Wednesday 14 August 2013

Camping life in Spain. Work v retirement? Some things I just dont get!

OK so I am about to leave Spain. I have to be honest and say that generally it is a really beautiful country and can certainly hold its own with France and other holiday destination Once away from the Costas there are some real hidden gems. Like all different countries Spain has some weird and whacky traditions. Some I admire greatly and some should be forgotten and consigned to the bin. Their appetite for fiestas and fireworks is just mind blowing-almost weekly in this area and quite often no one even knows what they are celebrating! I was kept awake last night by fireworks going off until the early hours. I have so that tomorrow is a 'red' day and Friday is a 'floating' i and then its the weekend and then...'its august its too hot to work!"How anything gets done around here is really beyond me and don't get me going about siestas! So 'what is a red day?" Maybe its called that as I see red because of them! Each area/town have their own red days and unlike our bank holidays that are normally on a Monday they can choose any day of the week and they do! The strange thing is that if you own a shop and wanted to open on a red day the Guardia civil come and shut you down and fine you! The only exception being if all your staff are members of your family. Whilst I accept tradition there are so many of these that I can't help but wonder if this is half the trouble with the mess that Spain finds itself in. The places are rammed with tourists and they decide to close the shops derrr! Whilst I am having my rant... I went to the local caravanning and camping shop. In winter the shelves are bare because its 'low season'. I went yesterday to find it closed as it had now reverted to summer hours which means it is only open for half a day! There are so many caravanners around and they decide to close?!! Oh yes a lot of businesses and factories give their workers a whole month off on top of all the national holidays and red days!I think I want to become a Spanish worker its nearly as hard as being retired! After writing this I have just found out that things are even sillier. My mum (who is getting on now) has a water leak on her fifth wheel. It was all arranged for Andy to fix it tomorrow 'sorry no can do. Its a red day. If the Guardia civil come round and catch me working I get a two thousand euro fine,they seize my van and all my tools!" Cor blimey that's a bit steep-in the meantime can anyone lend my mum some water wings?!

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