Saturday 10 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-Thats what I call service!

Well we had the misfortune of a broken down vehicle on the Tour. A Jeep Cherokee. After six days and two garages they still didn't know what was wrong with the thing. I'm not on commission here but this truly amazed even me. The member had taken out breakdown insurance with Red Pennant and they got him a replacement tow car from Germany! It left Stuttgart at 10 am on Friday morning. We were amazed when at 9 am there was a black Mercedes waiting so we can continue the holiday! Now that's service! Apparently there is only one company in Europe that will hire cars for towing. So we went for it yesterday and drove nearly 400 miles. The rest of the group should join us here today so in the end we only missed out one site but thanks to our own private tour st El Campino we don't feel as though we have missed anything. There is a group meal planned here tonight so no doubt we will have one or two vines to celebrate being back together and then tomorrow a top up provedure-wine tasting!
The member who now has the German registered car is quite a character. I am just dying for the first person to come up to him and speak German. If only I could find one I might just have to set him up! You just  can't find bloody Germans when you want one!
The weather here is lovely. Its cooler on an evening and you can actually sleep or was it something to do with the drive and the wine?! Ahh well in the words of the great bard " alls well that ended well' well we re certainly on the right tracks now!

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