Wednesday 20 November 2013

Winter camping Marjal Costa Blanca The weather-how British!

I promised my friends in the UK that I wasn't going to blog about the weather here anymore as it made them envious but in true British style over 100 people in the UK looked at my blog as the heading had the word 'weather' in it! What is this British obsession?! It really is yrue-the weather here is so much better!
Yes its cold at night but like one of those rare British summer days during the daytime with lots of sunshine and only t shirts and shorts required. Now I have also forgotten the amazing sunsets here. They really are something else...

The sun sets like this just about every night! What I really can't understand is why so many people CHOOSE to stay in the UK for winter! I have WiFi British TV, friends, spas, swimming pools,restaurants all at hand. My total monthly bill for all this is less than 300 euros a month! I would probably just be paying that in energy bills for my house!( not to mention council tax,water rates etc etc) It does break my heart on the few occasions that I go back to the UK and see a 20 k caravan parked on a driveway only to be taken out at weekends or for two weeks holiday in the summer-do they realise what they are missing?!
Maybe I shouldn't talk too much about it or all the campsites will be full in winter! Alicante airport is just down the road and its cheap enough to nip to and from the UK if you need to-havent they heard of aeroplanes?!
Planning for Christmas and New Year parties seems to be coming on nicely. Its also my mates birthday on New Years Day and each year we have had an extra drink or two getting tanned! Not canned-TANNED! Lol 
Oh what to do today? A little sewing and an easy day...stress....decisions......I might just make it up for Happy Hour tonight so I had better conserve my energy! Lol

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