Saturday 31 May 2014

Caravan Club Sparkling Champagne Tour

Well today is day one when we meet everyone. We have two units with us already. Yesterday was beautiful and whilst waiting for people to arrive we actually sat out in the French sun and got sunburnt! It was really pleasant in the 20 s so ideal for sitting in ( probably too ideal!)
We are always amazed at what you see on a campsite and yesterday morning when we awoke was no exception

Had they really heard that the Caravan Club were coming and brought in re enforcements? Was it the other Camping  Club?! Oh no France was being invaded again?! Apparently they had come all the way from the Czech republic to commemorate the D Day landings! takes all sorts to make a world!
The campsite here are so organised for the Tour that its scarey. The owner reserved all our pitches with posts with each family name on. He placed posts in the centre of each one. I really couldn't believe my eyes yesterday when a French car and caravan pulled on, threw the sign out of the way and at the moment is promptly camping in the middle of us! You just wouldn't do that would you?! I couldn't believe my eyes. Its not as though there weren't hundreds of other pitches! I really don't get some people. Apparently they are only here for one night. Let's hope so as it could get interesting when everyone else arrives!
You will never guess what. We start in earnest tonight and they are going to make me drink champagne again..oh it would be rude not to-it is the sparkling champagne Tour after all! 

Friday 30 May 2014

People Watch in or rather them watching us!

Well here we are sitting nice and quiet outside our caravan beside a river eating our tea. Ahh blisss when rammed in next door to us comes a Dutch caravan. We spoke. They looked at us as though we were mad as they set up their tea table looking directly at ours! Hmmm my chicken and chips looking more appealing than your meal! Our doors were facing each other and it was almost impossible not to play that stare you out game that we all played as kids. It got me thinking..dangerous I know but its not them that's wrong its us! Our caravan is British made and so the door is on the wrong side! I would never buy anything but British unless we got to the stage where we can no longer make decent caravans but it got me thinking again ( twice in one evening!) Years ago caravans used to have two doors. A front and a back door! Why haven't they still? Take it a stage further and many people that I know who spend a lot of time in sunnier climes won't buy a caravan with the huge front roof window because it gets too hot, fades the interior, you can't see the TV screen or computer and they lose valuable cupboard space so that rules out 90 percent of British caravans! Another this g'built in microwaves! We don't need them travelling Europe! They blow electrics particuasrly in France. If they can make caravans specially adapted for disabled etc why can't they make a caravan for the European traveller?!There's more and more people doing what we are. Hmm now there's an idea?! Mr Lunar or whoever are you listening?!
Anyhow after hurting my brain you will be pleased to know that our Dutch neighbours have left having awoken half the site. I tell you I will definitely know them again if I saw them!
Its a lovely day today and that bright yellow thing is out! Yes I have a good memory..its called sun I think! Our first guest arrives today. I have spoken to him on the phone and yet again he sounds like a Geordie or certainly from the north east. Oh dear I hope they are as much fun as the Geordies on the last tour. I will certainly have my hands full! They really were mad as hatters. If they are anything like the last lot they will certainly liven this site up!
Another nice start to the day was a Facebook message from Jeff and Maria who were at Marjal ( aka Gobshite!) They are really settled in A us and all is going well for them. Jeff says that he is busy. Can you imagine him working?! Lol ( I'm very brave from the other side of the world!) He also sends everyone at Marjal their love ahhhhh that was nice!
Anyhow films I've prattled on here long enough..the sunshine is calling me...OK shall I go out the back door or the front?!

Thursday 29 May 2014

The lull before the storm!

