Friday 30 May 2014

People Watch in or rather them watching us!

Well here we are sitting nice and quiet outside our caravan beside a river eating our tea. Ahh blisss when rammed in next door to us comes a Dutch caravan. We spoke. They looked at us as though we were mad as they set up their tea table looking directly at ours! Hmmm my chicken and chips looking more appealing than your meal! Our doors were facing each other and it was almost impossible not to play that stare you out game that we all played as kids. It got me thinking..dangerous I know but its not them that's wrong its us! Our caravan is British made and so the door is on the wrong side! I would never buy anything but British unless we got to the stage where we can no longer make decent caravans but it got me thinking again ( twice in one evening!) Years ago caravans used to have two doors. A front and a back door! Why haven't they still? Take it a stage further and many people that I know who spend a lot of time in sunnier climes won't buy a caravan with the huge front roof window because it gets too hot, fades the interior, you can't see the TV screen or computer and they lose valuable cupboard space so that rules out 90 percent of British caravans! Another this g'built in microwaves! We don't need them travelling Europe! They blow electrics particuasrly in France. If they can make caravans specially adapted for disabled etc why can't they make a caravan for the European traveller?!There's more and more people doing what we are. Hmm now there's an idea?! Mr Lunar or whoever are you listening?!
Anyhow after hurting my brain you will be pleased to know that our Dutch neighbours have left having awoken half the site. I tell you I will definitely know them again if I saw them!
Its a lovely day today and that bright yellow thing is out! Yes I have a good memory..its called sun I think! Our first guest arrives today. I have spoken to him on the phone and yet again he sounds like a Geordie or certainly from the north east. Oh dear I hope they are as much fun as the Geordies on the last tour. I will certainly have my hands full! They really were mad as hatters. If they are anything like the last lot they will certainly liven this site up!
Another nice start to the day was a Facebook message from Jeff and Maria who were at Marjal ( aka Gobshite!) They are really settled in A us and all is going well for them. Jeff says that he is busy. Can you imagine him working?! Lol ( I'm very brave from the other side of the world!) He also sends everyone at Marjal their love ahhhhh that was nice!
Anyhow films I've prattled on here long enough..the sunshine is calling me...OK shall I go out the back door or the front?!

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