Friday 9 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-Grounded!

Well only some of us are and hopefully not for much longer. We have stayed with the members who have the broken down jeep whilst the others have gone to Carcares. The car is being repatriated to the UK and a Mercedes c class has been hired from Germany so that we can all complete the Tour, hopefully together! After six days in two different garages they still can't find out what's wrong with the thing. I know what I'd be doing-but that's another story!
It gets really hot here during the day-no during the night too! It reached almost 40 and there's only one thing to do find the shade in the olive trees or go to the pool. We were awoken this morning by a tractor in the neighbouring olive groves. I guess its the only time to do any type of work but it still must be 20 degrees!
The owners of this lovely little campsite have been fantastic. They have been calling the garage for us all the time and yesterday took us on our own private local Tour. Not only that they provided us with coffee out and sangria and tapas afterwards and wouldn't let us pay for a thing! It was lovely to be so local and really off the tourist track. Matilda took us to the local olive factory, a winery, the church where she got married and a pottery. She knew all the owners and we were treated as her guests! The church courtyard was just something else..

The guy making the ceramics...the potter was obviously a friend or relative and he couldn't have been a nicer guy. Obviously unused to Tourists but so friendly
We were not guided into his shop but we all liked hi, so much that we actually WANTED to buy something to remember him by! I have a pot garlic crusher! No caravan could be complete without one! Health and Safety-whats that?! Just come right in! Fantastic to experience.
The thing that struck me and always strikes me about Spain is controversially all these local businesses keep dogs. Not as pets but as a practical solution. Much cheaper and more cost effective than a burglar alarm!
So we enjoyed yesterday. After sangria and a trip to the pool and Carrefour it was time for bed. Who knows when this car will arrive or what campsite we will be on tonight¡

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