. My caravan was rocking-for all the wrong reasons! The awning was flapping for Britain and Spain too come to think of it. I must admit after the tornado incident it has left me a bit scared of wind but this time we survived-well all except Yorkshire-my flag has ripped! Looking aroujd the campsite many windbreaks, gazebos etc have been lost. Its a day for Mrs Womble to go out and seize useful bits that other people put in the bins! I tell you people throw awnings away because the poles have broken. I dont want the bloody poles but the zips and fasteners- make do and mend girl as there is always someone who wants a zip putting in a kitchen tent or something. You go to the campshop and its at least 80 euros before they ve looked at it! Probably a good job that I bought a new sewing machine yesterday. Yes I treated myself. I went into Aldi. There was a Singer sewing machine for 174 euros. Nice little machine but-----I walked across the road to Lidl and there was the same sewing machine. It didnt say Singer on it but Silver Crest..price 74 euros! and with a three year garuntee. If anyone is daft enough to sell me a sewing machine with a three year warranty the way I use them for what is 60 pounds then I am daft enough to buy it! Looks as though it may have been a good investment with all this damage to equipment. I seldom take money for repairs etc but my wine cellar does get very full- I like payment in wine. Maybe its first job is to repair Yorkshire!
Tomorrow is Three Kings Day here in Spain. Its when all the kids get their presents. It is about the most important day to the Spanish so we are going out to celebrate to cafe Uno in Catral. A steak meal, wine, games etc all for 12 euros...that will do me nicely! A 3 course steak meal for a tenner!
You can tell that the spanish are on site. No they are not particuarly noisey at the moment but they have absolutely no road sense whatsoever. Their laws are very strange. A pedestrian takes priority over anything else on the road as does a pedal cyclist. Fine but even when the kiddy is two years old and riding down the middle of the road?!! You hit the kiddy with your car and its your fault. This morning I have seen it all. There was a man riding on his bike he had with him a dog on one of those expandable leads.Yes a fully grown male with a rat on a lead. He had sucessfully taken up the entire carriageway. A car was trying to pass.....he hadnt seen the lead until the last minute! Eeeks. He slammed all on and sat patiently behind the muppet on the bike and somehow in Spanish law that would have been the drivers fault?!! I seriously think that some people come on a campsite and take leave of all common sense- thats assuming some of them had any in the first place!  I must admit camping does seem to attract them or is it just we have more time to people watch?! I do seriously LIKE people but some do make me wonder and I seriously do not like dogs! Now thats another subject. I did like dogs until I started camping. A time and place for everything but if you spent time living next door to this horrible rat that lives next door to me you would hate dogs too. Its a jack russel and evil little thing that bites and attacks but is a constant yapper and growler. Everytime someone walks past with  a dog...its off. The owners of the other dogs think its wouldnt if you heard it a million times a day! I actually bought the thing a christmas present this year. It was the season of good will and all that...what did I buy it ? A water gun! Yep bring it on mr jack russel if your owners wont teach you- I will! Oh my goodness.. theres a cat....lets yap....oh theres a person....lets yap....oh theres a bike.....lets yap! We are on a bloody campsite for gods sake not in a dog kennel! Mind you I do seem to spend a lot of time in the dog house ...err lets not go there about dogs!
We actually saw the best programme on television I have seen for years last night and funnily enough my hero Dave Allen was on about dogs. His view on life and people watching are just spot on. Wait for it... even David was caught laughing out loud at him! Yes we were stone cold sober and David was caught laughing. I would have videoed the event for you but I couldnt because I was too bust rolling around the floor giggling. Now Dave Allen are repeats that surely can be justified. I dont know how he got away with some of the jokes and sketches about priests and religion but they were downright hillarious. If you took offence then there must surely be something wrong with you.
So today is day! San Isidro Sophie! Yes you see reading this load of rubbish sometimes educates you! Yes I had never thought of it like that. I knew that there was a purpose to all this nonsense. A friend was coming to visit me and got lost but suddenly she saw a sign to San Isidro "Ahh haa " Thinks my friend "I know Im nearly there because Ive read on Jeans blog that she goes to the market there!" I had never considered this as a navigational tool before. Maybe I should contact Google Earth! Great to see you though when you did finally get here!
Well I detracted. I get on here..its a bit like my mouth...doent know when to stop but its market time! Creature of habit.. I will go and buy all those bargains that I didnt know I needed-adios amaigos! Have a good day!

Friday 3 January 2014

Winter Camping at Marjal -Camping its such a small world!

Morning folks. Well the weather men or ladies got the forecast for this area totally wrong and instead of 23 degrees and sunshine we got rain! Well it was warm rain! Total chainge of plans so I smell more than I did on New Years Day when my friemd wouldnt let me do my washing! Superstion and all that! Well the luck that I had the other day with the TV etc I might as well have done the washing! The good news is that good old Nigel found a lead and the TV is now working- I tell you they dont make leads like they used to! My book has been found and TV excelled itself last night. Ooo it was good to see "Birds of a Feather" again. They pulled it off unlike that stupid "Open all Hours" 2014 which somehow didnt work at all/ Im sorry but it appeals to my very simple warped sense of humour. Oh yes and the missing chocolate turned up! Its a good job that Nigel saved the day with the lead as he was a very very brave man holding on to my chocolate! It was such a large bar and I dont know how I managed to lose it. Dave had convinced me that I had dreamt about being given it! I was so chuffed to find it. Just because Nigel is on a diet it doesnt mean that he has to hide my chocolate! I was so chuffed I have taken a picture of the most respectable fridge on the campsite! ..

