Friday 16 May 2014

End of Tour. Wandering again!

Yesterday morning we all said our sad farewells at Haro. Some were even in tears! It had been described as 'best holiday ever' and 'non stop party!' Well that's a good holiday isn't it?! Boy they were a fun group. I hope we will hear/see them again. If only all Tours went that well!
So we left yesterday and are heading towards Paris. We stopped last night just north of Bordeaux....oh no another wine region! For my relaxation my daughter and 4 year old granddaughter are flying into Paris for Eurodisney. I don't know who is more excited the granddaughter or grandmother! How lucky am I?
After that its the Champagne Tour and then brrrrr blightey! Yes I'm going to the UK but I'm sure I won't last long. Why would I want to swap my gypsy lifestyle?! Sometimes I do think they have it right. Do you want to buy any pegs?!
Well I have come to the conclusion that ACSI is a thing of the past. You pay about 20 quid for your book/membership and then its now 18 euros to stay on one of their sites which can be very hit and miss. Yesterday I saw that there was a Caravan Club approved one at St Million so I thought "to hell with it let's just pay whatever it costs!" ( yes I was tired!) Oh what a surprise
That  is the view from my caravan window! Out and about on site it just got better

With a bar,restaurant etc all open! The cost? 19 euros! Anyone want to buy a cheap ACSI card?! 
Ahh well I'm staying at another Club approved site tonight but who knows where?! Bon voyage and stay safe!

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