We have been at this lovely little campsite for two days now. Day one was confined to barracks due to the rain. Its certainly very green and very pretty and finally the forecast is for it to improve ( the weather not the campsite!)There is nothing wrong with the campsite,in fact I quite like it except for all the Brits again! Too many. We are a funny lot. Here we all are supposedly on holiday and no one speaks! Not even a 'bonjour' or a good morning. Just now I was walking down the steps from the loo and a man was coming in the opposite direction. I looked at him ready to speak and he fell up the steps trying to look away! Now I know I'm not the best looking person in the morning or at anytime of the day come to that ( particularly in my pink dressing gown) but all I wanted to say was a cheery "hello!". Whoever you were I hope your knees gets better soon! The young campsite owners are really trying to do their bit. Its maybe a bit of an uphill struggle as you can't help but notice everywhere there are military graveyards and memorials to the First World War-constantly living with the reminders of war and death but hey they produce good champagne still and you are supposed to be on holiday!
I don't like champagne..well I thought I didn't until last night! The campsite owners Didier ( what a great name!) and his wife Caroline invited their champagne producing friend to the site for a taster session. They set up a gazebo and made everything look lovely but no one went! Well it would have been rude not to support! Its a woman's prerogative to change her mind! The Rose champagne is yum. Even I bought a bottle at 23 euros! We were quickly joined by other Brits and errrr yes it was a very good apperatif! I just don't understand why the British are so 'po faced and reserved-they soon let their hair down after one or two!
Its been really entertaining people watching as usual. Opposite we obviously have a teacher who sits out marking papers all day ( maybe that makes you pro faced!) The motor homers who are probably on a stop over. Now that's a thing I have noticed on just about every campsite I have ever stayed on. If you can't find the toilet block look for the motor homers. I think they would park the things in the toilet block if they could! It appears to be that you buy a motorhome and you lose use of your legs! Maybe its just because they are older or infirm and I'm just unkind but now I've pointed this out...just watch when you are on a campsite! Now where was I..?!
A lovely elderly couple can,e on yesterday and of course we spoke. I can't remember her name for the life of me but we have given them all names. She is " black legs'. Whenever we have seen her she is wearing black stocking/tights...why?! We are camping. I don't possess any! Maybe I'm just jealous?! No I do have legs! They are revealed very very occasionally!
Ahh we always have to have a Mr and Mrs pretencious. The top of the range caravan with everything just so. Top of the range awning,car etc who really think they are someone. How I would love to take the pegs out of their awning! I'm so sad for them they are having to leave to go back to work ( probably to pay for it!) Now that's the bitch in me coming out! My lifestyle maybe unconventional. My caravan and car are adequate. I don't have to work and I don't look down my nose at you! It does take all sorts to make a world and that's what makes camping so much fun ( well for some of us!)
Well I haven't taken many pics here yet as the grey cloudy skies really don't help the appearance of anywhere but I have the lovely river running directly behind my caravan. Its pretty but it doesn't half make you want the loo a lot! Here goes so far..

Well I have to go now. Busy day ahead....the sun is trying to shine and there's so much people watching to do! Hmmm wonder if there's much more marking to do for Mrs teacher. Will Mrs black legs still be Mrs black legs? Tune in same place,same time tomorrow!

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Morning World-A catch up from rainy France!

Hi Guys, Well I haven't blogged for a while as the Yorkshire/Scottish blood was playing havoc and rip off France continues-wifi 7 euros an hour? I'm sorry much as I love my blog and you I just couldn't do it! We are back to civilisation.
Well we took our granddaughter to Disneyland and stayed at a site called Left Quatre Bents. It was 15 miles from Disney and like camping in your very own garden. The pitches were huge. The weather has not been kind. It was 30 euros a night but there was no bar or restaurant etc and only an outdoor pool. It was in a very small village so there was nothing really within walking distance so I made the mistake of listening to my hubby and moved somewhere that had all facilities and had a great write up in the ACSI book-hell on earth! LA Croix du Vieux Pont at Berny Riviere. To call it a campsite was a lie. It was a council estate of static caravans that made Butlins or Pontins look classy! Oh and to make it even worse out of the thousands and thousands of static there we only saw two French cars. Its British half term and it was like Skeggy or Withernsea! Oh yes all the facilities are there but like the WiFi at a cost. Actually I think Wither sea was up market!

