Friday 29 November 2013

Winter Camping in Spain Brrrrrr Its cold! what's going on?!

What a shock this morning...brrrrr! Frost! Yes Frost on the cars! Ii thought it was a little cold when I got out of bed but whooooo-am I really in Spain?!

The weird thing as I type this its like someone has clicked a button-its bright sunshine now! It looks as though its going yo be lovely.
We had a great night last night at the bar here at Marjal. Alex and Roger had organised a Petanque competition during the afternoon and a bit of a bash in the evening. I don't play petanque but I certainly joined in their bash ( well it would be rude not to!) The place was packed. There was some dutch singer on who wasn't bad but the atmosphere was great with some lovely people there. The evening was so good that I may even take up petanque! Well done Roger and team for organising this!

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Winter Camping Marjal Costa Blanca Oh no.....Rain!

That was a novelty.....rain! I cant honestly remember the last time that I saw rain but it was maybe in France on my way down. That was October 13th. I dont want you all to worry too much about us rained through the night! I cant lie it wasnt red hot sunshine but we were still around in t shirts and jeans. I dont suppose thats too bad for the end of November. Wow just over a month away and its christmas. I cant believe that. Before I know it it will be spring and we will be off again like migrating birds!
Although I was supposed to be learning Spanish I have been practicing my french more! Tony who owns all the American Fifth wheels has had so many french customers who dont speak any english its been untrue. I didnt know that I could sell a fifth wheel never mind in french but I did! We have sold two this week and have lots of french interested. Here is Sues being delivered

This maybe isnt the best photography but it was hard to get it all in/the trailer is nearly 40 feet long! 

As Im typing this I am watching the News regarding the Romanians coming to the UK-My blood is boiling! Has anyone been to Romania? Has anyone met Romaninans in their home surroundings? I have and simply cannot understand what we are thinking of! The Country itself can best be described as third world. I dont mind anyone or any Country being poor but in my opinion there is absolutely no excuse for dirtiness/ The entire Country was generally dirty.Anyone can afford a bar of soap or bottle of Bleach! I can honestly say that I didnt meet a nice Romanaian person. The Hungarians were lovely,the Czech people but the Romanians.....just wanted to rip you off and take advantage to make a quick dishonest buck wherever possible. The minute we had crossed the border Dave said that he wanted to stop in the service area to go to the toilet. I have never known him pee so quick. He looked at me and said "What do you want a set of knives or an iphone 5?!" He was being followed by a man trying to sell them to him quite aggresively. 
 I am happy to pay through the nose as a Tourist but dont rip me off as well! I think that they were particuarly secret and suspicious of us so why the hell do we want them in the UK for?! Sorry but they have absolutely nothing to offer us in return! Thiswasnt meant to be p[olitical but PLEASE Mr Cameron or someone do something to save the rest of Europe and QUICK! 

Sunday 24 November 2013

Marjal Costa Blanca Winter Camping Fantastic new Spanish Rerstaurant in Almoradi La Vieja Pasada

Yesterday we went to try Robertos new Restaurant yesterday in the next town Almoradi. Wow! What a find! I had menu del dia which was just superb. Everything was of the highest quality and standard and not ridiculously expensive. I was drinking orange juice...yes orange juice that was freshly squeezed in front of me. Themeal was lamb. Three huge pieces of lamb and not a bit of fat...incredible! Thre setting is lovely and so spanish. I got a bit carried away with the place so heres some photos and all I can say..and Im not on comission.....its excellent! Good luck Roberto!

I may not be a domestic goddess but.......?! Winter camping at Marjal Costa Blanca

I know that there was a programme called 'That's Life' that showed silly signs etc. Well I found the daftest clothing label on the planet yesterday. Here is the washing instructions of my new cardigan from Tescos Hungary.....

What's that?! Unless its dirty wash at 30 degrees?! If it wasn't dirty why the bloody hell would I be washing it?! Do the Hungarians do something different?! Lol

Friday 22 November 2013

Winter Campers are Happy Campers and Honest Campers!

