Monday 26 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour. The last supper!

Ahh its very sad-its over! What a great time we be had. We arrived back in Haro and the weather was somewhat cooler. Yesterday we were supposed to have had a barbecue but ...

So if you ate one of the bosses from the Caravan Club....." Didn't we do well?!" It took us all day to dress the field like that and it was a bugger cooking those profiteroles on the grill! Beethoven 11 Restaurant is really fantastic!
There was some lovely feedback from members saying how much they had enjoyed it. We certainly did. I made my usual stupid little poem that seemed to go quite well and have been asked to put it on here which I will do but ive got to drive into France today!  I have a feeling that we will hear from this group again. I certainly hope so! 
Thank you all and Toodle Pip!

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