Please note Dave is not smiling. He is laughing any the place he has brought me to! If we hadn't of laughed I think we would have cried! He only had one beer that night. I started to really want to know the price?! He who laughs last?! We couldn't help laugh at our fellow Countryman. It was bloody freezing and raining but that did not deter them on their holidays..put the shorts on, the sundresses and show the world those fluorescent white bodies! Oh and although most of the women were ground it was also a requirement to be at least a size 20! Classy!Meow! I have never felt so slim!
Well this place boasted its own lake, four swimming pools, a river running nearby but although I was there relaxing the most worrying thing is it was really quite dangerous for children! Why? I never saw one lifebuoy! No fences or warningss about depths or what to do in an emergency. There were plenty of signs saying how much it is to hire a pedalo or buy a fishing licence...all very good if you are drowning!I had wondered why none of the recognised campsites used that I know why. For all its facilities it is a health and safety nightmare! 
As I said to call it a campsite is a lie. Yes they allow tourers on but you are pitched on old sites where statics used to be. Difficult to get in and almost impossible to get out. Tight turns, trees hanging over the roads etc etc. Do not even think about it without a motormover-we would still be there! Initially I thought the pitches were pretty with your own barbecue area but hang need to buy their fuel and a grill?! Hmm time to remortgage the house me thinks!
The other daft think is because you are camping on broken concrete there is no way of putting an awning or blind up. How would you secure it?!
Anyhow I will describe those two nights as 'an experience!" Certainly not one to be repeated! Why oh why did I listen to Dave?!
Yesterday we escaped to the final foreign destination and it was like dying and arriving in heaven! It doesn't take ACSI but I have decided ( well I guess I already knew it!) that I am a snob! Yes it still rains. Yes there are lots of Brits here but its lovely. Within walking distance of a lovely little town with a supermarket ( carrefour at that!) The site has a bar,restaurant and heated indoor pool. Its so quiet but lovely and most importantly the WiFi is good and affordable and safe! No not the WiFi-the pools, fire extinguishers etc! The owner is lovely. He is very " hands on' and friendly ..oh I could be getting myself into trouble know what I mean! Lol As its been raining so much I haven't taken any pics yet but I would really recommend this site. Not only as you are in the champagne area but if you are big into history there are all the world war one graves nearby ( you can't miss them there are so many!)This site is not in ACSI . It is called Au Bord be L'Ainse and the village is called Guignicourt. Sometimes I have to admit you get what you pay for and no ACSI for me next year. Now rain please stop. I need to explore..have a good day folks!

Monday 26 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour. The last supper!

Ahh its very sad-its over! What a great time we be had. We arrived back in Haro and the weather was somewhat cooler. Yesterday we were supposed to have had a barbecue but ...

So if you ate one of the bosses from the Caravan Club....." Didn't we do well?!" It took us all day to dress the field like that and it was a bugger cooking those profiteroles on the grill! Beethoven 11 Restaurant is really fantastic!
There was some lovely feedback from members saying how much they had enjoyed it. We certainly did. I made my usual stupid little poem that seemed to go quite well and have been asked to put it on here which I will do but ive got to drive into France today!  I have a feeling that we will hear from this group again. I certainly hope so! 
Thank you all and Toodle Pip!

