Thursday 29 May 2014

The lull before the storm!

We have been at this lovely little campsite for two days now. Day one was confined to barracks due to the rain. Its certainly very green and very pretty and finally the forecast is for it to improve ( the weather not the campsite!)There is nothing wrong with the campsite,in fact I quite like it except for all the Brits again! Too many. We are a funny lot. Here we all are supposedly on holiday and no one speaks! Not even a 'bonjour' or a good morning. Just now I was walking down the steps from the loo and a man was coming in the opposite direction. I looked at him ready to speak and he fell up the steps trying to look away! Now I know I'm not the best looking person in the morning or at anytime of the day come to that ( particularly in my pink dressing gown) but all I wanted to say was a cheery "hello!". Whoever you were I hope your knees gets better soon! The young campsite owners are really trying to do their bit. Its maybe a bit of an uphill struggle as you can't help but notice everywhere there are military graveyards and memorials to the First World War-constantly living with the reminders of war and death but hey they produce good champagne still and you are supposed to be on holiday!
I don't like champagne..well I thought I didn't until last night! The campsite owners Didier ( what a great name!) and his wife Caroline invited their champagne producing friend to the site for a taster session. They set up a gazebo and made everything look lovely but no one went! Well it would have been rude not to support! Its a woman's prerogative to change her mind! The Rose champagne is yum. Even I bought a bottle at 23 euros! We were quickly joined by other Brits and errrr yes it was a very good apperatif! I just don't understand why the British are so 'po faced and reserved-they soon let their hair down after one or two!
Its been really entertaining people watching as usual. Opposite we obviously have a teacher who sits out marking papers all day ( maybe that makes you pro faced!) The motor homers who are probably on a stop over. Now that's a thing I have noticed on just about every campsite I have ever stayed on. If you can't find the toilet block look for the motor homers. I think they would park the things in the toilet block if they could! It appears to be that you buy a motorhome and you lose use of your legs! Maybe its just because they are older or infirm and I'm just unkind but now I've pointed this out...just watch when you are on a campsite! Now where was I..?!
A lovely elderly couple can,e on yesterday and of course we spoke. I can't remember her name for the life of me but we have given them all names. She is " black legs'. Whenever we have seen her she is wearing black stocking/tights...why?! We are camping. I don't possess any! Maybe I'm just jealous?! No I do have legs! They are revealed very very occasionally!
Ahh we always have to have a Mr and Mrs pretencious. The top of the range caravan with everything just so. Top of the range awning,car etc who really think they are someone. How I would love to take the pegs out of their awning! I'm so sad for them they are having to leave to go back to work ( probably to pay for it!) Now that's the bitch in me coming out! My lifestyle maybe unconventional. My caravan and car are adequate. I don't have to work and I don't look down my nose at you! It does take all sorts to make a world and that's what makes camping so much fun ( well for some of us!)
Well I haven't taken many pics here yet as the grey cloudy skies really don't help the appearance of anywhere but I have the lovely river running directly behind my caravan. Its pretty but it doesn't half make you want the loo a lot! Here goes so far..

Well I have to go now. Busy day ahead....the sun is trying to shine and there's so much people watching to do! Hmmm wonder if there's much more marking to do for Mrs teacher. Will Mrs black legs still be Mrs black legs? Tune in same place,same time tomorrow!

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