Sunday 17 November 2013

Winter Camping in Spain Marjal Costa Blanca Brrrr!

Wow! What a difference in 24 hours. We awoke yesterday and it was definitely chilly. We decided to go shopping at LA Marina. As we drove along we suddenly realised that the mountains nearby were covered in snow! It was unreal because it was still about 16 degrees out and about. I understanding thast during the night it went down to 7 degrees but I didn't stay up to find out!
I know its been pretty much the same again today buy here I am sitting sunbathing in my awning with all the front rolled down typing this. I can handle the cold nights as long as we get lovely sunshine like thus during the day when its no it too hoit to sit in.
This morning was San Isidro market ( just for a change!) How I love that scruffy market where I try to barter in my pigeon Spanish! Great fun though. I love being off the tourist trail.
Xmas and New Year planning is coming along nicely. We are going to Robertos for Christmas lunch anbd hiring a coach.
NewYears Eve sounds great fun. The Spanish tend to go mad and take over the bar and restaurant. Last year it was 65 euros a ticket with kids running a mock everywhere. All the other Europeans went out somewhere else.
We are planning on hiring a big marquee to put at the side of the outdoor pool and hiring our own entertainment. Pete and Chris ( who were professional entertainers on P and O ferries) are doing their bit. They are fantastic anbd Chris sounds like Karen Carpenter. Marjal are providing the bar and us our own food. The idea is thast its tickets only but come midnight we all join together on the plaza to see the New Year in. It sounds different and already I'm looking forward to it. The marquee does have sides in and heaters. I wonder how many of us will finish in the pool though?!

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