Wednesday 28 August 2013

caravan journey from hell in france -what a day!

Yesterday I drove from Lyon to Zeebrugge. I really thought that someone upstairs had fallen out with us 155 minute delay on the A26 but we made the ferry. The 'pride of Bruges'. All I can say is if that ferry is that cities pride the rest of it must be terrible! Anyhow it sailed us across to blooming old Hull but my troubles started all over again! My car was parked on the ramp. Behind our car was a lovely Ferrri. ( no I didnt touch it!) Suddenly there was a loud bang. The hydraulics on the boat had failed! We were stuck on the ferry for a good hout and a half -maybe two hours. I had to be in Preston Lancashire to pick up my new caravan from Campbells at 12.30 and then drive back to Hull to get the ferry to get me to Holland! Stress or what?! I did get to Campbells dead on 12.30! What a lovely suprise. I am over the moon with my new caravan. The service from Campbells and in particular Karl was fantastic. I tell you in the face of adversity there are some great people. Just having a large gin and tonic on a lovely ferry with an even lovlier caravan in the hold. Life is not dull -Holland in the morning 4 countries in 48 hours!

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