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Camping at Disneyland Paris

Wow what a roller coaster of a few days! We arrived at Camping Quatre Vents on Sunday night after a long drive the length of France! The weather was glorious but the tolls to Paris were in excess of 100 euros! The services on the motorways were terrible. Each one was not only ridiculously expensive but very dirty. Such a shame as I had a " rose coloured' view of France and many happy memories. I guess it can be blamed on the recession? I really don't know. Anyhow I was out to have fun. We arrived at the Campsite which I can best describe as like camping in your own back garden! Its situated in the smallest village and is so quiet,yet only a 15 minute from Disneyland. The pitches are so huge I have two awnings up and my car and there is still room for another caravan! The pitches are nicely marked out with hedges for privacy and of course its all grass. The other day I was awoken by the sound of horses hooves going by the site! Ahh lovely. So rural. So French!
Katie had been totally conned by Ryanair as usual. She saw flights from Manchester to Paris for £120 return for two people and booked them. What no one said is that Ryanair Paris is really into a place called Beauvais that is a 1 hour 40 ride to the campsite and Eurodisney! Its like saying East Midlands Airport is London! What a terrible airline that is and yes I really did need to do all that extra driving! So be warned when Ryanair says where its going that it really is going to the place you want to be at! Again like the service area's the airport was dirty and expensive. It was so bad that there weren't any seats in an airport and passengers were waiting sitting on grass outside! The toilets were only accessible if you had a gas mask with you! Pewwwww! Yuck!
Anyhow we were still determined to have fun and my daughter and granddaughter arrived safely.
Tuesday was the big day... The offers were 3 days for the price of 2. I nearly bought them but even with discounts for three adults and one child it was in excess of 500 euros. Since I was last here theory have built a Disney Studios. I thought long and hard " what does a 4 year old really want to see?!" Answer " Princesses!". We discussed it at length and opted to spend one very long day in the traditional park. So that was about 220 euros. What a great decision! I think we would all have been totally crazy after three days there! After visiting the first shop I lost Molly and she came out as Snow White!
Granny came out 100 euros slimmer! She made us laugh when she saw the castle " what are all those people doing in my house?!"
We had a great day. It kept raining on and off. I went to buy a plastic poncho for us 9 euros each! All I could think was 'I coulkd buy one of those in Spain for two euros!" Ouch! I know I'm in a tourist hotspot and was prepared to pay double the price but more than quadruple?!
The Highlight for Molly was the parade itself. That was delayed by the rain but they did come on. Molly was in my arms and all I could hear was squeals of delight as she saw each character go by. The ultimate though was when Snow White and Prince Charming saw her. They singled her out in the crowd,blew her a kiss and paid her so much attention

The heavens then opened and the ponchos were useless. We arrived back to the car soaked through to our skins!  We had a marvellous day though, despite the rain and the prices!
Yesterday was equally as expensive. What do you do with a 4 year old and her mummy when all it does is rain? We went to a huge shopping centre! Much more practical this time I bought Molly clothes. Dave treated Katie and me to two new Pandora charms of the Eiffel Tower and then it rained some more coupled with thunder and lightening! I haven't really seen rain since last October but we have had our quota in the last 48 hours!
So today. Our last day..well at the moment its sunny. I had planned on going to Disney Village to shop for my other granddaughter and grandchild to be and then to a chocolate farm. Yes what is a chocolate farm? I have no bloody idea but it certainly sounds good! Rain please stay away-they fly home tomorrow! Whatever you are doing I hope you have a good day too!

Saturday 17 May 2014

Rip off Britain? Come to France!

I have lost count how much time I have spent over the years in France. Its a Country that I thought I would always love but in some respects its changed drastically and not for the better. I always think of France as clean and cultured with beautiful countryside and lovely people. I never visited France because it was cheap but now...?!
OK so I left Alicante and drove to the north of Spain. I then led a Tour right down to Granada and back up again. Total cost for incredible roads, good services and facilities 56 euros. I hasten to add everything was spotlessly clean. Campsite facilities were immaculate with warm hot showers.
I drove into France no signs 'welcome to France'. The first greeting I got was a peage! I'm not at Paris yet and I've already spent 86 euros! I stopped only once at a service area. I paid 6.40 for two coffees in a paper cup! The tables weren't dirty they were disgusting! There weren't enough toilets...oh I won't go there!
I have now stayed on two 4/5 star campsites and the comparison is bleak for France. Yes they are pretty. Yes they are in great locations but outside toilets still? Showers that are cold? They are light years behind the rest of Europe now. Hungary, Czech republic even Romania's could get that bit right! Surely its not rocket science! The campsites in France used to lead the way. Not anymore! Think twice or have very deep pockets if you want to travel around France! All that said where else could I camp in the grounds of a lovely chateau?!

Well I've got another 100 miles to do today ( if I can afford it!) If not you might just find me asking for a job to clean those tables or logos!

Friday 16 May 2014

End of Tour. Wandering again!

