Friday 22 November 2013

Winter Campers are Happy Campers and Honest Campers!

There are so many dishonest people in life that sometimes you can easily get a very distorted view of the world. I have always thought that there are far more nice people than there are bad and yesterday my point was proven.
On Wednesday night my silly hubby left his watch in the gents showers. He got back to the caravan and realised what a plonker he had been only to find it had gone! He was gutted. The lads at work had bought it for him when he retired ( why he would want to know the time when he is retired is beyond me but there we go!) I put posters up around the site offering a reward etc etc and nothing.
Last night I went to the reception and thought that I would ask yet again if anyone had handed it in and .....'is this it?!"

Its not of any great financial value but sentimental. The finder did not leave his name. I don't know if you read my bloig but whoever you are somewhere on Marjal THANK YOU! You really do restore my faith in human nature!

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