Sunday 4 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour Granada and Flamenco

Yesterday was a quiet visit to Granada but it turned out to be anything but quiet. It was fantastic. I haven't still worked out what the fiesta was but something to do with the sacred red cross. There were displays everywhere and lots of people in national dress including babies which was just great for us tourists to see.

We came back to the campsite for a chill. Some took it to extremes and finished in the pool. Later it was back into Granada for a tapas meal and flamenco show in the caves. In case there was a problem with the dancers we were so organised that we took our own spare one!
Debbie says that she is still having difficulty finding her matador though! I really don't know why she bought a pinny though as all we he done is eat out!
Well the flamenco show was great fun. The dancers were brilliant and the food was OK but it was the most sober night that we've had on this Tour wine was 20 euros a bottle! There's making a buck and blooming taking the Michael! 

The atmosphere was great. We then went on a very short walk to see the views of the Alhambra just as it was beginning to get dark and I must admit the views were incredible. After that it was the white knuckle ride in two mini buses back to camp and an early night..and amazingly an almost sober one!
The sun is shining and its going to be another hot one. Today is our only day off to do the washing and little bits of domestic stuff as we have a barbecue planned and silly games party in the afternoon and then we start to slowly and I mean SLOWLY make our way up north

Whatever you are doing I hope you have a good day too!

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