You will be pleased to note that theres nothing too healthy in there except a loaf of bread! Theres plenty of alcohol and CHOCOLATE!!! 
So yesterday was spent having a good old muck out of this place that I call home. I took down the christmas tree-in fact I binned it. They are so cheap out here but I did take a pic of a lovely ornament that my friend bought me that will be safely locked away until next year..

Ahh how lovely. Thank you Lynne! Oh talking of friends and irony.. remember the guy from the Unfriendly Club who told our Belguim friend that he culdnt use the washing up-toilet blocks as they were for english only? Well  a friend of mine escaped the mayhem and visited a very remote campsite in the Natural Park. Its one that I havent been to but looks lovely to her amazement guess who turned up.......Mr Unfriendly ! I hope you told him Sue that these washing up facilities are for Spanish only! Go on Girl you can tell him! He wont recognise an english accent-tell him to use his english only washing up facilities! LOL Give him a bloody bucket! 
Well I have been on here for ages in between my cs of teas with my half hour to boil kettle but the hot water is on and the sun is shiing-fellow campers the smell will go- the washing machine is going on! Have a good day!

Wednesday 1 January 2014

Winter Camping at Majal -Lets have a second go at New Year!

No never! I dont mean drinking again but yesteday really was one of those days. Probably down to everyone feeling groggy from the evening before. I have to admitr that I was more tired than hung over but Im sure the alcohol hadnt helped. I had managed to last the day and exercising .....yes exercising gently on my bike did help-seeing other campers in the same or even worse state! One poor guy tripped in the plazza and has a fractured shoulder/collar bone. He is back at the hospital today. Good luck. He openly admits that he just wasnt looking where he was going and fell in one of the holes shared with a palm tree! I mean those palm trees are only little arent they?!! Poor guy. I wish you a speedy recovery. Such a lovely person.
My mother came round. Her kettle has blown up. No problem. Give her mine. How did it have Tescos written on it with a foreign plug? For heavens sake woman I bought it in Hungary-doesnt everyone shop at Tescos Hungary?! I ask you and here I am now having to use a low voltage kettle that I have borrowed from Lynne and Nigel. Well its a long term borrow that I will replace. They are great but it uses next to no electricity but you must give it at least half an hours notice if you want boiling water for your tea!
Ok so I dont have to cook tea last night as we have so much left over from the night before. We will all go to Lynnes and eat together. It was going to be a strain to make it across the road but.....she was now feeling worse for wear-can we cancel?! I hope you are feeling better mate. So poker was on last night. Dave went out. Never mind I have the TV. I had a quick look through the listings and as per usual there was sweet bugger all on. Eastenders was the highlight of my evening starting at 10 pm here just as my central heating goes off. I thought I will take a bar of chocolate to bed with me * Much more appealing than David anyway!( but I couldnt find it- what no chocolate?! Turn the TV on.......bang! You know what its exactly a year old and its hardly been used! Wheres my book? Missing. Just turn the ligths off and go to sleep! Grrrr so I am trying New Years Day all over again and hopefully today will be a nice one!
Thats one thing I really like about life.after a shit day we realise that tomorrow is another day and hopefully not as shitty as the day before-just keep me away from electrical stuff. I guess its a visit to media Mart later unless anyone knows of any small TVs going for sale?! Just asking! lol I should  just be grateful that I am still here to fight another day . There are people far more unfortunate than me- get a grip girl!
So  having had a good old whinge at life what is today going to bring apart from a visit to the electrical  shop /OOOOH no now my laptop has decided to go all peculiar!! Who has stolen the question mark_. I should have realiesd that buying a laptop on Portugal was not a good idea! Keep me away from the knife drawer! Oh Ive found the exclamation mark? Hey ....????????? wE ARE BACK COOKING ON GAS! Oh no capitals! Should I go back to bed?! Both togather? Question marks and exclamation marks!
Right. So today is getting back on track. A general muck out of thise caravan and awning that we call home would be an excelent idea. Oh no I have to use the washing machine. Lynne wouldnt let me yesterday as she said it washed away all your good luck but should I really touch anything further electrical today?! What an excuse.No I cant live like this any longer. Even if it is my New Years Day all over again I cant stand dirty clothes hanging around! At some point I want to sit down and write my thoughts on all the 19 countries that I visited last year. You see I  really am a lucky girl and have no cause to complain. What a spolit brat I am! I am lucky to be in a position to think " Where to this year?!" I love my life really....where the road and the sunshine takes me! Happy New Year everyone!

Winter Camping at Marjal-What a night! Happy New Year!

Good morning...should I whisper?! Thank goodness its only once a year. Firstly thank you thank you to all the lovely people that came and supported this. Some friends were extremely naughty and bought me plants, chocolates, wine etc for organising the event. This was really not necessary seeing you all there and having fun was really payment more than enough. Hard work but I think with Rogers and Enriques help we pulled it off. I cant believe I finished in the kids paddling pool....well some people should know better than to dare me! I tried to take lots of pics but dancers next time please dont dance in the light as I havent mastered my flash! Chris and Pete you wre amazing and you really kept the party going. Dare we book you for next year?!! Thank you! Sorry for the state of the photography but there was wine about and sometime a girls just got to do it. Thak you all once again and I wish you all a very happy new year

Madona Eat your heart out!

Whats my hubby doing?!

Mother and Dave  not letting the Strictly Team!

Put him down mother!