Wednesday 7 August 2013

camping in spain

OK so here we are at Marjal Costa Blanca. Few people in the UK will have any sympathy its 39 degrees and boiling. Whilst I generally love this campsite it is full of Spanish with their happy dogs and unruly children. The beautiful pool is almost inaccessible as its standing room only as too many day passes are being sold. Such a shame. Roll on the end of high season when this returns to one of the best campsites in Europe. Its far too hot to do anything. I went to the shopping centre in Elche today and I could have stayed there all day. Not to just spend money but to enjoy the air con! Oh yes girlies there is a Primary less than ten miles away at Spanish prices but better still with sales on! I didn't do a lot yesterday as it was so hot but I did find a diary that I started to write when I started this mad adventure. Please check it out on this page and I will continue to try and reprint it all bit by BT. Its something that all caravanners/campers have experienced at some time or another. It would have been so much easier if blogs were more accessible when I started out but as they say 'better late than never'. I also intend to keep a page entitled "caravan humour' relating to all the daft things that have happened to us or our trusty camping friends of all nationalities. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to share any of your mad/embarrassing moments!

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