Sunday 25 August 2013

caravan journey from hell in france but I made front page!

Well we had driven through Lyon and the traffic was horrendous. We found a lovely campsite to the north and stayed the night. We were up ealy yesterday intending to head for Dijon.It slowly started to rain. I did not like the colour of the sky and as I was not in any rush pulled in at the first layby.The rain thudded down. I could hear hailstones whipping the car. The wind howled. Other cars had pulled up behind me. The car started rocking. I kept my engine running with headlamps and hazard warning lights going as visibity was so bad I was concerned that something could drive into the back of me. The car continued rocking. The sky was black. I could hear banging from hailstones. I was petrified. I was going to hold Daves hand as I thought that this was our end but decided to hang on to the handbrake instead! Suddenly the car moved by itself. We were aware something wasnt right but we sat still in the car as there was lightening about. It seemed like an age but in reality probably no more than five minutes. What we say was sheer carnage and scarey at that. The caravan was on its side hanging over a good ten foot drop and the rear end of the car was a good five fdet in the air! The pompiers and gendermarie were quick on the scene amazed that there were no casualties.Cars kept stopping and asking if we were Ok. Numerous cars except two on British plates one of which was towing a caravan (i hope they never need help!) I was dressed only in shorts a t shirt and flip flops and it continued to rain. I managed to contact the Caravan Clubs Red Penant who were organising recovery. Whilst we waited cold wet and totally in shock one of the many helpful french passerbys stopped and asked if we would like something to eat and drink ANYTHING would be just fine! We continued to wait. As we did so overhead power cables started crackling with smoke coming from them.( nothing to do with us!) Our Frenchman returned. He had bought sandwiches crisps and drink.He wouldnt take a penny or rather cent from me. Whoever you were I cannot express my gratitude but a huge thank you. The caravan was recovered to a garage. Everything and I mean everything is sodden. The caravan is a write off. We have what we stand up in! The insurance have put us in a hotel and we can see what we can salvage tomorrow. If its any consilation I got up this morning and we made front page of the newspapers! Worst tornado since 1999 winds of 155kph. 35 people injured and 10 cars damaged. Ok we were luck thank god I stopped! Much as I loved my caravan it is just that! We are alive!

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