There are so many dishonest people in life that sometimes you can easily get a very distorted view of the world. I have always thought that there are far more nice people than there are bad and yesterday my point was proven.
On Wednesday night my silly hubby left his watch in the gents showers. He got back to the caravan and realised what a plonker he had been only to find it had gone! He was gutted. The lads at work had bought it for him when he retired ( why he would want to know the time when he is retired is beyond me but there we go!) I put posters up around the site offering a reward etc etc and nothing.
Last night I went to the reception and thought that I would ask yet again if anyone had handed it in and .....'is this it?!"

Its not of any great financial value but sentimental. The finder did not leave his name. I don't know if you read my bloig but whoever you are somewhere on Marjal THANK YOU! You really do restore my faith in human nature!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Winter camping Marjal Costa Blanca The weather-how British!

I promised my friends in the UK that I wasn't going to blog about the weather here anymore as it made them envious but in true British style over 100 people in the UK looked at my blog as the heading had the word 'weather' in it! What is this British obsession?! It really is yrue-the weather here is so much better!
Yes its cold at night but like one of those rare British summer days during the daytime with lots of sunshine and only t shirts and shorts required. Now I have also forgotten the amazing sunsets here. They really are something else...

The sun sets like this just about every night! What I really can't understand is why so many people CHOOSE to stay in the UK for winter! I have WiFi British TV, friends, spas, swimming pools,restaurants all at hand. My total monthly bill for all this is less than 300 euros a month! I would probably just be paying that in energy bills for my house!( not to mention council tax,water rates etc etc) It does break my heart on the few occasions that I go back to the UK and see a 20 k caravan parked on a driveway only to be taken out at weekends or for two weeks holiday in the summer-do they realise what they are missing?!
Maybe I shouldn't talk too much about it or all the campsites will be full in winter! Alicante airport is just down the road and its cheap enough to nip to and from the UK if you need to-havent they heard of aeroplanes?!
Planning for Christmas and New Year parties seems to be coming on nicely. Its also my mates birthday on New Years Day and each year we have had an extra drink or two getting tanned! Not canned-TANNED! Lol 
Oh what to do today? A little sewing and an easy day...stress....decisions......I might just make it up for Happy Hour tonight so I had better conserve my energy! Lol

Winter Camping -Whats going on with the weather?

I saw snow on the mountains near here the other day but thought nothing of it as we have continued to have good weather. This area claims to have a special micro climate but how many times have we heard tourist Boards etc say that?! I am slowly and reluctantly beginning to believe its true though. OK so its only 10 degrees in the morning but during the afternoon its hot enough to sunbathe. I was amazed to see these pics on Facebook of an are approx 30_40 miles down the road. I have also taken a screenshot of this weeks weather for here...I couldn't make this up! I watched the BBC weather forecast last night and I know where I'm staying! Lol

Monday 18 November 2013

Noddy and Big Ears Camping Marjal Eco Resort Spain

As most of you know in my 'down time' from the Caravan Club I winter at Marjal. I help Tony with his fifth wheels that he sells down here. Tony brought an electric golf cart down and told us we could use it around the site as its good for advertising. I hadn't appreciated how silly they look but Led was determined to use it. Every Wednesdays and Thursdays is poker night at the bar and they thought it was a good idea to use the cart.....all I can think of is Noddy and Big Ears with some waif and stray they threw in the boot!

Sorry other pic isnt of great wuality- I had to snap it quick I think I will stick to riding my bike! Lol

Sunday 17 November 2013

Winter Camping in Spain Marjal Costa Blanca Brrrr!

Wow! What a difference in 24 hours. We awoke yesterday and it was definitely chilly. We decided to go shopping at LA Marina. As we drove along we suddenly realised that the mountains nearby were covered in snow! It was unreal because it was still about 16 degrees out and about. I understanding thast during the night it went down to 7 degrees but I didn't stay up to find out!
I know its been pretty much the same again today buy here I am sitting sunbathing in my awning with all the front rolled down typing this. I can handle the cold nights as long as we get lovely sunshine like thus during the day when its no it too hoit to sit in.
This morning was San Isidro market ( just for a change!) How I love that scruffy market where I try to barter in my pigeon Spanish! Great fun though. I love being off the tourist trail.
Xmas and New Year planning is coming along nicely. We are going to Robertos for Christmas lunch anbd hiring a coach.
NewYears Eve sounds great fun. The Spanish tend to go mad and take over the bar and restaurant. Last year it was 65 euros a ticket with kids running a mock everywhere. All the other Europeans went out somewhere else.
We are planning on hiring a big marquee to put at the side of the outdoor pool and hiring our own entertainment. Pete and Chris ( who were professional entertainers on P and O ferries) are doing their bit. They are fantastic anbd Chris sounds like Karen Carpenter. Marjal are providing the bar and us our own food. The idea is thast its tickets only but come midnight we all join together on the plaza to see the New Year in. It sounds different and already I'm looking forward to it. The marquee does have sides in and heaters. I wonder how many of us will finish in the pool though?!

