Saturday 31 August 2013

Caravan Club Transylvanian Tour -Holland. country one!

A great start to the Tour. Not only did everyone get here in one piece but they all seem mad as hatters! We met in the bar at Den Driesch and I had the horrible job of opening the Rally but they were a really kind bunch and even applauded me at the end. The funniest bit was when the bar staff offered to lend me a microphone!Me?!! I was just relieved that it was over with_I could now enjoy the evening! It turned out that two people Bob and Kay shared a birthday yesterday and Kay's husband Vince had bought her a very big and lively cake so we all had double puds after the meal! ( I really like Vince!) I also have another new best friend Julia what a godsend on a Tour like this-she speaks loads of languages! Lol. She has let me down slightly as she doesn't speak Romanian or Hungarian! Lol The meal in the restaurant here was good but the amazing thing is that everyone immediately was chatting-they have never met each other before except for a few who were my troublesome table (those who have been with us on tours before!) I really have good vibes about this tour. I will try and add a few pics but after opening the Tour I forgot about my blog! Dennis and Hilary are first away today so for us its this afternoon=watch out Germany here we come! I've also added our welcome to some good friends Alistair and Sheila Kerr -some people just won't take a hint will they?!lol

Friday 30 August 2013

Happy Caravanning in Holland start of caravan club tour!

I don't know if it's possible to be 'ferry lagged' but I certainly am! I'm not even sure at times what country I'm in! We arrived at Camping Den Driesch yesterday afternoon. The narrow entry to the campsite certainly tested by towing skills with the new caravan! The sat nav decided to take me through a narrow housing estate but hey we are here! A few other members if the Tour are already here. First problem was that the battery hadn't charged long enough for the motor mover to work! Shit happens just roll up those sleeves and away we go! Van in place then unloaden the car-no mean task but its done. The caravan has so many bbuttons and dials that we didn't have time to figure out but the bed looked comfortable (once we had taken the plastic off!) Forgetting that I was in Holland I went to sleep really quickly with all the windows open. I woke up this morning and opened the outside door it was blooming freezing! I went back in the caravan and I was as warm as toast?! What was going on?! Bonus it has an automatic central heating system!lol I loved Friday but I can't get over how much caravans have advanced in only four years. This is amazing and I never thought that I could move another caravan as much but hey.....I'm falling! Lol Tomorrow we meet the others over a meal and then Germany here we come!

Wednesday 28 August 2013

caravan journey from hell in france -what a day!

Yesterday I drove from Lyon to Zeebrugge. I really thought that someone upstairs had fallen out with us 155 minute delay on the A26 but we made the ferry. The 'pride of Bruges'. All I can say is if that ferry is that cities pride the rest of it must be terrible! Anyhow it sailed us across to blooming old Hull but my troubles started all over again! My car was parked on the ramp. Behind our car was a lovely Ferrri. ( no I didnt touch it!) Suddenly there was a loud bang. The hydraulics on the boat had failed! We were stuck on the ferry for a good hout and a half -maybe two hours. I had to be in Preston Lancashire to pick up my new caravan from Campbells at 12.30 and then drive back to Hull to get the ferry to get me to Holland! Stress or what?! I did get to Campbells dead on 12.30! What a lovely suprise. I am over the moon with my new caravan. The service from Campbells and in particular Karl was fantastic. I tell you in the face of adversity there are some great people. Just having a large gin and tonic on a lovely ferry with an even lovlier caravan in the hold. Life is not dull -Holland in the morning 4 countries in 48 hours!

Monday 26 August 2013

caravan journey from hell in france update

Ive come to the conclusion that we are totally mad!I have bought a brand new caravan that I havent even seen from campbells of preston. I have given them a list of what extra eqpt I require and ive told them to put it in the new caravan that I will pick up at 12.30 on wednesday!The caravan club have been fantastic and booked me a ferry from zeebrugge to Hull tomorrow night. I then drive to Preston Lanc s collect the caravan and back out the same night Hull to Holland to start the mad Transylvania Tour in Holland! It was very hard work and sad stripping my beloved old caravan. I loved and cared for her. I was going to keep her until she dropped but I never expected a tornado to drop her! Friends family and total strangers have all been fantastic anx I thank you all. Onward and upward. More wandering to be done! R.I.P my beloved Friday. You will be a hard act to follow. Thank you for some very special times

Sunday 25 August 2013

I broke that caravan-send me another to france-now!

Ok so yesterday was not a good day. Even the toilet bag that I bought at the supermarket had a huge hole in it.!worse still was the two horribly sweet bottles of wine that I bought by mistake (dont worry I still managed to drink ig!) Sunday in a nice hotel in france and there is not a lot to do except go on the internet. Ouch! I lost my head! I saw a caravN that was the same layout as Friday brand new. I telepboned the salesman and told him my plight. I managed to negotiate 4k off the asking price! He nearly fell over when i said it would be paid for and picked up this week if my car is deemed safe for towing tomorrow. 'You cant just buy a caravan like that. You havent seen it!' Grrrr'no shiit sherlock and why not?!' I am now the proud owner of a Lunar 535 cosmos!

caravan journey from hell in france but I made front page!