Yesterday morning we all said our sad farewells at Haro. Some were even in tears! It had been described as 'best holiday ever' and 'non stop party!' Well that's a good holiday isn't it?! Boy they were a fun group. I hope we will hear/see them again. If only all Tours went that well!
So we left yesterday and are heading towards Paris. We stopped last night just north of Bordeaux....oh no another wine region! For my relaxation my daughter and 4 year old granddaughter are flying into Paris for Eurodisney. I don't know who is more excited the granddaughter or grandmother! How lucky am I?
After that its the Champagne Tour and then brrrrr blightey! Yes I'm going to the UK but I'm sure I won't last long. Why would I want to swap my gypsy lifestyle?! Sometimes I do think they have it right. Do you want to buy any pegs?!
Well I have come to the conclusion that ACSI is a thing of the past. You pay about 20 quid for your book/membership and then its now 18 euros to stay on one of their sites which can be very hit and miss. Yesterday I saw that there was a Caravan Club approved one at St Million so I thought "to hell with it let's just pay whatever it costs!" ( yes I was tired!) Oh what a surprise
That  is the view from my caravan window! Out and about on site it just got better

With a bar,restaurant etc all open! The cost? 19 euros! Anyone want to buy a cheap ACSI card?! 
Ahh well I'm staying at another Club approved site tonight but who knows where?! Bon voyage and stay safe!

Tuesday 13 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-final stop!

OMG I can't believe that we move tomorrow up to Harp and that's about the end of this Tour. It has gone so fast. I will be really sorry to say good bye to this group. They have been real fun and really good sports. I have a very good feeling that many of us will stay in touch and I wouldn't be surprised if some of them came on other Tours.( yes they really are a mad group!)
Yesterday of all places we were taken to two wineries and contrary to popular belief we haven't drank Spain dry!
This was the underground Protons winery thast went on and on for what seemed like miles. I guess the only thing that stopped us was we didn't have a corkscrew big enough for a barrel! We did manage some excellent wine tasting though. We were all asleep on the coach back! Its difficult to really party on a coach!
In the morning we generally chilled on the campsite in the sun
All I can say ladies is that its a good job that the guys are with you sitting on street corners like that in Spain!
Today was another chilling day and many of us ventured into the little nearby town to the market whilst others more adventurous caught the bus to Salamanca. Haven't they had enough excursions?!  I HAD to go to the market just for research purposes you understand!
So its an early night for us. This is another lovely site  but camping due Harp calls us tomorrow and oh no...Rioja region!

Sunday 11 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour. A Reunion already!

Did we really need an excuse for a meal, a drink and a get together-I don't think so!
Poor old Kevin who has the replacement German car hasn't had the Micky taken out of him much..
Yep when the group got split up we even lost custody of our trusty old notice board! Heir Kevin took it all in good fun though.
Whilst we were assembling another member who was not part of the group had a problem with a caravan tyre. We are expected to know EVERYTHING about caravans. How many campers does it take to change a wheel?
Richards conclusion 'plenty of miles left on that tread!"
We don't seem to have a shortage of 'supervisors!" The problem was that the tyre had blown out and the Spanish had never heard of Tyron Bands so we had to take it off ourselves. Mission successful! Oh no its time to eat...!
Oh blooming heck-they have thrown in free wine again! The food was incredible. Pork cooked in red wine that just fell apart it was so tender. Yum and then...oh no someone's birthday so we had better join them for a drink! Can you believe where the excursion is to today...a vineyard! Do they have any left?! Its maybe just a local 'topping up' procedure!
I think that the Caravan Club maybe ought to consider a detox and dieting Tour to run after this one! Corr this is a tough life!

Saturday 10 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-Thats what I call service!

Well we had the misfortune of a broken down vehicle on the Tour. A Jeep Cherokee. After six days and two garages they still didn't know what was wrong with the thing. I'm not on commission here but this truly amazed even me. The member had taken out breakdown insurance with Red Pennant and they got him a replacement tow car from Germany! It left Stuttgart at 10 am on Friday morning. We were amazed when at 9 am there was a black Mercedes waiting so we can continue the holiday! Now that's service! Apparently there is only one company in Europe that will hire cars for towing. So we went for it yesterday and drove nearly 400 miles. The rest of the group should join us here today so in the end we only missed out one site but thanks to our own private tour st El Campino we don't feel as though we have missed anything. There is a group meal planned here tonight so no doubt we will have one or two vines to celebrate being back together and then tomorrow a top up provedure-wine tasting!
The member who now has the German registered car is quite a character. I am just dying for the first person to come up to him and speak German. If only I could find one I might just have to set him up! You just  can't find bloody Germans when you want one!
The weather here is lovely. Its cooler on an evening and you can actually sleep or was it something to do with the drive and the wine?! Ahh well in the words of the great bard " alls well that ended well' well we re certainly on the right tracks now!

