Tuesday 5 August 2014

Oo LA LA another lovely day

Well two days running on the internet wow-even if they do know how to charge. Life is good here. The weather is what makes it so perfect. Its actually hotter than southern Spain but there is always a pleasant warm breeze and checking on the internet last night the humidity is only half as dense. You can sleep at night.
I started the day by walking. The views were amazing

Well everything in moderation! You didn't think I'd taken up serious walking did you?! Yes,it was pure cafe au lait! So very english. I was tempted to do another bout of exercise on my way in but it was closed

Its probably the first time that I have actually seen the pool as its so busy! Its a funny place this. You would think that I was in Holland. The French and the Brits are definitely in the minority. People watching on the beach isn't as much fun. Its a bit of a give away as they are all tall and blond and nearly all the young studs wear orange shorts! OO if only I was younger! Its a very popular campsite and I can see why.
There is entertainment that starts at 9.30 pm now that's the real giveaway as to nationalities. We are normally sipping a glass of vino or two quietly when we are disturbed by kiddies pushchairs! The French and the odd english think its OK to take a toddler out at that age and wonder why the thing is crying! I would bloody cry if I was being dragged up there! Helllooooo...the child is tired! We have a family next to us in a tent. The child is grizzly all day, the parents constantly tell it off and then drag it out at bedtime! Well I'm certainly not mother nature or a rocket scientist but to me they must be having the holiday from hell that is self inflicted! Worse still is that when they do go to sleep in their tent the father snores! It does take all sorts!
Tomorrow is a great exciting day for us. My daughter and granddaughter are flying out. Montpellier airport is only 35 minutes drive away. Well thats what the sat Nav reckons! We have to find it in all the heavy traffic! Maybe after babysitting a 4 year old for a while I will be dragging her up to the entertainment! Secretly I am so excited-I can actually go and play in the sea and the pool with my rubber ring( as if I really needed an excuse!) I will be able to go down the water flume without people saying " look at that silly old woman!". It will be OK you see as they will think that I am doing it to be a nice granny! Well I'm not. I'm doing it because I WANT to!
Growing up? Responsible? Me? Never!
So talking of being responsible and grown up.....I had better get tidy and do the housework...no wait a minute..am I really tidying up for a 4 year old coming?! I had better go outside and have a word with myself! Phew what a panic I had then! Have a good day folks!

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