Saturday 16 November 2013

Winter Camping in Spain-under pressure! Marjal Eco Resort

OK so its cooler at night now but its still lovely during the daytime. We certainly wouldn't be doing any of this in November in England!
I am not sure that I like my so called friend David Watson anymore as he's a bout too handy with his camera! I may as well confess Thursday night is "happy night' at the bar and its good for a get together.What we do to get one free drink?!
Anyhow last night we went to our friends opening do of a new restaurant. Its Robertos and if last night was anything to go by its going to be fan. A real Spanish restaurant. My translation isn't that good but I understand that the guy slicing the ham is an international slicer! Is there such a thing?! I really don't know but it looked and tasted good!
Well done Roberto and thanks for a great night.  Good luck but like 'The Terminator' we will be back!

Thursday 14 November 2013

Caravan Club European Tours -I cant believe my luck!

OK after several e mails from the Caravan Club asking me what Tours I would like to Host-I have been asked to lead three! One is "highlights of Spain' that I have hosted before but is really brilliant. Its all the major cities of Spain. It really does show that Spain is far more than beaches and the Cost as so I'm looking forward to that. The next Tour is the champagne Tour in France which I haven't done before-as if I'd do any drinking?! But the third tour.....I can't wait! Its 47 days though. It will be hard work but hard fun. Its called the 'Riviera Tour Grand Tour'and looks amazing. I have been to all the countries before and many of the campsites but I haven't visited all these I a lucky girl or what?! Is it September yet?! Lol

Sorry guys I have a new tablet and don't know how to turn the photos around! Lol

Winter camping at Matjal Costa Blanca -bring on the rain!

Well yesterday and today rain was forecast. It managed five or six spits not even enough to wet the ground and that was it! This morning started off a little cloudy but then hey-sunshine all afternoon!
I got the whip out today to take advantage of the clouds and tried to get Dave working and clean the roof of the caravan. I still don't know how but Dave Watson managed to be on the roof with my Dave passing him buckets of water! I really must learn to take lessons off him!

Tonight is Happy Hour. I have not had a drink for a week so I guess I'm allowed a couple of G& Ts well it would be rude not to go! Dare I tell them that I would like the roof polishing tomorrow before the Sahara sand storms come?! Maybe I all break it to them after a few drinks!

Monday 11 November 2013

Winter Camping Marjal Eco Resort Spain

Ahh I shouldn't complain but jeepers its hot today. They say it should be 26 degrees but it seriously feels a lot warmer. Is it really November?! If its like this tomorrow it may have to be a beach day,
Yesterday was spent cleaning out a lovely fifth wheel for Tony. When I got back in I could not believe my eyes. The Swiss people who were camping behind me had turned their motorhome around. Well thasts no problem to me but I can't help but wonder why the view of my chemical toilet is better than looking on to the campsite! Hmmm whatever floats your boat and all that! Lol I've just got to remember to close the door and blind! Why though?!
I've spent a fortune on the internet this morning. Its possible to spend 200 plus without leaving the caravan! I'm still replacing items discovered damaged by that damned tornado!
Well its been lovely here but the sunset here last night was totally awesome. I found this'd pic another camper has taken and I've 'borrowed' it!

No wonder it as so hot today!

