Tuesday 12 August 2014

Family camping south of France in high season!

Well all I can say that staying at Domains de Yole has certainly been an experience and really given us some happy memories and excelled at our people watching facilities!
Yes its high season. Yes its busy. Its 5 star so it has absolutely everything here to keep a child happy well everyone its just the other campers at 70 euros a night! Whilst we have been here, we are camped next to the family from hell who surely must have the most miserable child that ever existed. We go to sleep to its crying and wake to the same noise. Its not actually a cry but a whinge-Id give it a bloody whinge and I'm a child lover! Its the parents though who think its a good idea to take it out at 9.30 at night instead of putting the thing to bed. It makes a refreshing change though-Any campsite I usually manage to find the obligatory happy dog!
So last night whilst the thing next door was whinging a Spanish family pulled up opposite. There is every nationality here. A young girl approached me and asked me if I could help her with her gas light as she had lost the base. Doesn't everyone carry a spare base?! She was with her parents and spoke my language fluently. A mixture if French and Spanish..my language is catching on! I went inside the van to find a spare light and as I turned around they were on fire! The parents had lit the unsafe light! Luckily it was put out very quickly but the Spanish camper in particular excel! Needless to say they were grateful if my spare little lamp. ( if only they knew it cost about 90 cents from a Chinese shop in Spain!)
Its lovely to see families having fun together instead of just us white harled nomads but I really don't know how they afford it. At reception yesterday was a lady with 2 kids willing to pay 90 euros a night but couldn't get a space. She was told to come back at 8 am the following day. She's just going to wild camp. Who can blame her? Is she safe though? With all the things in the media about kids school holidays maybe in places such as this they could extend their season and allow parents to take their kids out from June to October? It would certainly make pools etc safer ( 7 lifeguards on duty yesterday!)and everyone's holiday less cramped. The kids would still benefit and you never know the prices could come down a little?! OK so maybe not Ryanair!How mad is it that everyone in Europe is trying to have their holidays in the same places in the space of six weeks?! OK off my soapbox now!
The weather here has been quite good except yesterday when there was strong winds ( no not the baked bean type!) We had promised Molly another day at the beach but...it was hell! Sand everywhere, even the wind shelter collapsed and then it clouded over! I would love to have taken a pic but thank god with all that sand about I didn't! We collected a few shells and survived about an hour so it was off to the campsite farm with granny. I'm still smarting over it 5 euros to see a donkey,2 pigs, a few goats,2 cows and some rabbits! Ever been had?! A farm?! Ahh but don't worry entrance is free if you buy a meal......it would have been about 120 euros for us to have eaten there...what a bargain?! I just paid my 5 euros gracefully and Molly at least seemed to enjoy it! We are in silly season in the south of France! Today is another day and we might try the sand sand sandwiches again! Half of me doesn't want to leave the campsite though as the Spanish I feel are going to provide better entertainment than any animation team could provide..their entrance was flame throwing..I can't help but wonder what their next act will be?!
Ahh well whingy Sasha is up ( we've heard his parents yell at him that much we know his name and the dogs called Elvis!) Oh please...! I'm sure you can picture the scene...the dog escapes and they yell " Elvis!"yes that's a regular source if amusement too. I also wonder if their mothers posess  a full length mirror but that's a rant for another day! Off to get ready for the beach. Have a good day folks!

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