Thursday 14 November 2013

Caravan Club European Tours -I cant believe my luck!

OK after several e mails from the Caravan Club asking me what Tours I would like to Host-I have been asked to lead three! One is "highlights of Spain' that I have hosted before but is really brilliant. Its all the major cities of Spain. It really does show that Spain is far more than beaches and the Cost as so I'm looking forward to that. The next Tour is the champagne Tour in France which I haven't done before-as if I'd do any drinking?! But the third tour.....I can't wait! Its 47 days though. It will be hard work but hard fun. Its called the 'Riviera Tour Grand Tour'and looks amazing. I have been to all the countries before and many of the campsites but I haven't visited all these I a lucky girl or what?! Is it September yet?! Lol

Sorry guys I have a new tablet and don't know how to turn the photos around! Lol

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