Saturday 9 November 2013

Marjal Eco Resort Costa Blanca Busy doing noithing don't seem to have stopped but don't ask me what I've been doing! The weather continues to be gorgeous, although its now getting chilly on an evening ( 11 or 12 degrees) but to us that's cold now!
I spent Thursday cleaning out a lovely fifth wheel trailer for Tony. I couldn't help but laugh when I had finished cleaning it a lady came to look around it. I said " crazy isn't it. When I worked I had a cleaner. I stop working and I have really enjoyed cleaning this trailer out. A psychiatrist would lock me up!" The lady looked at ,me and said " I'm a psychiatrist consultant!" Oops must be careful your the Lady that could lock me up!lol What a close shave!
After being the camp scrubber all day we went out for a nice steak at Cafe Uno in Catral. Yum yum.
Today my good old Nexus 7 decided to die! Yes -hoiw dare it?! Panic it was like losing both my right and left arm. I went straight back to the shop that I bought it from. I didn't take or even bother looking for the receipt as I thought I had oiwned it about a year and had good use of it. As I walked in the lovely young man that served me nearly a year ago remembered me!  'We be never had a Nexus back. Are you sure its not under warranty?" To cut a long story shirt he found many details on his computer and it is not a year old therefore under guarantee! He then tried to fix it himself but couldn't so off its gone for repair. It will take a month! A month without a tablet?! Is he real?! He recommended a Lenovo tablet. I'd never heard if them before but so far its totally awsome and sooooi quick. A gadget that is great news for a traveller is that not only can you expand its memory with an SD card but it holds two sim cards so you can buy data when WiFi isn't available! At last! I haven't been impressed with Skynetlink as its always needing rebooting so we will see hoiw this pay as you go data goes.
Oh laugh tonight I went to the local Chinese restaurant tonight. A three course meal is 5.95 inc half a brittle of wine. I didn't fancy Chinese so I asked choir egg and chips with chicken. OK so I don't know whether it was my Spanish or the waitresses that let me down but I finished up with chicken,omelette and chips! OK so no duncking my chips in my egg! It was different....tomorrows another day! Lol

Tuesday 5 November 2013

Winter Camping Marjal Eco Resort Daily Life
Well life continues here to be so busy. Where is this year going? I can't believe that its November. I am sitting in my nightie in my awning at 7am and its not even cold! Yesterday it was about 28 degrees but there was a bit of a breeze. Today looks as though its going to be lovely too. Why would anyone choose to stay in the UK is beyond me? Dark nights,big energy bills etc etc-must be mad. At least we have the best of both worlds with family flying out to us quite often thanks to being near Alicante airport. My entire electric bill last winter was a big Zilch and my gas was 16 euros for the whole winter!
OK so its Wednesday today. Tuesday saw another fab barbecue party at Lynne and Nigel's. I spent the evening alone ( Dave doesn't normally drink whiskey and I see why!)
Yesterday I went to line dancing class with Angie which believe it or not was hard work but great fun and today its my Spanish lesson and a real fist-Ive done my homework! ( swot!) I'm going to the advanced class today so expect to see me back 5 minutes later! Lol
Oh yes and then a party this afternoon! Any excuse- bonfire night! I know it was meant to be yesterday but it was windy-so its today-really spanish-manana!
Dawn is breaking over the palm trees in the field and already there is a lovely red glow. Its going to be a mother lovely day. I don't know if I can stand this pace. I still have a vacancy for a P.A. to keep up with the Social Life here-oooo just remembered Dave is double booked tonight its poker and bonfire party! Oh dear I will just have to go to the party alone-life is tough!

Monday 4 November 2013

Marjal Eco Resort Costa Blanca -It hell here!

I can't believe that I have been back here a week. I have been so busy...doing nothing! Its a full time job! Yesterday was my favourite market at San Isidro. Full of everything if you can find it! Its a typical Spanish market where no one speaks English but cheap! Oh yes. They are virtually giving fresh fruit and veg away. Dave bought a pair of leather shoes for 12 euros! I told him not to be so reckless with money! They are pretty decent too! That's a tenner for a pair of men's leather shoes?! I do spoil him.
I nicely got back from the market and friends came and asked why I wasn't as their barbecue party? I didn't think that I had been invited but apparently I had been and had a senile moment ( no change there then!) I swear that my hair colour at the moment ( blonde) is working far too well!
OK so last night another social engagement. Roberto the bar manager that I have known for several years was leaving...well it would have been rude not to have gone to the bar and bought him a drink! We will skip the rest because...lIm sure you can imagine! ( no not like that-dirty minds!) Lol
This morning a bit of chilling out but then I forgot again..,another barbecue today so I must go! Worse still a street party tomorrow as its bonfire night! I can't cope! I need a diary and somehow I had hoped to fit in a sdpanish lesson and line dancing! I need a P.A! Please send a CV!

