Saturday 2 November 2013

Love Spain but camping with the Spanish?!

When I first started on this journey to be fair I was warned about how bad the Spanish were at camping but I didn't totally believe them. Unfortunately for the second time I have really discovered just how bad they can be!
So we are all nicely set up. A nice mixture of different nationalities. Behind me was a spare pitch and either side are Swiss people in £100k plus motorhomes. The spare pitch was taken in between them and directly behind me by the family from hell! Their little caravan is less than one metre from my caravan. A young couple with a boy aged five and a toddler aged about eighteen months. Promptly the youngster started banging on my caravan with his fists! He was not told off by mum and dad. He then promptly was about to go for a pee against one of the £100k motorhomes until the Swiss woman caught him! Hmmm how to impress your neighbours!
OK so the noise was horrendous. Youngster crying at about 10 pm because he was tired. Simple solution by father invite his friend around and have a beer and shout over the youngster! We couldn't even hear our TV in our own caravan!
Today its just as bad. A kindergarten has developed in the street or junior Barcelona! Using caravans and motorhomes as goalposts! What is wrong with these people?! I'm not just talking of one family they seem to behave like wild uncaged animals! The toilet blocks are......well thank goodness we use iuyr own. Most people on here are retired and if I said that the place has changed beyond recognition within 24 hours would be the understatement. I have been assured that they will all be leaving by Sunday. We have to go to bed when they do and get up when they do! Put it like this if they don't we will!
The thing is it s not all the kids its fully grown Spanish men! They are wandering round now as I type this singing some childish song and it's only 7pm at night! What will it be like by midnight?! Help!
I know that I am in their Country but PLEASE a little respect for other people and their property!
Oh what is it all about? In my ramblings I forgot to say they go crazy for Halloween or All Saints Day. What day was it? 31st Oct I was driving between Dolores and Catral when the Guardia Civil were doing point duty at the Cemetery! The Cemetery! Well the florists must have made a fortune. I have never seen so many beautiful flowers going into a cemetery! Get real! Its American rubbish! Have All Saints Day or whatever but Halloween and for a week?! Carry on like this and they will soon find a real!

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