Tuesday 27 May 2014

Morning World-A catch up from rainy France!

Hi Guys, Well I haven't blogged for a while as the Yorkshire/Scottish blood was playing havoc and rip off France continues-wifi 7 euros an hour? I'm sorry much as I love my blog and you I just couldn't do it! We are back to civilisation.
Well we took our granddaughter to Disneyland and stayed at a site called Left Quatre Bents. It was 15 miles from Disney and like camping in your very own garden. The pitches were huge. The weather has not been kind. It was 30 euros a night but there was no bar or restaurant etc and only an outdoor pool. It was in a very small village so there was nothing really within walking distance so I made the mistake of listening to my hubby and moved somewhere that had all facilities and had a great write up in the ACSI book-hell on earth! LA Croix du Vieux Pont at Berny Riviere. To call it a campsite was a lie. It was a council estate of static caravans that made Butlins or Pontins look classy! Oh and to make it even worse out of the thousands and thousands of static there we only saw two French cars. Its British half term and it was like Skeggy or Withernsea! Oh yes all the facilities are there but like the WiFi at a cost. Actually I think Wither sea was up market!

Please note Dave is not smiling. He is laughing any the place he has brought me to! If we hadn't of laughed I think we would have cried! He only had one beer that night. I started to laugh..you really want to know the price?! He who laughs last?! We couldn't help laugh at our fellow Countryman. It was bloody freezing and raining but that did not deter them on their holidays..put the shorts on, the sundresses and show the world those fluorescent white bodies! Oh and although most of the women were ground it was also a requirement to be at least a size 20! Classy!Meow! I have never felt so slim!
Well this place boasted its own lake, four swimming pools, a river running nearby but although I was there relaxing the most worrying thing is it was really quite dangerous for children! Why? I never saw one lifebuoy! No fences or warningss about depths or what to do in an emergency. There were plenty of signs saying how much it is to hire a pedalo or buy a fishing licence...all very good if you are drowning!I had wondered why none of the recognised campsites used that place...now I know why. For all its facilities it is a health and safety nightmare! 
As I said to call it a campsite is a lie. Yes they allow tourers on but you are pitched on old sites where statics used to be. Difficult to get in and almost impossible to get out. Tight turns, trees hanging over the roads etc etc. Do not even think about it without a motormover-we would still be there! Initially I thought the pitches were pretty with your own barbecue area but hang on....you need to buy their fuel and a grill?! Hmm time to remortgage the house me thinks!
The other daft think is because you are camping on broken concrete there is no way of putting an awning or blind up. How would you secure it?!
Anyhow I will describe those two nights as 'an experience!" Certainly not one to be repeated! Why oh why did I listen to Dave?!
Yesterday we escaped to the final foreign destination and it was like dying and arriving in heaven! It doesn't take ACSI but I have decided ( well I guess I already knew it!) that I am a snob! Yes it still rains. Yes there are lots of Brits here but its lovely. Within walking distance of a lovely little town with a supermarket ( carrefour at that!) The site has a bar,restaurant and heated indoor pool. Its so quiet but lovely and most importantly the WiFi is good and affordable and safe! No not the WiFi-the pools, fire extinguishers etc! The owner is lovely. He is very " hands on' and friendly ..oh I could be getting myself into trouble here....you know what I mean! Lol As its been raining so much I haven't taken any pics yet but I would really recommend this site. Not only as you are in the champagne area but if you are big into history there are all the world war one graves nearby ( you can't miss them there are so many!)This site is not in ACSI . It is called Au Bord be L'Ainse and the village is called Guignicourt. Sometimes I have to admit you get what you pay for and no ACSI for me next year. Now rain please stop. I need to explore..have a good day folks!

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