Friday 9 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-Grounded!

Well only some of us are and hopefully not for much longer. We have stayed with the members who have the broken down jeep whilst the others have gone to Carcares. The car is being repatriated to the UK and a Mercedes c class has been hired from Germany so that we can all complete the Tour, hopefully together! After six days in two different garages they still can't find out what's wrong with the thing. I know what I'd be doing-but that's another story!
It gets really hot here during the day-no during the night too! It reached almost 40 and there's only one thing to do find the shade in the olive trees or go to the pool. We were awoken this morning by a tractor in the neighbouring olive groves. I guess its the only time to do any type of work but it still must be 20 degrees!
The owners of this lovely little campsite have been fantastic. They have been calling the garage for us all the time and yesterday took us on our own private local Tour. Not only that they provided us with coffee out and sangria and tapas afterwards and wouldn't let us pay for a thing! It was lovely to be so local and really off the tourist track. Matilda took us to the local olive factory, a winery, the church where she got married and a pottery. She knew all the owners and we were treated as her guests! The church courtyard was just something else..

The guy making the ceramics...the potter was obviously a friend or relative and he couldn't have been a nicer guy. Obviously unused to Tourists but so friendly
We were not guided into his shop but we all liked hi, so much that we actually WANTED to buy something to remember him by! I have a pot garlic crusher! No caravan could be complete without one! Health and Safety-whats that?! Just come right in! Fantastic to experience.
The thing that struck me and always strikes me about Spain is controversially all these local businesses keep dogs. Not as pets but as a practical solution. Much cheaper and more cost effective than a burglar alarm!
So we enjoyed yesterday. After sangria and a trip to the pool and Carrefour it was time for bed. Who knows when this car will arrive or what campsite we will be on tonight¡

Thursday 8 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-What a place to be stuck!

Well things for some of us are not going as planned. Its re affirmed to me that as nice as Jeep Cherokees look I will never own one! Whilst the rest of the group moved on to Car cares yesterday we were here with Kevin's car spending the sixth day in a Spanish garage. They have come to the conclusion that the problem is electrical but can't find the source! I'm no mechanic but after six days I could have worked that one out! Red Pennant have or rather are coming to the rescue. They are having a Mercedes c class brought all the way from Stuttgart in Germany so that he can continue the Tour and the broken Jeep is being repatriated to the UK. I don't think that he ever wants to see the thing again! The car is travelling approx 1300 miles to get to us and should be with us tomorrow morning so we can continue the Tour and hopefully catch the others up. The reason that the replacement car has to come from Germany as its very difficult to hire a car for the purposes of towing.
The weather continues to be red hot. Well into the 30 s so in between telephone calls and texts I just have to use my personal pool

Dave was finding the day equally difficult and chose to hide in the olive trees as it was so hot!
This is a lovely little site and the owners couldn't be more helpful even ringing up garages etc for us. I could think of far worse places to be stuck! Today they have asked us to join another group who are going to the bodegas.....oh if we must!
On a serious note there is some new legislation that came into affect-not that I can see many of us doing 130 km pH with a caravan on the back ! Just some more useful, useless info for my fellow travellers! Have a good day whilst we struggle to cope with the pressures here!

Wednesday 7 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour-This wasnt planned!