Sunday 3 November 2013

Camping Marjal -today is another day! Well if you hadnt. gathered yesterday was not one of my better days! Oh I went out and bought a new TV . It took me and a neighbour nearly all day to get the bloody thing working but hey eventually it was going. I turned it off and tried to make a Neal in the caravan.bI found myself ripping Dave's head off because I was getting ratty saying "pardon' because I couokdnt hear him for the man behind! That's how bad it was.
Eventually the great moment of sitting down and watching British TV arrived......guess what was on? Bloody football! I ask you three months plus of pining for British TV and its football! How I didn't throw the new TV out the window I do not know! Remedy-eat a bar of whole but chocolate instead!( it was a 'dry night' last night) I have found living like this out is far too easy and cheap to drink wine every day so I make myself have 'dry nights ' now and again-just to give the old liver a chance!
This morning was wonderful I the Spanish behind us packed up! Yeah! I took Ann Marie and Dave to San Isidro market and they were greatly impressed. I was good I spent Nothing! Yes Nothing! Now that's a first!
Its lovely sitting here now. 29 in the sunshine. I spoke to the Swiss people behind and one of their motorhomes was damaged by the Spanish. Marjal really needs to learn that they do not camp like all the other European campers. The other worrying thing that has been highlighted by this weekend is that they don't have insurance! A CCI should be compulsory ( camping card international) which covers third party liabilities or keep all the Spanish together!
Anyhow I have put my pointed hat away now and my broomstick is away for another year-time to chill in the sunshine. Adios amigos!

Saturday 2 November 2013

Love Spain but camping with the Spanish?!

When I first started on this journey to be fair I was warned about how bad the Spanish were at camping but I didn't totally believe them. Unfortunately for the second time I have really discovered just how bad they can be!
So we are all nicely set up. A nice mixture of different nationalities. Behind me was a spare pitch and either side are Swiss people in £100k plus motorhomes. The spare pitch was taken in between them and directly behind me by the family from hell! Their little caravan is less than one metre from my caravan. A young couple with a boy aged five and a toddler aged about eighteen months. Promptly the youngster started banging on my caravan with his fists! He was not told off by mum and dad. He then promptly was about to go for a pee against one of the £100k motorhomes until the Swiss woman caught him! Hmmm how to impress your neighbours!
OK so the noise was horrendous. Youngster crying at about 10 pm because he was tired. Simple solution by father invite his friend around and have a beer and shout over the youngster! We couldn't even hear our TV in our own caravan!
Today its just as bad. A kindergarten has developed in the street or junior Barcelona! Using caravans and motorhomes as goalposts! What is wrong with these people?! I'm not just talking of one family they seem to behave like wild uncaged animals! The toilet blocks are......well thank goodness we use iuyr own. Most people on here are retired and if I said that the place has changed beyond recognition within 24 hours would be the understatement. I have been assured that they will all be leaving by Sunday. We have to go to bed when they do and get up when they do! Put it like this if they don't we will!
The thing is it s not all the kids its fully grown Spanish men! They are wandering round now as I type this singing some childish song and it's only 7pm at night! What will it be like by midnight?! Help!
I know that I am in their Country but PLEASE a little respect for other people and their property!
Oh what is it all about? In my ramblings I forgot to say they go crazy for Halloween or All Saints Day. What day was it? 31st Oct I was driving between Dolores and Catral when the Guardia Civil were doing point duty at the Cemetery! The Cemetery! Well the florists must have made a fortune. I have never seen so many beautiful flowers going into a cemetery! Get real! Its American rubbish! Have All Saints Day or whatever but Halloween and for a week?! Carry on like this and they will soon find a real!