Well we had driven through Lyon and the traffic was horrendous. We found a lovely campsite to the north and stayed the night. We were up ealy yesterday intending to head for Dijon.It slowly started to rain. I did not like the colour of the sky and as I was not in any rush pulled in at the first layby.The rain thudded down. I could hear hailstones whipping the car. The wind howled. Other cars had pulled up behind me. The car started rocking. I kept my engine running with headlamps and hazard warning lights going as visibity was so bad I was concerned that something could drive into the back of me. The car continued rocking. The sky was black. I could hear banging from hailstones. I was petrified. I was going to hold Daves hand as I thought that this was our end but decided to hang on to the handbrake instead! Suddenly the car moved by itself. We were aware something wasnt right but we sat still in the car as there was lightening about. It seemed like an age but in reality probably no more than five minutes. What we say was sheer carnage and scarey at that. The caravan was on its side hanging over a good ten foot drop and the rear end of the car was a good five fdet in the air! The pompiers and gendermarie were quick on the scene amazed that there were no casualties.Cars kept stopping and asking if we were Ok. Numerous cars except two on British plates one of which was towing a caravan (i hope they never need help!) I was dressed only in shorts a t shirt and flip flops and it continued to rain. I managed to contact the Caravan Clubs Red Penant who were organising recovery. Whilst we waited cold wet and totally in shock one of the many helpful french passerbys stopped and asked if we would like something to eat and drink ANYTHING would be just fine! We continued to wait. As we did so overhead power cables started crackling with smoke coming from them.( nothing to do with us!) Our Frenchman returned. He had bought sandwiches crisps and drink.He wouldnt take a penny or rather cent from me. Whoever you were I cannot express my gratitude but a huge thank you. The caravan was recovered to a garage. Everything and I mean everything is sodden. The caravan is a write off. We have what we stand up in! The insurance have put us in a hotel and we can see what we can salvage tomorrow. If its any consilation I got up this morning and we made front page of the newspapers! Worst tornado since 1999 winds of 155kph. 35 people injured and 10 cars damaged. Ok we were luck thank god I stopped! Much as I loved my caravan it is just that! We are alive!

Thursday 22 August 2013

fab campsite at narbonne

We left Vilanova Park this morning and headed into France. Despite having the latest Sat Nav the sneaky Spaniards had built new blooming roads! Traffic was heavy and it seemed to take forever to get to Narbonne. We normally stay at Camping La Nautica. A quaint large site owned by dutch people. Each pitch has its own bathroom but they are getting old and tired. Normally I pay 16 euros a night. I pulled up this afternoon and they wanted 40.50 euros to stay the night! Well being of a Scottish/Yorkshire mix there was absolutely no way that I was going to pay that for what facilities I would use. I picked up the Caravan Club book and found a remote,hidden beautiful gem for 28 euros. Still dear enough but I guess it us h igh season. The views are to due for and it's so quiet. I'm not going to give the location away because I want to keep it a secret as there are only 16 pitches but given my photos I don't think you need to be Sherlock Holmes to work it out! Best but its open all year round' I will definitely use this again as a night halt talk about chilled and great free wi fi! Where to now?! OK so here come the pics! Did I add I have my own swimming pool?! Lol

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Vilanova Park Barcelona to France?!

We have had a wonderful couple of days doing not a lot. Really relaxing, which is hard to believe as its so busy. Thee is a great orderly feeling on this site with everything running like clockwork without rules and regulations everywhere. The animation team clearly do a very good job. In the morning you will see gangs of hound boys wearing their football strips going to play football. Yesterday morning on the central stage teenagers were having some competition that involved Spanish v French kids. So many different Europeans here but with a lovely atmosphere. During the evening the bars and restaurants were full. The music was not too loud. It was good old fashioned fun English music the macorina'(if that's how you spell it!) Etc with everyone of all nationalities joining in. At midnight it went silent-fantastic! As I write this I have just been disturbed! Yes my peace shattered....only by two red squirrels running down the tree besides me, Typically no camera to hand! I have always hated camping in Spain in high season as generally the sites become noisey and dirty but here I have found an exception. Oh the staff are all wonderful and the reception staff are extremely helpful. I shall be sorry to go but France is calling. The weather is slightly cooler in the twenties and it feels fresher. Well guys this really is adios as I get the old man out of bed and let's get on the road again.

Tuesday 20 August 2013

Camping Vilanova Park Barcelona Spain

We are finally on the move! Thanks to all our friends for their help. We had a great run up to Vilanova Park. This place is amazing and one I would recommend to anyone. For all we got the last available pitch last night (and there are 1800) it has managed to stay calm,clean,quiet and well organised. The weather remains good. Off tomorrow for a bit of the old 'bonjouring!" Have we booked anywhere?! Have we heack 'where the road and the sunshine take me!" Some pics of Vilanova