Well things were going far too well on this Tour something had to go wrong! We were having a super time at Las Lomax and on our 'day off' decided to have our own mini Olympics and then a barbecue. The weather and scenery were stunning. It was probably around 32 degrees

The snow was still on the mountain tops! Kevin had taken his Jeep Grand Cherokee for a ride into the mountains but when it had been warm would the thing start again?! Error no! He got it back to the campsite and Red Pennant recovered it. What was it going to perform like with a caravan on the back? Was it even going to perform?! We can't really criticise Red Pennant but the Jeep dealer. Nothing had any urgency. It was ,mania a!" If it wasn't that it was blooming siesta time! Needless to say we finished  squatting at the Jeep dealers at 4 pm when it opened so we could get the blooming car back and on the road again. They assured us that the car was fine and it had been a problem with contaminated coolant. Hitch up and a drive to catch the others up at LA Campina near Cordobo. Kevin made it to the campsite following us but as we pulled in the campsite gates the thing wouldn't start again and he had to free wheel on to a pitch! Red Pennant came and picked the thing up again whilst we went on an excursion to Cordoba.

I have to admit that I'm not a fan of cathedrals and churches but there is no denying it probably is the best in the world. Originally it was a mosque and then when Isabelle the Catholic and Ferdinand re conquered Cordoba they built a cathedral around the Mosque.
Dave and I wandered off after a while and we stumbled across the most gruesome museum ever. The rooms and equipment that were actually used in the Spanish inquisition. OMG were we barbaric! Blood curdling but so fascinating. 
So today I was supposed to be first away but we are sitting here waiting to hear about Kevin's car at 8.30. There are far worse places to be stuck. The heat hit 39 yesterday and it was boiling through the night. We have a 200 mile trip in front of us to Cacares and a meal waiting for us so please Mr Jeep get your finger out and get us all on the road again!

Sunday 4 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour Granada and Flamenco

Yesterday was a quiet visit to Granada but it turned out to be anything but quiet. It was fantastic. I haven't still worked out what the fiesta was but something to do with the sacred red cross. There were displays everywhere and lots of people in national dress including babies which was just great for us tourists to see.

We came back to the campsite for a chill. Some took it to extremes and finished in the pool. Later it was back into Granada for a tapas meal and flamenco show in the caves. In case there was a problem with the dancers we were so organised that we took our own spare one!
Debbie says that she is still having difficulty finding her matador though! I really don't know why she bought a pinny though as all we he done is eat out!
Well the flamenco show was great fun. The dancers were brilliant and the food was OK but it was the most sober night that we've had on this Tour wine was 20 euros a bottle! There's making a buck and blooming taking the Michael! 

The atmosphere was great. We then went on a very short walk to see the views of the Alhambra just as it was beginning to get dark and I must admit the views were incredible. After that it was the white knuckle ride in two mini buses back to camp and an early night..and amazingly an almost sober one!
The sun is shining and its going to be another hot one. Today is our only day off to do the washing and little bits of domestic stuff as we have a barbecue planned and silly games party in the afternoon and then we start to slowly and I mean SLOWLY make our way up north

Whatever you are doing I hope you have a good day too!

Friday 2 May 2014

Caravan Club Highlights of Spain Tour Day 11 Is this the best campsite?!

I really don't know! They have all been so stunning! This has always been one of my favourites Las Lomas. Paco the owner is just incredible. We left Los Batanes yesterday and arrived here yesterday afternoon. The roads were very busy due to it being a Spanish holiday but the journey here was well worth it. We were greeted by a lovely meal on the terrace. Is this the best dining room in the world?

The wonderful thing is that the food was equally terrific.
We were all up early this morning as the group is going to the Alhambra Palace. We have been five times before so we are doing the shopping for the entire group. Who has who trained?! 
Beforehand I grabbed this pic of our co hosts doing a really good impression of ' Mr and Mrs Bouquet' It looks as though Anne behind is doing their washing!

Maybe we can get these Tours running correctly after all!
Well there is still snow on the mountains and ski ingcontinues until next Sunday here. Its hard to imagine as I'm sweltering in 27degrees sunshine ( don't feel too sorry for me!) The site is just beautiful. There is no other word for it.

Absolutely everything on this Tour has been first class. I took a pic of the bus that came to take the group to the Alhambra and as usual..first class! 

If this Tour isn't the " Highlights of Spain Tour' I don't know what is! Tomorrow its Granada City and a flamenco show in the evening...oh no..more food! Roll me back to England! 
Now oh no shopping...guess what for? Food! Where are we putting it?! Its a tough life!