Tuesday 13 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-final stop!

OMG I can't believe that we move tomorrow up to Harp and that's about the end of this Tour. It has gone so fast. I will be really sorry to say good bye to this group. They have been real fun and really good sports. I have a very good feeling that many of us will stay in touch and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them came on other Tours.( yes they really are a mad group!)
Yesterday of all places we were taken to two wineries and contrary to popular belief we haven't drank Spain dry!
This was the underground Protons winery thast went on and on for what seemed like miles. I guess the only thing that stopped us was we didn't have a corkscrew big enough for a barrel! We did manage some excellent wine tasting though. We were all asleep on the coach back! Its difficult to really party on a coach!
In the morning we generally chilled on the campsite in the sun
All I can say ladies is that its a good job that the guys are with you sitting on street corners like that in Spain!
Today was another chilling day and many of us ventured into the little nearby town to the market whilst others more adventurous caught the bus to Salamanca. Haven't they had enough excursions?!  I HAD to go to the market just for research purposes you understand!
So its an early night for us. This is another lovely site  but camping due Harp calls us tomorrow and oh no...Rioja region!

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