Sunday 3 November 2013

Camping Marjal -today is another day! Well if you hadnt. gathered yesterday was not one of my better days! Oh I went out and bought a new TV . It took me and a neighbour nearly all day to get the bloody thing working but hey eventually it was going. I turned it off and tried to make a Neal in the caravan.bI found myself ripping Dave's head off because I was getting ratty saying "pardon' because I couokdnt hear him for the man behind! That's how bad it was.
Eventually the great moment of sitting down and watching British TV arrived......guess what was on? Bloody football! I ask you three months plus of pining for British TV and its football! How I didn't throw the new TV out the window I do not know! Remedy-eat a bar of whole but chocolate instead!( it was a 'dry night' last night) I have found living like this out is far too easy and cheap to drink wine every day so I make myself have 'dry nights ' now and again-just to give the old liver a chance!
This morning was wonderful I the Spanish behind us packed up! Yeah! I took Ann Marie and Dave to San Isidro market and they were greatly impressed. I was good I spent Nothing! Yes Nothing! Now that's a first!
Its lovely sitting here now. 29 in the sunshine. I spoke to the Swiss people behind and one of their motorhomes was damaged by the Spanish. Marjal really needs to learn that they do not camp like all the other European campers. The other worrying thing that has been highlighted by this weekend is that they don't have insurance! A CCI should be compulsory ( camping card international) which covers third party liabilities or keep all the Spanish together!
Anyhow I have put my pointed hat away now and my broomstick is away for another year-time to chill in the sunshine. Adios amigos!

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