Saturday 9 November 2013

Marjal Eco Resort Costa Blanca Busy doing noithing don't seem to have stopped but don't ask me what I've been doing! The weather continues to be gorgeous, although its now getting chilly on an evening ( 11 or 12 degrees) but to us that's cold now!
I spent Thursday cleaning out a lovely fifth wheel trailer for Tony. I couldn't help but laugh when I had finished cleaning it a lady came to look around it. I said " crazy isn't it. When I worked I had a cleaner. I stop working and I have really enjoyed cleaning this trailer out. A psychiatrist would lock me up!" The lady looked at ,me and said " I'm a psychiatrist consultant!" Oops must be careful your the Lady that could lock me up!lol What a close shave!
After being the camp scrubber all day we went out for a nice steak at Cafe Uno in Catral. Yum yum.
Today my good old Nexus 7 decided to die! Yes -hoiw dare it?! Panic it was like losing both my right and left arm. I went straight back to the shop that I bought it from. I didn't take or even bother looking for the receipt as I thought I had oiwned it about a year and had good use of it. As I walked in the lovely young man that served me nearly a year ago remembered me!  'We be never had a Nexus back. Are you sure its not under warranty?" To cut a long story shirt he found many details on his computer and it is not a year old therefore under guarantee! He then tried to fix it himself but couldn't so off its gone for repair. It will take a month! A month without a tablet?! Is he real?! He recommended a Lenovo tablet. I'd never heard if them before but so far its totally awsome and sooooi quick. A gadget that is great news for a traveller is that not only can you expand its memory with an SD card but it holds two sim cards so you can buy data when WiFi isn't available! At last! I haven't been impressed with Skynetlink as its always needing rebooting so we will see hoiw this pay as you go data goes.
Oh laugh tonight I went to the local Chinese restaurant tonight. A three course meal is 5.95 inc half a brittle of wine. I didn't fancy Chinese so I asked choir egg and chips with chicken. OK so I don't know whether it was my Spanish or the waitresses that let me down but I finished up with chicken,omelette and chips! OK so no duncking my chips in my egg! It was different....tomorrows another day! Lol

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